Re: Proof reading
Relax, how many articles have you read recently that have had typos or grammar errors or worse.
362 publicly visible posts • joined 11 Jun 2009
Multiple governments have proven multiple times they can't be trusted not to break the law to spy on innocent citizens.
At least if they have to install spyware to spy, there is a remote chance they might be held accountable if caught doing so illegally.
The proper way to do this is to have a click through notification! Also why would any web browser allow this without asking for permission first?
I switched operating systems and stop using corporate owned social media, I can definitely walk away from eBay without looking back.
Android OS is covered by the Apache License 2.0, except for the linux kernel which is GPLv2, and there are plenty of custom roms https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_custom_Android_distributions
The apps that run on top of Android written by Google are another matter. I am not asserting anything other than the kernel and core OS are open source in a real, meaningful, practical way. If you already knew then then I am sorry I wasted your time.
Since I looked it up I might as well cut and paste it.
1. Click the menu button in Edge. It's the three dots in the upper right corner.
2. Select Settings from the menu.
3. Click the "View advanced settings" button. You'll have to scroll down a little bit to find it.
4. Toggle "Use Adobe Flash Player" to offI jut
In college maybe 96 or 97, I bought my first suit and went to a job fair looking for a summer internship, and this guy recruiter is really pushing doing COBOL programming at financial institutions ... I wanted to be an academic and do research.
And the Engineers used to make fun of the Business majors.
Their bond was set at $50,000.
"Authorities later found out the state court administration did, in fact, hire the men to attempt "unauthorized access" to court records "through various means" in order to check for potential security vulnerabilities of Iowa's electronic court records, according to Iowa Judicial Branch officials."
"The state court administration issued an apology Wednesday to Dallas County officials, who are continuing to investigate the break-in."
I assume this is about the local officials vs state officials and these two are just caught in the middle.
"The state court administration issued an apology Wednesday to Dallas County officials, who are continuing to investigate the break-in." (from the linked article).
It can be unclear who does and does not have the authority to authorize said activity.
I'd want a signed brief document by some official that clearly states that they both have the authority and give permission.
iPhone Dev Team came out with the first jailbreak. I used it to install games on my 1st gen iPod touch. There was zero piracy. There was no app store, nor public plans to one day have an app store, there was only native features and web apps.
Their initial efforts were in large part why jailbreaking was granted a DMCA anti-circumvention exemption.
If you read the article the court found almost 300 non pirated games created for Jailbroke Nintendo switches.
Allowing side loading while checking adding anti-piracy fingerprint checks in the firmware you will get rid of 95% of the resources developed toward circumvention.
Or you can try to make proxies, VPN and github banned as well. Good luck with that.
People like that are easy to manage.
Praise them, ask them for help, hand them a proposal with an obvious flaw that appeals to them, give public credit for their input, offer to handle all the fine details. Thank them profusely for their wise leadership.
PS it also works for any insecure people who are unqualified for the management position they hold.
<quote>It's the 777 rule of security, if you make a system secure but difficult to use, then the users will make it insecure and useable.</quote>
"for 15 years during the Cold War, the code meant to prevent unauthorized launching of the United States’ arsenal of Minuteman nuclear missiles was apparently 00000000.”
OK that wouldn't have armed the warhead but it could have still triggered a retaliatory repose from the USSR.
"Dear Sir, SEEKING YOUR IMMEDIATE ASSISTANCE. Please permit me to make your acquaintance in so informal a manner. This is necessitated by my urgent need to reach a dependable and trust wordy foreign partner. This request may seem strange and unsolicited but I will crave your indulgence and pray that you view it seriously. My name is. CRAIG WRIGHT ..."
If for any reason I can't share their screen via Team Viewer or similar ... I just ask people to take a picture, video or just put me on some sort of video chat and point the camera at the screen while reproducing the problem. Seeing what they see rarely requires a walk unless your workplace bans cell phones.
Just make is to that it is impossible not to stay in business unless every programmer is trained in security and constantly has security in mind while working and the final product isn't a complete embarrassment after a Red Team gets a month or so to attack it.
As long as you can get paid once to half ass something, then paid to again and again to fix it over and over, and still remain in business this problem is not going away.
The man has taken a good hard look at the toxic way he sometimes communicates and plans on taking a break so that he can come back with a more positive and productive attitude.
I agree with him on his technical points but I'm sure over time he can learn to communicate those in a respectful and professional way.
Title says it all but still I'll say more ...
Last time I functioned as server admin
/www. = live website
/dev. = clone of live website to test security updates before applying them to /www.
/test. = clone of live website to test new features
/m.= mobile friendly version of website.
/ftp. = file repository
/forums. = forums
OK there are other options other than using subdomains ... said options either require that I create either register domainnamedeve.com or domainname.com/dev Neither saves significant amounts of space.
If they wanted to simply hide www, but display any other subdomain ... that would be acceptable. Anything else and well ... I've heard nice things about Firefox lately.
Well, from my observation many of the university types do certainly think that once they completed their degree, that the learning is done and finished, and they can then start looking down their noses at us other self-educated types
My Computer Science and Engineering Degree taught zero practical skills ... instead I learned the scientific and theoretical knowledge that would prepare me for a lifetime of self-learning.
Also here is at least one "University Type" that respects anyone who has the skills necessary for the job no matter how they acquired them.
Regrettably I also worked with far too few people with skills and no degree and far too many with degrees with no skills, not to mention the 3rd year transfer students with 3.5+ GPA who literally could not complete a single lab assignment without cheating.
So instead of a downvote ... you get a beer.
