This is so cool!
Can they make them explode remotely?
766 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2009
We have laws governing extradition. It is not the case that Trump says "grab that woman and send her to me" and we do it no questions asked.
We should arrange her release though, because the Americans had 4 years already to make their case and that's long enough. Trump used her as a tool to push a wedge between Canada and China: he did not want us making a diplomatic deals (especially a trade deal) with China because that would call into question his claims of being a great deal maker.
It took me years to warm up to this language. It was difficult to accept indentation-as-syntax. Once I did, it became one of my two go-to languages (C++ being the other). Prior to accepting Python if I needed to prototype an idea or write a moderately complex script I would use PHP CLI, which remains a good scripting language IMO.
But whois often does not contain useful information for a given IP or domain. Otoh it seems to be used as a source of cold leads for hordes of Indian web dev shops.
I don't think the latter is a good reason to start hiding info: let's hope the former improves with the new scheme.
IDK about this being a huge issue qua security hole.
If a server's BMC is accessible from the public Internet then the server's owner has worse problems than what are described in this article.
This seems like some of the "holes" described last year where the attacker has to achieve root level access to a box to exploit. If an attacker has root on your box then how likely are they to exploit obscure holes rather than just do bad stuff, stop syslog, clean up the logs and restart syslog?
Same thing, except it was in person. I was doing Novell & NT4 sysadmin in a biz school in Canada. This one guy - the executive director of an institute consisting of a single professor and an executive director - would always ask me how to do MS Office crap and of course I'd no idea about MS Office. But one time he asked me a Photoshop question and I did know something about Photoshop. I looked, he was trying to flood fill some space in a poster, and I asked him to click the paint bucket icon; for some damned reason he reached over and clicked the power switch on the PC to "Off", and looked up at me all doe-eyed and expectant. I just turned on my heel and left the room.
BTW @Editors - I like the nested comment scheme.
It will be a test the first time he rejects a pull request for crap code quality and some snowflake complains Linus is being mean. Hopefully Linus has learned how to to say "No" firmly but more diplomatically?
Jesus Christ. I'm tapping this out on my PC and trying to find a delicate word for "not swearing at people". The reign of terror has already begun it seems.
Another 'cross platform' language? Wait, I think I see a world-conquering Javascript tool kit on the road ahead! Oh no, skip that, I think I see another world-conquering Javascript tool kit on the road ahead beyond the first! And another beyond that!
I wonder what it's compiler/interpreter and libraries are written in - might be C or C++?