Ubuntu Hate?
How is this different from APKs on Android?
22 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2009
If people had bothered to actually see how it worked rather than towing the "AMAZON ADS" FUD would see that it is just an extra set of results at the bottom of the dash in the other results section.
What is wrong with a universal search in Ubuntu? That is what Google Now is on Android. For the average user being able to hit the super key and type in something they want to search for is useful. The local results are prioritised at the top and other web results at the bottom.
It is a new attempt. I see other search engines being able to be plugged in and a management screen to configure everything.
Give it a try and see how it works.
If you had read the article you would have read that they were claiming wind could handle 50% of the energy needs up to 2030. As noted in the article the 7.5 teraWatts would only account for 48% of the energy needs in 2012. Do we really expect a negative growth in energy usage over the next 18 years?
I recently got the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.7 Tablet as it is also a phone. I was using my Samsung Galaxy S (1) as my only internet device when not at work and I rarely make more than 5 calls a week.
The 7.7" AMOLED Plus screen is brilliant for browsing and reading and the device is small enough to just fit in a pocket so I carry it everywhere. Yes a look stupid making calls but as they are so few the benefits far outweigh this drawback.
The Nexus 7 with 3g will be a worthy successor to this tablet even if it does not support voice calling as SIP or other voip over 3g will alleviate this lack.
I think the iPad Mini will not be as useful because if Apple sticks with a 4:3 ratio the device will be too wide to fit into a pocket. If you don't always carry the device what is the point of getting the smaller one.
Don't let the size dissuade you.
Most stand alone GPSs are slow to get a first lock because they have to download data about the GPS satellite orbits from the GPS satellites. About 56KB of data but the download rate is really slow and often times out. Once the device has this data it can get a fix in a couple of seconds which is why the second fix is quick. The data is useful for about 6 days.
What most A-GPS systems do is download this orbit data from the internet rather than from the satellite which is quick. Most smart phones do this.
Google also does mapping of IP addresses to approximate locations. This is a form of A-GPS but when a phone spec says it supports A-GPS this is not what they are referring to.
Intercepting orbit data downloads is not going to help you pin point a phone. Most phones do not use tower signal strengths to pinpoint locations.
They only use the CPU when visible and generally I don't sit with my Home screen visible the whole time and when it is visible the AMOLED screen is drawing significantly more power than the CPU for live wallpapers to really make a difference to battery life IMHO.
If you had bothered to read the rest of the articles in the series you would know they introduced all the major distros with pros and cons for the first time Linux user. If you are trying to get a Linux first timer to try installing Linux, Ubuntu is a great place to start.
It is this kind of whining and infighting (my distro is the real Linux) that makes MS and Apple smile and helps to hold Linux back.
My laptop supports one one drive and a large SSD would be out of my price range. What I would like is a 16 GB SSD for OS and Swap Partition (Linux) and a 250GB+ HDD for data. That would allow the HDD to spin down when not in use and allow for a big speed increase due to quick seek times.
The SD card sticking out is not a bad thing. It is not a netbook where you are using it as main storage. You will be popping it in to get photos off then pull it out. The SD card reader on my Dell has stopped holding the SD card properly and I need to hold it in while downloading so it does not shoot out. Even before it was fiddly to eject.