* Posts by mrweekender

167 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009


EU officials say X’s paid-for blue check deceives users and breaks law


You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

Let's be honest, X is now the public facing branch of the dystopian hellscape that is 4Chan.

Reg man straps on Facebook's new VR goggles, feels sullied by the experience


Re: Tech firms are putting huge resources into VR/AR at the expense of everything else

Tim Sweeney is talking out of his arse...


Re: Nice to hear an un-hypgasm-filled account

HTC Vive Pro...

Wileyfox smartphones: SD card, no bloatware, Cyanogen, big battery – yes to all!


Yes, but....

There's a few things missing from the OnePlus 2, so it's horses for courses as they say + you have to be "invited" to the OnePlus - pretentious twats.


Not really a fail

The "partnership" only covers a few products and it certainly isn't a deal breaker - for me anyway.


Re: Nice one .....

"You have to ask if Samsung et al are losing it, or just plainly ripping us off."

Just ripping us off...

Chrome trumps all comers in reported vulnerabilities


Re: Foxy pdf

I'd rather hang my scrotum in a bear trap, than use software from the thieving scum known as Adobe.

Evolve: A shoot-em-up full of scary monsters and super creeps

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Last chance saloon

Turtle Rock are on their arses, no wonder this is mega pay to play or as it's better known - shit all over your customers. £40 + £20 + £20 + who knows where that's going to end - in a word NO! L4D was genius but this is balls. L4D3 please.

DAMN YOU! Microsoft blasts Google over zero-day blabgasm


Re: sharpsone@hotmail.com

I'm sorry is this a satirical post? If it is, hat tipped, if not you sir are a buffoon - I like the word buffoon and to be honest I could have used it to reply to a large number of comments on this topic. Both MS and Google couldn't give a flying fuck what any of you think - get over it.

Microsoft hikes support charges by NINETY TWO PER CENT


Re: Really?

Just swapped out 600ish Windows PC laptops with Chromebooks and MacBook Airs. 4 months in and our support calls have dropped to almost zero, yes that's fucking ZERO and our staff are much happier. Thats why it makes me laugh my arse off when I see all the MS techs wanking on about how great the MS infrastructure is - reality check, it's wank and I have 4 months of EVIDENCE to PROVE it. Jetsioning all the Windows PC laptops is the best descision I've made in my whole Tech career.

Time to bag a tablet bargain this Chrimbo – Brit stocks are high


The CBI?

Would this be the same CBI who have been whining like little girls about the holiday entitlement pay and how it's going to shutdown every business in the UK? The same CBI who appear to have no interest in workers rights whatsoever and are attempting to manipulate the system to ensure British Businesses don't have to pay employees what they're entitled to? It's their report? Sorry but there's a possible information integrity issue here, even if it is about tablet sales. I mean it's not like the CBI have anything to gain by manipulating sales figures have they...

Sway: Microsoft's new Office app doesn't have an Undo function


Re: I don't see a need so why design the solution.

Who the fuck wants Publisher? Yeeack!

Take the shame: Microsofties ADMIT to playing Internet Explorer name-change game


Re: Condition

They could just call it "Wank" - because we all know it will be so just cut to the fucking chase Microsoft.

Rupert Murdoch says Google is worse than the NSA


The "truth", in this case, is riding into town on the back of a vested interest. A little bit like what's currently happening in Oz with the broadband rollout. Trouble is people like Murdoch are greedy, grasping bastards, they want it all and will never stop trying to get it, usually at any cost. There's no attempt to forward mankind, it's purely about the dollars.


Only the good die young.

British trolls to face 'tougher penalties' over online abuse


Re: The Tories

Are complete fucktards....

Microsoft alters Hotmail policy amid blogger inbox probe outcry


Re: All better now. Rest easy.

Riiiiiiiiight...., so you're saying NOW there's protection? Personally I don't believe a word of this MS bullshit. NO ONE, that's NO ONE should be allowed to rifle through anyone's email account without a) informing the account holder FIRST and b) having an appropriate court order to do so. What is this NAZI fucking Germany?

A BBC-by-subscription 'would be richer', MPs told


Re: Adverts

"Their tiny minds are being poisoned by toxic propaganda" = absolute horseshit.

RM begins redundancy talks with defenestrated hardware staff


Re: Interesting times!

Sad to hear? Er... no. This company has been fleecing education establishments for many a year, selling arguably the cheapest and nastiest of hardware and services, for ridiculously inflated prices to very poorly informed head teachers, network managers and anyone else who'll buy their crap. I for one will not miss any of them when they go, which they will, it's just a matter of time...

Murdoch stands between your kids and filth with BSkyB network-level SHIELD


Re: Where's the "I dont need protection"?

