It WILL work though
Road deaths will definately drop in Wales.
But only because nobody will go there any more.
32 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009
The issue to me is not that his Gmail account is shut down. An inconvenience maybe, but not a huge one.
The bigger issue is that the court has ordered his contact information to be handed over. At which point one would imagine he would be receiving visits from law enforcement agencys who will be searching his house and his computers for copies of this file.
If I was on the receiving end of that because of a bank fuck up I'd be counter-sueing faster than you can say "SWAT Team".
Remembrance of the Daleks by Ben Aaronovitch. And Blink, of course, which happened to be on TV a couple of nights back.
The one with the clockwork aliens was also very good and clever (Girl In The Fireplace?). Suprised that wasn't there. Impressed at the number of "old" episodes though.
What people's reaction would be if she were caught taking Heroin? If it is illegal to drink beer (which is a mind-altering substance, to a degree) then it's not much of a leap to Heroin.
Ok, it is really, but that would infringe upon the point I'm making.
My point? Oh, I've forgotten. Pass me a cold one.
I've been to Malaysia a couple of times actually - very interesting place. Every bloke (and most women, but obviously they weren't Muslim) I met seemed to spend most of the day and night drinking. So it's a bit off with "one law for them and another for us", but that's what you get with Sharia.
I recently unlocked my LG Viewty on 3 so I could give it to my daughter (after I received my lovely 3GS a few weeks ago).
Strangely enough all the 3-specific network-type stuff no longer works now it's got a Virgin Mobile sim in it.
If this was any other service from any other network it wouldn't even get a mention.
So.... 63,000 times the value must mean each song was uploaded to another user 63,000 times. At about 3MB per song (and could easily be more), that'd be 63000 * 3 * 24 = 4536000MB, or /1024 = 4430GB of uploads - just over 4TB.
Assuming her upload speed was 256kb/s (typical for ADSL) and ran continuously at that speed for 24 hours per day, then in one day she could upload 21GB per day. Therefore it would have taken 210 days of constant maxed-out uploads, assuming she could do 256k/sec continuosly and that her PC was never switched off for this to be the case. I kind of think her ISP might have noticed....
Was doing tech support for Compuserve. This was back in the day when tech support people actually had to know something more than "turn it off and on again". Nothing better than dishing out AT commands over the phone, or trying to get PPP working on Windows 95. Or trying to sort out people still using WinCIM on Windows 3.x, or even DosCIM.
And then there was the well-remembered day when they release CSi3.0 to the public.... without actually telling us. Or training us. Or showing it to us at all.
But of course the best thing was people only had one phone line.... so you could utter the immortal call-ending words.... "Right, if you hang up now and try again it should all be fine!" Can't away with that these days, what with your ADSLs and Cable internets. Although your heart would always sink if they replied "It's okay, I've got 2 lines".
<Waves at anyone who worked at Teletech in Reigate in 1996-1997>
But never got one. I spent hours drooling over packages available computer magazines, then went back to my C64.
My parents could never really justify one, though they did cough up an insane amount of cash for a PC when I was about 16 so I could use it for serious stuff.
You know what, I might even buy myself an Amiga now, seeing as I'm All Grown Up and have my own Money and a Job and all that.
Although I also have a Wife, and she'd just accuse me of wasting money.
I eventually came to the conclusion that whenever I buy a DVD it gets watched once and then probably never again. This is a waste of money. Therefore I joined a DVD-rental thing to get new-ish movies, and will only buy DVDs that cost under a fiver. This will include all the latest blockbuster movies a few months down the line, should I decide I want to purchase one then. The only time I'll pay a full price is when it's Christmas and the kids are after the latest-greatest release.
As for BluRay - I love it, but too bloody expensive. £20 a shot? Dream on!
Got one on Friday - my first iPhone.... got to say it really is brilliant. By far the best handset I've ever had, and it's range of capabilities is astonishing.
Yes it may be £170 etc etc, but if you get the £60 quidco cashback deal then it's only £110 really. And considering that it's a phone, decent browser, mail client, games machines, 32GB iPod Touch and so much more I think that's actually pretty decent.
Tethering don't bother me cos I don't use it.
When did this go under? I've still got a subscription and am fairly sure I got a copy a few weeks ago.
In fact, I've had this subscription so long they still go to my parents house.... PCW taught me a LOT when I was growing up. I suppose it still did.
Very disappointing news. I still liked reading Mark Whitehorne's DB columns, and Barry Foxes monthy rant. And of course Mr Kewney - you are a legend in your own lifetime.
Best of all though was the page at the back where they re-printed the old covers from 5 or 10 years ago and you could play the "ooh I remember that one!" game.