It's "Social Engineering"
So long as making a cup of tea counts as "chemical engineering".
10 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009
This will be excellent. The children will see the teacher checking a list for which children should receive which dictionaries, and then they'll wonder why. Then someone will find out and they'll all go and look up oral sex in their MW dictionaries, and then they'll brutally mock the children whose parents asked for the sex-free version.
I know that producing an acre of solar panels is pretty expensive at the moment, but isn't it pretty likely that by the time they break down, they'll be a lot cheaper to replace?
I'm not just saying that I expect technology to have advanced and processes to have improved, I'm saying that turning an acre full of grass into an acre full of solar panel seems like it would be more expensive than turning an acre full of solar panel pieces into an acre full of solar panel.
When I opened up the article I could only see the original image, and my first thought was "that guy in the middle's obviously been pasted over someone. Political Correctness Gone Mad etc".
Only to scroll down and find out my mistake.
Seriously, how is it that some people manage to look photoshopped in real life?