I waded through their verbiage.
Your comment is a succinct description of my reaction also.
Here's the thing. We know the science is incomplete (just as the climate science group at Exxon knew their results were based on incomplete chemistry* in the 1970's)
We also know the projected outcomes are very serious. Polar ice cap melting is estimated to submerge everything below 20m. For US readers check out FL, LA and New Orleans.
That assumes a linear rise in temperature, but raised water vapour (and water vapour is a massive GHG) will have non-linear effects as well.
The fact is a f**kload of people (many whose jobs depend on burning fossil fuels) money or lifestyle would have to change and they would literally prefer to die (or rather, as they think let someone else die) rather than give up, in any way, shape or form how they live. This started with the CEO of Exxon in the 1970's.
*The fact that CO2 atmospheric lifetime is 300-1000 yrs tells anyone that much. But not the best case is 3 centuries IOW even the best case spells trouble.