* Posts by Andy 17

56 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009


Parts of UK booted offline as Virgin Media suffers massive broadband outage

Andy 17

Re: And Again

Years of practice?

The Register to boldly go where no Vulture has gone before: The Weekend

Andy 17

May I suggest...

..a section dedicated to the review of various Bulgarian airbags?

LIVE, my beauty, LIVE! Nokia revives dead phone with LIGHTNING powered Frankencharger

Andy 17

Pay attention now...

"If you watch the film very carefully, you'll find that lightning send the DeLorean *forward* through time, not back. ("Back" was powered by stolen plutonium if memory serves, and at the end by "Mr Fusion".)"

And if you watch the sequel you will note that lightning does indeed send the DeLorean back in time to the wild west

Hunt's 'paperless', data-pimping NHS plan gets another £240m

Andy 17

Make the NHS paperless by 2018..

I wouldn;t worry - at the rate that utter moron Hunt is going the NHS will be hospital-less by 2018 never mind paperless!

iOS 6.1 KNACKERED our mobile phone networks, claim Vodafone, Three

Andy 17

I'll be amazed if anybody in Central London has noticed...

..because vodafones's data connections very rarely work at all around the EC2, EC3 or EC4 areas during the working day.

USAF declassifies ‘flying saucer’ design

Andy 17

even if surrounded by soft fluffy bunnies instead of fuel crashing from 100,000 feet at mach 4 I'd say survivability of pilot is still 0%

EE screams UK iPhone 4G exclusive, rest of pack sobs quietly

Andy 17

So hang on...

Does this mean that international roaming is never going to work on 4g devices without it reverting to 3g?

Customers dumping Samsung phones in wake of Apple suit

Andy 17


"As of this writing, an eBay search for "Samsung Galaxy S II" – the model Apple most wants banned – yields 1,521 results."

So what? A similar search on "iPhone 4" turns up 3,454 results

Apple unveils tightened Mountain Lion requirements

Andy 17

Already has been hackintosh'd along with all of the developer previews that came before it. Using the same methods I'm sure it would be trivial to get it installed on old unsupported macs too - just install chameleon bootloader and be creative with the smbios.plist that you create.

Crytek: Schemes to strike second-hand games biz 'awesome'

Andy 17

So will Crytek...

..and others be refunding customers or issuing free replacements of every game the customer bought when they are no longer able to play it due to having a console replaced under warranty?

Nope thought not - why bother when you can just force the customer to buy another full priced copy of a game they already own!

Apple to kick start 'iTV' production in Q2

Andy 17

I can;t wait...

I can't wait to see just how ridiculously overpriced this new iShiny thing will be.

Users: 'Personalized internet? Fuggedaboutit!'

Andy 17

Maybe it's just me but targeted ads just don't work..

I don't get the point of targeted ads, they seem pointless to me - a case of trying to sell you something that in all probability you have already bought.

Example - I want to buy a new 5.1 amp so i google some reviews to find the best one that meets my spec and budget. I then google for the cheapest reputable dealer in the UK that stocks the amp I have selected and go ahead and buy it. Now having done that what is the point a few days later of bombarding me with ads for various 5.1 amp's including the one I have already bought?

iPhone con man knifed to death in knock-off mobile brawl

Andy 17

Adds a whole new meaning to....

Adds a whole new meaning to 'Cut Price' or 'Prices slashed'

Sick of Ubuntu's bad breath? Suck on a Linux Mint instead

Andy 17

Nice article..

I jumped ship from Ubuntu to Mint when they started trying to shove that colossal cluster fuck called 'Unity' onto my desktop.

Feds propose 50-state ban on mobile use while driving

Andy 17


Presumably it's still legal to drive along whilst reloading a shotgun though?

Andy 17

Best remove the 2 way radios from police cars, ambulances and fire engines too - oh and dont forget paramedics.

Canonical releases first alpha of Ubuntu 12.04

Andy 17

I'll be waiting for the Mint 12.04 then..

As per the title. As soon as Ubuntu started insisting on shipping with Unity I abandoned ship and switched to Mint. Same code base but no Unity.

Acer releases second-gen Android tablet

Andy 17

@jack jack

Am I the only person wondering what on earth you would be using a tablet for that requires a quad core processor?

Apple dealers hit with Lion bar

Andy 17

App Store..

Does this mean the app store is now just a software store after all then? I mean Lion isn't an app is it? - it's an Operating System.

Hope that dents the ridiculous patent application!

CSC locked out of new NHS contracts

Andy 17

@AC re iSoft...

I'm ex CCS/Revive/iSoft

MYSTERY of huge Canadian chicken-shed EXPLOSION

Andy 17


.. the work of well armed disgruntled Canadian geese

Robo-warship sub hunter: Free DARPA crowdsauce game

Andy 17


..that these things are going to be unmanned and that most commercial vessels do in fact have a crew of fleshy living organisms on-board I think it would probably be fairly wise to get the hell out of it's way!

More cocaine found at Kennedy Space Center

Andy 17

Well it has to be...

..those pesky drug running illegal aliens!

NASA's Glory climate-data sat crashes into Pacific on launch

Andy 17

Isn't this the 2nd..

..sat of it's ilk to spontaneously go pop? - the 1st was a couple of years back and was intended to monitor CO2.

And to make me even more suspicious it's being investigated by the M.I.B ? (Cue Will Smith).

