Yep, totally agree. We've seen it before with 'must have' Christmas pressies (remember the Cabbage Patch fights?). Safest option - lockdown.
626 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2009
"the games/music/film industry invite "piracy" by producing so much shite and robbing the consumer in the first place...."
Really? While I agree that there's a load of crap being peddled in the entertainment industry at the mo, to claim that it's "inviting" piracy is somewhat ridiculous. This is like saying that poeple are more likely to steal groceries from Farmfoods because the quality isn't as good as Waitrose.
There are all manner of ways you can try games and see movies before you buy. A number of outlets provide a rental service that delivers to your door - LoveFilm, for example, will bung you unlimited streams and films/DVDs* for less than a tenner a month. Got to be better than piracy.
Either way you look at it, piracy is theft. Most of us have done it (probably) and it'll never go away. But there's no such thing as a valid excuse.
*Yep, you can only have 2 physical discs at any one time, but the principle remains.
So can we assume the smashed article never made it back to the original seller? The update from PayPal suggests that it is illegal to post counterfiet goods back to the original seller, so, even in a smashed state, sending it back would be against the law.
So, what's to say that the buyer realises he's got a good violin, smashes up a second hand, mass produced (and cheaper) instrument, and then claims he/she's destroyed the self same unit??
A mole with cataracts can see this stinks!
...but Amiga Format provided a coverdisk with Cannon Soccer - basically Cannon Fodder with the little fellas from Sensible Soccer as well as soldiers. In order to make it Christmassy the scene was a snowy football pitch and the nasties would through snowballs at you. There was also a couple of snowmen and presents and stuff.
"they are hot furnace-like planets completely inhospitable to any form of life."
Maybe within the conceptualisations of the mere human mind. But how do we know there isn't a race of super-being* who thrive on temperatures of this magnitude and are, as we speak, planning their despicable plan to move our own mother planet closer to Sol, so as to overthrow the human race and eat us all.
Keep watching the skies.....
*who I obviously welcome, and all that.
I see where AC-11:07 is coming from. Silent cars are NOT unsafe. What IS unsafe are the f*cking idiots who forget the most basic of road safety rules; Stop, LOOK, Listen. If you get Step 2 correct then you're doing well. Alternatively, feel free to use the multitude of pedestrian crossings that are springing up all over the place.
Thousands of deaf, hearing impeded and headphone-wearing folk cross the road every day without incident.
"Oh, and wasn't r2d2 owned by annakin and not obi-wan?"
Technically, no. R2D2 was a lowly Astromech droid in the employ of the Naboo defense force. He (well, 'it') got a commendation for being a brave, plucky so and so, and not getting smashed off the side of a Nubian spaceship like his 3 fellow droids when Amidala's lot tried to get through a Trade Federation blockade. He (it) then managed to blag a cushy number trundling around after Annakin, Obi-wan and all that for a few more films.
Annakin actually owned the less entertaining C-3PO, which he left behind with his mum. Obviously he was embarrassed by 3PO's existence because he hid behind a black mask and voice-changer for 3 films, so as not be recognised!
Glad someone stated the obvious. Of all the modern buildings I've worked in (quite a few in our company) none of them have openable windows. They're all bleedin bullet-proof affairs, welded shut with some form of adamantium!
Air con and security are normally stated as the reasons, but I reckon it's also to stop stressed-out project managers from hurling themselves to freedom.
...dragons aren't real. They're mythical beings. Nobody *really* knows how they fly. Maybe these dragons are well smart and have perfected the reverse-method of dodging arrows. I know that if I'd invented dragons I'd have 'em flying sideways as well. And upside down. Just for the hell of it!
So, let me get this straight. A group of people went to the bother of finding out whether a new, useful gimmick on a mobile phone is guilty of pro-life behaviour, and then posted their results to either inform or (more likely) ridicule?
Aside of the fact that more people would be up in arms if it gave explicit directions to abortion clinics (and, let's face it, the US can get a bit steamed up about this topic), surely most people who are in need of discreetly finding a suitable service would not announce it clearly into a fugging mobile phone, where all manner of bystander could hear.
...or would they..?
That last paragraph did look a bit sceptical - but that's not to say it's not true. As much as I like Costello I certainly wouldn't stump up over £200 for a bleedin' box set. I suppose the question is: does he get a percentage of the profits, or a flat-rate per unit sale? Or does he get a 'wage' for the whole deal?
Either way, I can't imagine he actually *needs* the money....
Gotta give this bloke his due - flying alongside a couple of jet 'planes with a strap-on* wing has got to be fun. I'm both impressed and envious in equal measure.
WRT ground launches - it's only got to be a matter of time before he cobbles something together. Some sort of rocket booster to get him up to speed (and altitude, probably) before opening up the turbines should do. Perhaps us commentards should design him something (like the PARIS and LOHAN projects).