It's called get yourself a paid proxy. Fuck this ball bag law!

Ryanair boss Mike O'Leary hits Twitter: 'Nice pic. Phwoaaarr!'



Yep neither would I now - had a horrendous "experience" with them once - never again. Nowadays I'd rather pay the extra and go with a reputable firm.

BOOGIE BALLMER: Steve Dirty Dances at tearful Microsoft leaving do


Steve Ballmer is a rich buffoon. Perhaps not the first CEO or "celebrity" to be an oxymoron but definitely one of the most animated and hated. Goodbye Steve and fuck off!

Windows 8.1 to freeze out small business apps


Re: The message isn't clear enough yet?

Linux, linux, linux, linux....



Windows 9, get real, he's getting out before they hit the wall. Microsoft are fucked and this just proves it.

Facebook keeps company with misery say boffins


I too had a moment of clarity, shall we say. It was hard detaching from it though, with the nagging feeling that I was missing out on something. For the most part it seems Facebook is full of desperate singles, total losers, egotistical wankers and emotional fuckwits, who you'd never normally even speak to, never mind let them look through all your personal shit. You know it's not right when people start sending you friend requests, who have hundreds of Facebook "friends", are, on a face to face social level, just utter, utter twats. Thanks but no thanks.

Lawsuit claims Microsoft misled investors in Surface RT fiasco


Re: If telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

I disagree. At a company as big as Microsoft, not telling the truth to shareholders about stock sales from a previous quarterly statement, is lunacy. It strikes of pure desperation, in terms of gaining confidence to ensure ongoing investment. The problem is that being sued by shareholders is only going to lose the company more money, create even more resentment and friction, which could eventually lead to a catastrophic implosion. Ballmer is an idiot (and according to this information a barefaced liar). Of course even after this latest fuck up, it's most likely he still won't go and the shareholders will just keep on suing to the bitter end. If I were a share holder I'd bypass the legal action and get out fast.

Blind activist Chen given spyware-laden iPad and iPhone

Black Helicopters


...a case of out of the frying pan and into the fire?

Also - Shandong - love Chinese names.

Microsoft: YES! You can have your desktop back again for FREE!

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Developers, developers, developers, developers....

Someone has to go and I think we all know who that someone is... Windows 8 is an almighty cluster fuck.

Microsoft honcho pleads with media: 'Stop picking on us!'


Re: "Microsoft honcho pleads with media: 'Stop picking on us!'"

@apjanes - "Personally, I find OS X much easier to use because..." it doesn't crash, I've never had a single virus and the UI is outstanding (subjective opinion). All of which culminates in the honest appraisal that I will continue to use OS X for managing my work and personal data and use a stripped down version of Windows 8 for gaming, until a proper alternative is available.

Coke? Windows 8 is Microsoft's 'Vista moment'. Again

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Re: Instead of

Just buy a Mac and that will happen.


Re: Vista moment.

W9 won't be made, try that on for size.

Here's the $4.99 utility that might just have saved Windows 8

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Re: Gets my vote..

Using Start8 to boot directly to the desktop. Good solution to a shit experience. Don't use the apps, probably never will. Windows 8 boots faster than 7, overall happy with the speed and stability. Wouldn't use it as my primary OS, for me a Mac is far more productive for the effort expended.

Welsh bureaucrats busted for getting political on Twitter, Facebook



"Should have done it in Welsh, nobody would have known" - a touch ignorant

Anyone caught slagging a colleague off on social media should be instantly sacked, as it's totally unprofessional.

However bosses who try to force staff to hand over passwords to any personal accounts, should be sued.

Apple FINALLY fills gaping Java hole that pwned its own devs



Just install Java 7 or better still get rid of shitty Java permanently - problem solved.

Friends with money: Dell's big bet on private finance


Re: Turmoil - Probably just a rant.

With all due respect - what a load of bollocks. Who gives a flying f*ck about how easy their website is to use?Simple fact is if Dell want to follow Microsoft into oblivion, so be it, they won't be missed. Personally speaking I'd rather build my own servers and desktops, than put up with the overpriced shite companies like HP and Dell churn out. Also I'd rather choose my own platforms too. Possibly a combination of WHAT WORKS FOR ME and not what vendors, fanbois and shills are desperately trying to persuade me to use. So a nice tidy little VMware solution with a range of servers, for a range of tasks, that I can take on and off line whenever I like.

As for open source, developers have been doing a lot of things right lately - ever heard of a story called the hare and the tortoise? PS. get a return key.

Twitter must unmask racist French twits or face $1,300-a-DAY fine


Re: So the French courts are ordering Twitter to write code now?!??!

