* Posts by Rob Moss 1

3 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009

Microsoft apes Spotify with ad-stuffed tune streaming

Rob Moss 1
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Wait for innovation, copy it

The same old tune

Rogue CA update bricks Win XP systems

Rob Moss 1

Another quality CA product

It just goes to show, that you should never under any circumstances use any CA software in a production environment :-)

Bing 'better' than Google for advertisers

Rob Moss 1
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What Microsoft do best

> The news will likely please Microsoft, who's done what Microsoft does best

Uhh, wait until another company develops an excellent product, create a poorly designed copy, start the huge marketing engine, and claim it's a new innovative product?

Hyper-V > VMWare ESX

Defrag > Norton

IE > Mosaic

.. the list goes on

I can't wait for the predictable media hype, it's going to be so much fun i might just sleep through it