Big thumbs up from me.
*heh-heh-fnaar-fnaar, etc....
Well, of course it's art. Because, if you want it to be, ANYTHING can be considered art. Even the written word. So, here's my artistic offering:
To put that drive on a plinth is the biggest fucking waste of time in the art world since an unmade bed and a goddam urinal. At least that huge pile of tyres LOOKED like something interesting - like a submarine! Anyone who stops to ponder the juxtaposition of the aesthetics of this device in the material world is an utter twat and needs fucking shooting!
There - feel free to criticise as you see fit. I can't be offended by your comments as it's art. So there. Now, I'm just gonna sit back and wait for my Turner Prize to turn up......
Shurely shome mishtake. Bond's not supposed to be believable. That's why it was so good. It all went wrong when someone thought it was a good idea to set the stories in the contemporary world.
Here's the fix - set all Bond films in the 60s, give him groovy gadgets with lasers and stuff, ensure that he humps his way through every female Soviet spy he happens across (as long as they're fit, natch), include an underwater scene (including gratuitous sub-aquatic snogging) and make sure there's at least 5 scenes where he beats up multiple assailants or a massive henchmen using a mix of ingenuity and very bad karate!
Oh yes, bring back the DB5.
If it's 'realism' you want, go and watch Bourne!
True. I've seen Doom running on all manner of stuff (there's even a 'sort-of' Spectrum version). Regardless of the platform it's still a great waste of time during those long, boring conference calls.
I remember having Zhadoom on my A1200 (with 160MHz ppc) and getting a better frame-rate than my mate's P60. Still play it now.
Utterly brilliant! Imagine listening to how the computer works to identify faults. Love it. Reminds me of some other computer audio oddities:
- Loading a speccy game and hearing it come through the little built in speaker
- The constant clicking of the Amiga DF0:
- The lovely phase shift you'd hear on an old TV when your Atari 2600 displayed a different colour
- The 'schlip-schlip' noise of the auto card reader
<nostalgic sigh>
btw - resisted the temptation to ask if it can run MW3!
Totally agree. I've got an extensive collection of handheld consoles and they get more playtime than even my Xperia Play (which I love). The advantage of the 'Play is that I can use it surrepticiously at work.
Handheld consoles have proper controls that are robust enough to do the job. And you can actually see what you're doing on the WHOLE screen - not the 65% that's not obscured by thumbs!
You're comparing a system released in 1994 (PS1) to a system released in 1996 (N64). Other than a higher bit-count (32 v 64) the N64 didn't offer much else over the PS1. Polygon counts were effectively comparable in-game, but the advantages of the N64s Reality Co-Processor (the only thing close to cutting edge on this system) were horrendously offset by the usage of cartridges. Trilinear filtering and 100 channel sound(!) were compromised because of this.
With respect to instant loading, yes, the cardridge-based media used in the N64 was much faster than the PS1's CD-ROM. So much so that Nintendo played heavily on this for its advertising campaign ("Other consoles use CD S-L-O-W"). But the cartridge format was 20 years old by the time the N64 came out - hardly current gen even in 1996.
In all fairness I play on my N64 more than my PS1 because the games are more fun - not necessarily technically better.
Sony have always been expensive, at least initially, but you do get cutting edge and devs have to work effing hard to keep the momentum up as the tech becomes outdated. Nintendo, on the other hand, haven't really been cutting edge since the SNES, but have that magic ingredient we call playability.
As for this handheld - yep, I'll be buying it. As good as my Xperia Play is, it's no absolute substitute for a 'proper' console. You really need something substantial for frenetic button-mashing and mobile phone buttons and touchscreens just seem too flimsy (oddly, though, the touchscreen on my DS seems perfectly robust). Here's hoping for an early price-drop!
Thanks for the rather obvious lecture on where electricity comes from. Working for an energy company I may have missed that bit!
Seriously, though, as others in this forum have mentioned, there needs to be some sort of evolution and/or development. When fossil fuels DO run out, where will we get electricity from? The only options currently are 'alternative' and, althought not hugely efficient at the moment, these methods are also developing. So, ten years from now, hydo/wind/solar solutions will be vastly better than they are now and perhaps more capable of providing a real solution.
Or, we can take your lead and eschew the most obvious forward path and then stumble around in the dark when the fuel runs out.....
I'm always interested to read about new e-cars - and the comments they garner on El Reg. But, despite the fact that those of a Clarkson disposition shudder at the thought, we all know that fossil fuels will run out and an alternative needs to gain a foothold now, while there's still time for development. Car manufacturers need to get a decent, well-priced e-car out to the masses if we don't want to revert back to horses, and they also need, at least, to have a standard for battery type/connection to enable quick swaps.
