Oh goddamn. I loved Lester's columns and artful trolling. =(
Posts by Thomas 4
1519 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009
The Life and Times of Lester Haines
Security! experts! slam! Yahoo! management! for! using! old! crypto!
Recommended alternatives?
Been a while since I've haunted these parts but I figured this would be a good place to look for suggestions. Given yet another Yahoo fuck up, I think it's time I jumped ship to a new mail provider. Any recommendations for a secure, reliable service. Would prefer free but could pay for a good alternative.
Rise of the Machines: ROBOT KILLS MAN at Volkswagen plant
Universal Credit could take 10 YEARS to finish, says Labour MP
Lonely this Xmas? Nerds, n00bs and no-hopers' guide to dating apps, Pt.1
GCHQ: We can't track crims any more thanks to Snowden
Hipsters ahoy! Top Ten BOARD games for festive family fun
The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies – Thin plot, great CGI effects
El Reg reanimates Cash'n'Carrion merchandising tentacle
COMET 67P is basically TRAILING a HORRIFIC STENCH through space
What’s the KEYBOARD SHORTCUT for Delete?! Look in a contextual menu, fool!
Vote now for LOHAN's stirring mission patch motto
Stephen Elop: 'Hello there' (and goodbye to 12,500 of you)
May: UK data slurp law is fine, but I still need EMERGENCY powers
Tim Cook: Apple's 'closer than it's ever been' to releasing new product range
Teen student texter busts 20-second tongue-twisty SMS barrier
Live coverage: Blood Moon looms large for North, South America
Danes debut Bluetooth-connected 'made for iPhone' hearing aids
Re: "All the cool grannies are wearing them"
Seconded. It's comments like this that make my job as an audiologist all the more difficult. One in seven people in the UK has a hearing problem. My patients are quite literally ages - children with congenital deafness, teens with noise exposure, young mothers with otosclerosis - even cynical and derisive journalists can have hearing problems.
Hearing loss <> old age.
/rant over.
Nipper rolls up at nursery with 48 wraps of HEROIN
It's a BLOCKBUSTER: Minecraft heads to the silver screen
Re: @ Bye Bye Minecraft Videos ...
I'm guessing the theory is, once an official movie comes out, the studio that makes it would *possibly* be able to sue other minecraft films and shorts for infringement.
Don't know if that's actually true but it did float through my head as well. I hope it's wrong as there's some really good minecraft youtube videos. Slamacow springs to mind.
UK spies on MILLIONS of Yahoo! webcams, ogles sex vids - report
Just like certain webcam content, this is hard to swallow
"Unfortunately … it would appear that a surprising number of people use webcam conversations to show intimate parts of their body to the other person," GCHQ wrote in a document leaked by ex-NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden to the newspaper."
Did no-one, amongst "the finest intelligence minds in the UK" seriously consider that people cyber with each other over the internet? It's Internet 101 for heaven's sake.
NHS England tells MPs: 'The state isn't doing dastardly things with GP medical records'
Prez Obama cyber-guru: Think your data is safe in an EU cloud? The NSA will raid your servers
French youth faces court for illegal drone flight
Wii got it WRONG: How do you solve a problem like Nintendo?
Russian gay dating app dev: We've been BLOCKED just DAYS before Winter Olympics
EVE Online erects mashed-up memorial to biggest space fight in history
The best bit?
This is all player created. Not a scripted, repeatable event - a one off piece of history that players can not only see happening but actually participate in. I remember the first time I saw a Titan....it was enormous and it took our fleet to a new home out in null sec. EVE has a lot of flaws but it also has moments of genius I've never seen in any other game.
Cryptocurrencies now being pooped out by cartoon cat
Haribo gummy bears implicated in 'gastric exorcism'
Cicada 3301: The web's toughest and most creepy crypto-puzzle is BACK
Glassholes, snapt**ts, #blabbergasms, selfies and PRISM: The Reg's review of 2013
Gay hero super-boffin Turing 'may have been murdered by MI5'
British Second World War codebreaker Alan Turing receives Royal pardon
Parents can hide abortion, contraception advice from kids, thanks to BT's SEX-ED web block
Re: Speechless
This is an appallingly bad move on BT's part. Most of the LGBT folks I know first learned about their sexuality and gender identity through online methods, especially forums. A lot of them *cannot* talk to their parents about this stuff through reasons of religion and now, thanks to filters like these, they may not have anywhere else to turn to for impartial advice.
Fanbois, prepare to lose your sh*t as BRUSSELS KILLS IPHONE dock
Ghosts of Christmas Past: Ten tech treats from yesteryear
Chinese gamer plays on while BMW burns to the ground
Sick to death of Xmas? Try these explosive gift ideas
Asus Transformer Book T100: Xbox One? PS4? Nah, get a cute convertible for Christmas
Swollen Reg reader recounts FALSE WIDOW spider HORROR
Re: "Doubtless cynical readers will claim this discovery is purely coincidental"
It might have been that newly discovered species of pygmy cuttlefish, which was shown to have a venom as lethal as the blue-ringed octopus. After biting, it then camoflagues its skin, as cuttlefish do, to look like a false widow in the bottom of a trash can.