Anti Semitic comments are technically not racist. Jews choose to be Jews, they are not "born" Jews. Jewishness is merely passed on through religious indoctrination from a very young age. For example I could be Jewish but I could also be English white man or an American black man. Jews are not a race. Just as Christians are not a race and neither are Muslims. They are just groups of people who follow a type of religion.

Ballmer now flings out work rivals, rather than chairs, claims ex-Microsoftie


Re: He'll destroy MS

Bought a copy of Windows 8 the other day just to play games of course. I've read pretty much everything I can about it before buying and I have to say it's not all bad. That said the interace is not intuitive on a desktop and it needs rethinking. I think it's going to push people away. On tablets it's probably going to be a different story but the competition is strong there.

On a related note, Steam on Linux (Ubuntu) is outstanding. If the developers support it Microsoft is most definitely going to lose quite a bit of market share. Interesting times.

Blighty's schools shake on new 3-year deal with Microsoft


Re: Feed the children Microsoft crack whilst young....

"I agree, teach them using Open Office and Linux, then when they hit the real world where 99% of businesses use MS Office they will be as useless at that, as many other things you teach them in school."

Yeah or we could just carry on churning out MS Office drones who know dick about actual computing. I suggest you get back to the mid 90's where you belong. The Microsoft Office "era" is over, if our kids need MS Office skills then offer it as a side subject (as we used to with typing) and get this useless shit off the main curriculum for good.

Microsoft scrambles to thwart new Internet Explorer 0-day attack


Re: Erm...

Yeah, Team Fortress is good but it's a little old. I realise small steps are required but I would like to see some AAA titles (like Dishonoured) and while I also realise this is down to the game devs themselves, I just hope that Valve are pushing it hard. Personally, I don't want to be forced to use Microsoft products, any longer.



...given it's previous sterling security history who still uses Internet Explorer, irrespective of the version? Oh wait, it's those companies/governments who were fucked over with their "bespoke" [read: oh shit my eggs are all in one non standards compliant basket] applications.

On another (kind of related) note, I can't wait to ditch Windows for gaming. Come on Mr Newell, get your bloody finger out!

Pirate cops bust LITTLE GIRL, take her Winnie-the-Pooh laptop


For copyright infringement? WTF is going on?

In the words of Greenday...

Sieg Heil to the president Gasman

Bombs away is your punishment

Pulverise the Eiffel towers

Who criticise your government

Bang bang goes the broken glass and

Kill all the fags that don't agree

Trials by fire, setting fire

Is not a way that's meant for me

Just cause (hey, hey, hey), just cause, because we're outlaws yeah!

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

This is the dawning of the rest of our lives

I beg to dream and differ from the hollow lies

This is the dawning of the rest of our lives

This is our lives on holiday

NASA SECRET DISCOVERY ON MARS: Meteor offers possible clue


It's life, we're not that special...

...get over it.... and you religious types, yes you, you can finally throw your bibles away and stop fighting over the blue and the red hats - or whatever bullshit it is this week that causes you to kill and maim hundreds of innocent bystanders, in the name of *insert name of your god here*.

Ten Linux apps you must install


Re: I've been using Linux since mid-late 1993 (Slackware).

It's all well and good this look at how basic my command line tool is crap but some people are visual and need visual environments. The thought of immersing themselves in mountains of super nerd code, makes them want to run away and hide. Personally I do quite a bit of CSS, HTML, JavaScript and PHP and I like to build interfaces that make things easier for your average Joe to get shit done as quickly as possible and go home to a life. Honestly what the hell is wrong with having a decent visual, customisable UI, for crying out loud?

Microsoft flings free Xboxes to long-term Live lovers

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...selling my Xbox, the graphics are shite now.

Internet Explorer becomes Korean election issue



...innovators of the web - MY ARSE!

BBC's Incurious George vows to 'calibrate systems' after Savile affair



...should have put Judge Dredd in charge > Judge, Jury and Executioner. All those who stood by and did nothing ARE guilty by their inactions, all those who assisted Savile MUST be identified, all those who took part MUST be identified - ALL MUST PAY FOR THEIR CRIMES!

Information is the UI in Windows 8, says design guru


Re: Ah, now I understand

Maybe Microsoft are not catering for the fastest growing sector of the consumer market. After all there's going to be more "old" people in the world than ever before. Short sighted - I think so. Peddling Metro is the marketing equivalent trying to get everyone to take it up the "wrong un".


Re: Just wondering .....

No just a massive, massive brown envelope of cash.

Apple confirms 'surprise' September 12 event



...the haters are out in force. Personally I like my iPhone, it does the job. I hope there's some good updates for iOS and some innovative (rather than incremental) refresh designs for the iMacs and the iPhone.

Copyomatic 2000 on standby Samsung et al...

Beck's open-source challenge to freetards: play it yourself!

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No further comment required.