Thumbs up to Renault for this one. At least they've shown they've got the bottle tomake a decent stab.
..the Police HAVE to issue warnings as blatantly obvious as this. It's OK for those of us with IQs higher than our waist size, but there are a LOT of folk in the wilderness who are less savvy. Just look at all those caught out by 419 scammers - they're still being duped now. And lonely folk will still sign up to getlovedup.com (or whatever) and be totally ignorant of the fact that some people on the site are after something other than companionship. Sadly, I reckon we'll see more of these stories in future.
Got to say I largely agree with the sentiment that loud pipes save lives - my 535 Virago has straight-thru Cal slash pipes on it and you can hear it a whole town away. You only really notice how safe you are when you get on your pushbike and some tit in a tin box tries to occupy the same point in space-time!
Having said that, make the bloody driving tests harder and reduce the amount of nobheads on the roads! AND make them drive with earmuffs on so they actually learn to use their fugging EYES once in a while!
</rant> <breathe>
Imagine what may happen if your kid has a particularly weak immune system and you open a package at the breakfast table that is festooned with all manner of germs. Nasty.
I agree that it's a difficult law to police, but sometimes the fear of actually performing an illegal activity is enough to stop a sizeable portion of idiots sending potentially harmful shit through the mail!
Goldeneye wasn't regarded as the *best* FPS at the time due to technical brilliance, frame-rate, number of polygons or enemy AI. It was regarded as the best example of a movie tie-in with relation to a gaming genre. It actually followed the film and was bloody playable too - something that is only evident in a scant few tie-ins.
As for console vs pc for gaming - I'm sure there's a schoolyard forum you can join if you want to waste time on that argument (ho-hum).
Some good points about in-car options, but remember that metal boxes aren't that good for listening to music in anyway, so quality can take a back seat (hah). Anyhoo, FWIW, I have a 6CD multi-changer thing in the boot and a cassette deck on the dash (yep, and it's a 53 plate!). I got one of those magic cassettes with a jack-plug on it and use my MP3/phone/walkman* to listen to whatever I want.
Of course, the biggest problem is trying to hear the fugging thing when some twat in a 'hot hatch' pulls up next to me at the lights, gunning the bejeezuz out of his crappy 1.4 engine and vibrating my poor little Xsara to death with shitty drum and base!
*The MD Walkman - not the cassette one. That would be just plain daft!
I was wondering who'd be first to spot the obvious. Multi-skinned doors with additional impact bars, crumple-zones and airbag deployment wotsits all add to the overall size of the car. Not to mention the fact that car manufacturers like to point out exactly how much space there is in the boot, too.
Not much of a mention for 1950s Cadillacs with 60" bench seats I notice.....
Blimey! Has this chap upset you? I'm with you on your first statement, but the rest of your post is having an unprovoked pop at an individual. Bit unfair. So, here's a retort on his behalf (well, it's a quiet day today).
1. Maybe he saved up. Maybe he won the lottery. Maybe he worked lots of overtime. Maybe binmen in the company he worked for do, actually, earn more money than you think.
2. Because he wants to? I know some folk who spend days sat by a fugging river, watching a coloured bit of wood bobbing about. Maybe he REALLY wants an iPhone4S...?
3. Maybe he's retired and got a big handshake and pension. Maybe he no longer needs to work any more and doesn't need a job. Maybe he thinks you should just mind your own business!
There. (ho-hum)
As with previous stories of huge queues for iProducts, these comment pages will soon be awash with folk going on about how sad Apple Fanbois are and how pathetic it is that people will camp for up to 10 days to get their hands on one. They might be correct. Personally, I wouldn't, but I can't bemoan another man for his passion. However, you can't deny the evidence that these products are hitting the mark. I wish I could invent and market a product that gets this sort of following.
Now, where's the envy icon......
Not so sure...
I agree that Amazon have become synonomous with online books, but WHSmith has quite a loyal user-base (the one in my town is constantly busy). If this comes out just before Christmas (which it is) and appeals to the type of folk who normally wouldn't take a look at e-readers (which it may) and can offer over 1m publications for free, it might just do it. Add into that the fact that WHSmith can make offers inside its stores to its customers directly (i.e. not through a computer) and all of a sudden you start to get a pretty good business model.
Time will tell, I suppose.
I loved this on my old Miggy and played it to hell (and back). My mate had the MegaDrive version and I completed that as well (under a thinly-veiled guise of 'helping' him with it). The graphics, animation and use of sound were awesome in their day and there also a good story, too!! I was laid up with a bad back last year and couldn't move much. Within 10 minutes I had a MD emulator up and running with this on it and completed it again. Joy!
There was a sequal, Fade To Black, which was OK - completed it on the PS, but Delphine also released another game in a similar style on the Miggy called 'onEscapee' which didn't do so well. Worth checking out for the completists among us, though.