Re: Why is it illegal to slap a politician?
Google for stab-proof schhol uniform.
You said yourself: Canada has a lot of guns and a ot less murders then the US, but in the other hand, it is such an intricante kabuki dog-and-pony show to try to legally own a gun in Brazil if you are not military or law enforcement that virtually no one has them (again: legally) and the number of murders anually is north of 50.000, with a smaller population than the US.
What gives? You think maybe gang and drug related violence must be a bigger factor than gun ownership? I would´nt be so quick to dismiss it. Canada has a higher rate of muslim honor killings commited by parents and relatives of the female victim than Brazil, but I am not calling for the banning of Canadian families. At the same time, US borders are virtually open and drug traffic is rampant. You see my point? Hell, Obama is even arming the drug dealers (google operation Fast and Furious if you don´t know what I am talking about).
"C: Decide that a child's right to go to school without worrying about being shot is more important than their right to bear arms."
Suposeddly they are safe. At least, by your argument they should. The mass killings in the US occur nearly 100% of time in gun free zones. Even major Hassan in Fort Hood chose to strike in the infirmary: one of the few areas inside the fort where guns where not alowed. The TDK Colorado shooter chose the one theather of 7 in his area (and not the one closest to him home) that banned concealed carry to strike. Conicidence? I don´t doubt for a second he included this in his calculations.
If teachers who are already trained and licensed with a concealed carry permit where able to have their guns with them in the school when he attack starts, they would be able to stop the killer before he fully inflicts the mayhem he planned, intead of dieing in a storm of lead like Sandy Hook´s principal.
You can argue all they about shoulda/whoulda/coulda ban guns, but guns are a part of the US and the right to bear arms is constitutionally garanteed. This whole charade is not about gun control. It is about control. The gov. simply does not have the power to outright do it, and trying to cram it down the throat of people by tugging at the heart strings ("it is for the children!") and imposing onerous regulations and nuisance laws will only weaken the constitution and expand gov. powers. Then, what would be next target? Free speech? It´s eerily reminisment of Hayek´s Road to Serfdom....