If some group like Anonymous was behind the attacks you'd think they'd be the first to claim responsibility.
People just out to steal data are going to keep quiet.
126 publicly visible posts • joined 12 Jun 2009
The book is great, but why bother even trying to film it? A simplified plot would leave out all the "perils of being a messiah" stuff and the hydrolic despotism etc and just focus on the betrayal by the emperor and harkonen and Paul the leading of a bunch of "outlaws" to revenge. Its an old formula, more suited to a single film than the complexities of the novel. Still leaves lots of room for special effects and fight scenes.
A CPU doesn't need to be "64 bit" (whatever that actually means) to address > 4GB addresses, but the address bus does. It might be easier for the programmer if the CPUs general purpose registers are also 64 bit and you don't have to use segments and offsets, but it's not a requirement.
R is like Perl in many ways - very powerful and very flexible. You can do stuff with a couple of lines of R that would take pages of hideous SAS macro code.
But like Perl it has many idiosyncrasies that even its creators would get rid of if they were to do it again. There has been talk of a complete re-write (like Perl). And the technical documentation is possibly the most impenetrably difficult documentation ever created in the history of computer science.
R-A seems to be a closed source proprietary and commercial implementation - its like someone wrote a closed source faster version of Perl and tried to sell it.
Tolerance of intolerance should not be tolerated. Yes that's a contradiction; and it also implies censorship, and yes it is essentially the ends justifying the means,
Because left to itself intolerance will breed further intolerance, and ultimately, violence, and the voices of tolerance will be drowned in the cries for blood and vengeance. That is why intolerance needs to be eradicated. Like an infectious disease it needs to be stopped even when this does infringe on personal rights sometimes.
If people stuck to plain HTML and anchored links to bits of text (the way the web was intended to work) and only used images for actual images (rather than widgets) then mobile phones would have no trouble with web pages: re-wrapping the text, shrinking the images etc.
The problem is the f***ing web designers who seem to think they are graphic artists who have to lay out (mess up) the text with all sorts of buttons and menus and other crap.
"Statistics also state that you're probably a wanker. For marrying the wrong person in the first place or for forcing her into adultery with constant jealousy and suspicions..."
Actually the statistics say that it is women who are usually (correctly) suspicious. Men are generally clueless about their wives affairs, and careless about their own.
Of course statistics do show that men are almost always wankers (literally speaking), but then most women have also been shown to like a bit of alone time.
Seems like this technology would have some really cool uses.
A cellphone equipped with this could slave a desktops peripherals - screen, keyboard etc, while still using the phones OS and radio.
Or could slave a desktop to a central CPU and use it as a thin client - regardless of the locally installed OS.
How many mobile chips on the market will actually feature hardware assisted virtualisation??
The ARM Cortex A15 will, but when will they start shipping? Not this year.
I wonder if the main ruse of virtualisation will be to make phones and tablets that are harder to jailbreak, and to make it easier to lock down DRM media, as with the PS3. Walling off DRM protected playback in a virtual machine looks like a plausible reason for using a hypervisor on a mobile device.
The device driver argument is probably a red herring. One of the biggest roadblocks to using hypervisors is that they still need device drivers written for them if they wish to truly abstract the hardware.
I for one would be happy to use a codec that was larger and slower if it worked _everywhere_ and didn't require that I download and install a dozen different (incompatible) players, codecs, plug-ins and f***ing DRM.
I'm sick of content being distributed in 10 different formats, in 10 different containers, with 10 different DRM schemes. I'm tired of some clips in some obscure format that only works in VLC, or working on a PS3 but not a PSP even though they both (supposedly) support it. I'm sick of half-baked plugins that crash; of codecs that come with malware, and software that requires diligent searching on obscure nerd video forums to get to work.
Sick of it I tell you!
The next half-wit who devises yet another media format should be locked away in a dark room and forced to watch silent black and white movies for the rest of their life.
This is why is like MP3. It has many flaws, but at least you know it works in every damn player on the planet.
"And to the best of my knowledge, you don't get many free quarks floating around space."
<Sigh> not since the good old picoseconds.
Back in the ol' 10^-9 seconds things were different. Back then there weren't none of these fancy new fangled hadrons and leptons and what have you. There was quarks a plenty back then, and a whole mess of gluons too, and it were a darn sight warmer to boot.
Participate in a physical protest, block a few roads and buildings, wave some placards, chain yourself to a tree and you get what, a suspended sentence, a night in the cells maybe?
And for participating in a DDoS? Go directly to Jail for 10 years, do not pass Go?
Anonymous might do better to organise some flash mobs and real protests.
"Another case of governments getting into situations like wars they cannot win, like this one. How long will they resist billions of losses, crippled economies, shut down of stock exchanges, banks, etc. etc."
How long did the French monarchs continue to insist on their divine right to absolute authority? Until their heads were removed from their shoulders.
Vive la revolution.
If you use a tool that can be use to crack encryption on a digital copy of the Bill of Rights, you can still be prosecuted (not for copyright infringement, but for circumvention), if that same encryption is also used to secure 5 minutes of "Steamboat Willie".
That's right - 5 minutes of Steamboat Willie trumps the Bill of Rights.
America, you got fucked.
So there were plenty of plants that thrived on a planet 5 degrees hotter and wetter. No real surprise there. But most of the tropical plants that thrived in the Cretaceous are extinct, so we'd have to wait a few million years for the new jungles to evolve. Maybe some of the existing species would like a change, but you know what they say about hothouse flowers
Have you ever been to a jungle? Very pretty, but I wouldn't want to live in one. Call me a slave of my evolutionary background, but I like cooler, dryer, more open climates thank you.
"If MS is the only AV maker to realize this I'd be surprised."
So would I.
The AV makers are pretty shifty characters themselves, and will happily add any old rubbish to their AV signatures in order to pump up their malware detection stats and continue peddling software that is at best of limited use, and at worse a significant resource hog.
FFS people, all someone has to do is raise the specter of "foreign control" and you start foaming at the jaws like a pack of trained hounds.
A return to mercantilism? Seriously? A policy design by merchants and ruling elites, and designed to benefit the rich and powerful? From an era where the monopoly was considered a good thing? Where the "good of the nation" was put before the good of the people in it?
Why not return to full blown imperialist nationalism as well?
Do you want to feel a boot stomping on your face for eternity? Go ahead and hand over power to the monopolists and demagogues.
BSG Still had FTL, gravity generation and whatever enables raptors to get off a planet with such a small drive (obviously not chemical rockets). It was still Space Opera, but it was less wussy than Happy Trek. It also spouted a lot of mystical dualistic crap about he human mind being better than AI.
BSG was great because of the plot (well, except the ending), and the characters.
Caprica sucks because the characters are so shallow and the plot is pretty meh.
"took with them virtually every type of document a competitor would need to enter the market and unlawfully create a competing bulletin board software program."
In other words, none.
Bulletin boards aren't exactly rocket science, and back in the days before the Internet kids with modems used to write BBS packages.
How many hours of actual hands-on coding are done in the course of an average comp-sci paper?
Compare that to how many hours actual hands on coding are done by a programmer in a typical month. It should be obvious why graduates can't code - you can't learn to program well with so little experience.
All the best programmers I met at university learned to code themselves, outside of their coursework.
So he basically admitted that the only reason his customers are sticking around is because they have no choice?
He couldn't manage to say that the customers might stay of their own accord and manage to keep a straight face saying it?
I wouldn't invest in a company with that sort of business plan.