Co-op cashier's breasts overcharged for fruit and veg

Andy 17

Well I for one...

..think it's nice to see somebody keeping abreast of their work

Retailers price up Samsung 7in Android tablet

Andy 17

What an absolute rip off.

There are 7 inch android tablets aplenty from chinese importers for less than 200 quid - this is just blantant profiteering by Samsung and will most likely tarnish any future android tablets may have.

BSkyB mulls UK Online closure

Andy 17
Thumb Up

Try Be's Unlimited package..


£17.88 per month from the unlimited package (and by unlimited they mean the ISP definition and not the dictionary definition).

Been with Be several years now and no problems to report other than the godawful web site redesign.

Facebook login page still leaks sensitive info

Andy 17

As a compromise..

..why not display a message stating that there was a problem with either your email address or password to the user and then have the code check the email address against the user database and if it exists email the owner and alert them that the problem was actually the password. That way the legitmate owner of the email address knows if he/she got the password wrong and anybody attempting to guess email addresses still gets no clues.

Vodafone won't act on customers' HTC Desires

Andy 17

Re: Shame

You do know the difference between firmware and software right?

Andy 17

Vodafone have also borked and bodged the HTC Legend

Vodafone have also recently rolled out a very broken firmware to the HTC Legend based on firmware that even HTC themselves pulled from their own update servers. Plenty of details can be found over on the Vodafone HTC forums.

Solar plasma aurora storm ongoing debate

Andy 17

Wifi "radiation"

Erm no it's different because the Earth's protective magnetic field is actually blocking this radiation!

Why oh why do some people find it so difficult to read?

Vodafone upsets customers with upgrade downgrade

Andy 17

Whats with the iphone idiots posts?

Ok you have an iPhone and you feel the need to try and use some imaginary bragging rights, but wait lets examine this...

We can legally replace our rom images with one not approved of by your one true god

We can do so without losing a warranty (we may lose a vodafone warranty but not HTC's warranty if we use a genuine HTC rom).

Whichever rom we use we can install whatever software we like - even if not approved by your one true god.

We can do all this for half the price your one true god demanded for his fashion accessory.

We can make calls on our phones whilst holding it in a way not approved of by your one true god - i.e. using our hands!

We dont have to wrap the phone in a 25 quid condom to recieve calls

Alleged expenses fiddlers to face justice

Andy 17

No point sending them to prison..

..they will only claim for it as a second home allowance!

iPads for hospitals: is this a good idea?

Andy 17


Is there no requirement to put this out to tender then?

Bendy bike inventor scores design prize win

Andy 17

One problem

If you fold the bike and lock the 2 wheels together..

You can steal both wheels by unbolting them, which as a bonus now leaves the rest of the bike free and unchained (the chain is still linking the 2 wheels together)

iPhone 4 preorder system exposes private user data

Andy 17

No Biggie

Just change your identity and relocate - no big deal

Andy 17

No Biggie

Just change your identity and relocate. No big deal!

Brazil shells out for 244 teraflop Cray super

Andy 17

Probably needed..

They probably need it for Phorm.

Death row inmate claims allergy to lethal injection

Andy 17
Dead Vulture

Take the NHS approach..

Go ahead and inject him and if he complains afterwards start thinking about compensation!

Microsoft warns over rogue Security Essentials

Andy 17

Yes good idea..

"Maybe it's about time they started including the real security essentials with Windows"

..because we all know how much microsoft like being dragged through the european courts!

ISA chairman assures nation: Your data is safe

Andy 17


"Information doesn’t leave the building either electronically or in paper form."

So no offsite backups then? That's surely going to end well!

New cig peril: Third-hand smoke coats puffers in poison

Andy 17

All I can say to that is..


Think Aussie election rules are draconian? Look at the UK's

Andy 17

Or not ^

"That's Orlowski screwed, then..."

I dooubt it, I'm fairly sure he would happily put his name to his work!

US plans crewless automated ghost-frigates

Andy 17

How long before..

I await the news of the first deployed unmanned vessel being stolen at sea.

2016 bug hits Windows phones

Andy 17
Thumb Down

Anonymous Coward 14.26

I can assure you that the Xperia X1 sat in front of me most certainly has not encountered this problem. Post as many links as you like it wont change the fact that my phone has not been affected.

Andy 17

My Xperia X1 is not affected..

My Xperia X1 is a windows mobile 6.1 phone and it is not suffering from any such affliction.

China executes securities trader over $9.52m fraud

Andy 17

Did I missread that?

"No one should be executed over any amount of stolen money as far as I'm concerned."

What? Even MP's with outstanding expense claims?

Microsoft-tested browser prosecution snares tech giants

Andy 17


How on earth was this patent ever granted considering the mountain of prior art?

If the patent was granted in 1998, do java applets and even ActiveX not predate it?

Software Patents = Cash Cow ready for the milking!

Microsoft at a loss in Word patent case?

Andy 17

Is this a rat I smell?


Apple blueprints warranty Big Brother

Andy 17
Thumb Down

And if the sensors are faulty..

And if you are lucky enough to have an iphone that has developed a fault and the device has a faulty sensor claiming that you boiled it in a tub of lard whilst subjecting it to gforces equivalent of blasting it into space where exactly does that leave your warranty claim? Would you have to have the sensor examined at your own cost in order to prove that it was faulty?
