Re: Blokes who whinge about beards can't grow one
39 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009
I've just quickly read it..If it is a hoax someone has way too much time on their hands....
The Yukon Architecture Snapshot page was quite interesting, hope they keep the xbox 360 hardware backwards compatibility in. Although I did find the arm/x86 cpu a little confusing...I wonder if it suggests they hadn't [back then] decided which platform to use. I understand arm for low power stuff, such as the 'always on SoC'.
From the handout, it does seem MS is keen to go after the entire multi media market and try and do almost everything. I agree with anon though, it does sound like a blue sky document.
Will be interesting to see down the track, how close the new xbox proves this document....
I don't get it, lots of critics have given this game 70-80% and complain its the 'same' as what has come before. Yet when Battlefield 3 and COD MW 3 were released and being cookie cutter clones they recieved reviews in the high 90s. Though the review score in this case is fair.
I bought it and am having a blast with the single player. Okay I agree its not GRAW (I didn't really enjoy those games tbh, found the controls a bit clunky), it doesn't try to be. It's a reboot/re imagining of the Ghost franchise. Like all the film reboots we keep getting. Whether this is a good/bad thing is up to personal preference.
I think the game fits on a scale between GRAW and the console Rainbow 6 Vegas games.
Now I have died several times during my play through, normally because my approach has been to treat it like R6 and go in guns blazing. Or I've stupidly picked the wrong weapons during the level, and ended up taking a sniper rifle into a 180 degree set piece fire fight. Twitch skills can't compensate for bad planning or choices.
My only gripe is that once the enemy has detected you in a given area thats it, you've lost the element of surprise and there is no cool down to a stood down mode. Of course this adds a little bit to the 'realism' as you have to kill them loudly and move on. This becomes annoying as you can't move/hide corpses. So take an enemy out at the wrong time in the wrong place and the plan you've been working towards for the last ten minutes has gone to pot. Annoying on levels where you can't raise an alert. On a couple occasions I've completely avoided engaging the enemy because I couldn't see a away through by killing them. I've also ended up on some levels replaying certain bits to try and get a perfect clear out. (Stupid OCD).
Ooo long post.
Being a pedant but doesn't use DRM.....
I still don't think we're quite there yet for only online game purchases when it comes to console gaming. Lots of consoles gets used where there is no net connection.
Also as many people have pointed out; bandwith for playing online games isn't quite the same as bandwidth for downloads especially as a number of ISPs still have caps/monthly allowances
When he replied he didn't know about Ken Clarke, he probably was bending the truth. It was a way of dodging the question because his PR team hadn't thought of way of shutting it down before he went to PMQs. He can't pass a judgement if he isn't aware and be then scrutinized and ridiculed by the House - it was tactical.
I'm not saying its a good thing, just the motivations behind it.
This super injunctions thing is different, he wants to be seen to being supportive of the traditional media and dealing with things that society currently deems relevent a.k.a public opinion. Remembering of course that public opinion is held in trust by our heroic 'Guardians'. I.e. the media he is wants to be supporting :o).
Has nothing to do with footballers or their (mis-)deeds.
People aren't so much bothered by the hack itself, Sony is a victim. Maybe they should of taken better security of data, but at the end of the day no network is 100% secure if its attached to the Internet. What most people are annoyed with is the way Sony has handled the problem.
MS in this case is being proactive and up front. Users are being warned and being conpensated for loss if it occurs. Its hard to get annoyed with MS when they say this might break your xbox but here have another one plus a years free xbox live....
"In some cases, it gets worse than this, there are some ex-students that I know, that have tried to convince me that if they can stay in low level employment (not paid enough to be above the 'we're going to start taking your debt from you' mark) for long enough, then the Government will kindly write off their debt."
I read/was told its 25 years from graduation. Thats a long time on minimal income.