"To me it looks like a bunch of clueless amateur retro gaming enthusiasts secured capital without anything even remotely resembling any forward planning, then sat on it for ages whilst doing essentially nothing."
As a clueless amateur retro gaming enthusiast ... I find the comparison insulting.
To me this looks like what happens when you hand secured capital to someone lacking in character, emotional maturity, and or interpersonal skills ... an explosion of greed, ego's, blame, resignation, lies and lawsuits.
Seems like if they have been honest with themselves and everyone else, they had more than enough money to hire/outsource the necessary talent and skills.
In 2009 I worked with 3 high end arm mounted screens, 2 from my self built Windows desktop, 1 holding an aluminum MacBook, with software allowing me to cut and paste and share a mouse and keyboard doing iOS and LAMP programming and light administration of a dedicated Linux server.
The MacBook make the easy things easy, and the windows desktop did the gaming and the heavy lifting.
When my Mac got slow I doubled the memory and put in an SSD with only a few screws, when the battery went I bought a 3rd party replacement ... no screws required. But one one of the best things was everything Time Machine Related. I've yet to find an equivalent set it and forget it ... free with the OS solution to both file level and partition level restores.
I'm still someone at heat a hardware tinkerer and you are now an seller of gear that is out of my price range for something essentially a disposable non upgrade-able, non disposable appliance ... we've grown apart.
Still you will be missed. Time Machine in related hardware most of all.
The system should immediately purge any and all license plates that are not part of a current investigation. Otherwise they are placing millions of people under illegal surveillance.
If they want to make it legal to spy on everyone all the time just in case it proves useful 5 years latter then they need to do so by passing legislation that clearly and explicitly authorizes them to do that.
If that fails on constitutional grounds push for a constitutional amendment.
Although good luck trying to do that without committing political suicide.
I'm surprised frankly I'm surprised that there isn't widespread use of State Ballot Measure as a backlash against this kind of thing.
"Unless the people who approved it are dumber than dirt. which is possible..." not just possible but a proven fact in multiple states.
However other States are being sensible and disclosing to the public exactly how their risk assesment algorithms work.
Research Compas from a company called Northpointe. Based undisclosed methods it spits out a pie chart that allegedly represents a convicted criminals likelihood of reoffending and is used to determine the severity of sentencing. The convict has no ability to examine or refuse any part of the system as it involves secret algorithms and proprietary data.
It is allegedly it tends to give too little weight to an individual's actual offenses and instead focuses heavily on the neighborhood they are from and their education. So you are literally being punished for the crimes of your neighbors or rewarded for growing up in an affluent area.
True or not there should be no place "for profit" agencies or activities or secret evidence and procedures in criminal justice.
My laptop syncs specific folders once a day to my desktop and vice versa. And that's in addition to important files being stored in dropbox, and photo's being synced automatically to google photo's and amazon photo's.
All of which is really just a fail safe in case fails before I connect and sync changes to an external hard drive.
Yeah I got hardware/software trust issues. I want at least 3 things to go very wrong before I lose anything I care about.
I guess I'll have to revisit software that will let me backup files between two computers for free. Any suggestions?
Quick analogy ... imagine if all building codes, regulations and liability for bridges were abolished overnight.
The free market would eliminate all bridge builders that didn't immediately perform a race to the bottom in terms of quality.
That's basically how IT infrastructure works. Security is a business/regulatory problem not a technical one.
If everyone providing vital IT infrastructure were required to adhere to strict quality control and quality assurance (testing) guidelines, all products subjected to random code quality spot checks, and held financially liable both before and after product delivery for any failure to meet these standards .... then all software projects would cost a lot more and take a lot longer ... but there would be a lot more security and reliability.
Anyway given my analogy, if bridges were collapsing every day, would you blame the construction workers, the engineers, the businessmen, the shareholders or the government for not providing and properly enforcing the proper regulatory framework?
Government regulation sets the rules and game theory does the rest.
If it's either unpopular but legal or the cost of breaking the law < the profit then a for profit company must do it to maximize shareholder value or they risk a minority shareholder lawsuit.
Any citizen complaining against Google is complaining to the wrong entity, if you want privacy to be a right you need to let your politicians know that not protecting your privacy via legislation and regulation will cost them your votes.
Any company complaining without avodovating real consumer protection should simply be ignored as they have zero desire to stop your privacy being violated, they just wish it was them that was doing it.
"law abiding people aren't worried about the feds knowing, or even aware of the $10,000 line."
Law abiding businesses that handle cash have every reason to worry, because if the IRS decides your cash deposits look suspicious they can and will seize your assets without any warning or due process and they can and will maintain a death grip on those assets without filing legal charges.
Here is one of the more recent cases, but you could easily identify hundreds more.
You don't NEED internet privacy and you don't NEED toilet paper but when you are deprived of either eventually things tend to get real nasty real quick.
How many years has it been since a president used national security as an excuse to unjustly persecute detractors?
Your answer may vary based on confirmation bias and political leanings but can we at least agree that it's not been long enough?
Some of the video's comparing real to fake phones are rather dull, but they do show that a level of sophistication that indicates that somewhere out there there is an actual market for these things. I also spotted an actual fake iPhone in the wild. At the time I found it to be surprising, but that was before I learned about the counterfeit egg industry.
If Germany demands the right to censor the internet due to German law ... then there are 190+ countries ready to line up to follow suit. You know how many crazy censorship laws there are out there?
Second point, define obvious. I'd like to see someone try to give a simple but accurate definition of what does and does not constitute obvious "defamation, slander, public prosecution, crimes, and threats" under German law. Shouldn't take more than a few pages to define, nor more than a few seconds for a support center drone to determine.
So who is next? China, Turkey, Thailand?