Re: Can El Reg militarise the LOHAN project
E Easily
S Simulates
T Thought
U Using
R RaspberryPi
Couldn't work out the 2nd E do cheated...
116 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009
The Amstrad CPC version had a bug where you could fill your cargo hold with Thargons... eject, and your shiny new replacement came with 2x the cargo space AND the original cargo...
Farming Thargons was painful tho... so it wasn't THAT easy ... I gave up after 3 times... (140 ton bay iirc)
>> Almost any gamer these days has a decent internet connection, the amount of people effected by this are minimal.
1 - not all "gamers" want to game online 24/7.
2 - In X years time when the servers are gone and the game you spent X years playing and enjoying becomes utterly worthless - try fishing out that disc in 30 years and reliving those memories!!
Why are the above so hard to understand for some people? I'm guessing this is the xbox360/PS3's gernation who never really new what offline gaming was all about.
*sigh* ... I'm off to be abused by the above on WOT... i need some more nerd rage.