Re: Half a Review?
There's a Strava logo on the Product Page that shows Under Armour, Uber and other partners...
31 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2009
Anywho, there are use cases for it. Wearables are going through their early smartphone years phase when the devices were touted as the next wave, but it took a while to really take hold. What we will be going through the next year or so or three is the introduction and refinement of yet more devices, with lots of experimentation until something really useful emerges. Same thing happened in smart phones... now they are ubiquitous.
Being smaller and cheaper devices, they will be iterated at a higher rate than smart phones were.
Why the dissing of Apple so much? Their market share belies your poo-pooing. iPhone obviously meets the expectations of >25% of the phone-buying public, and the iPad is used, a lot. It is highly portable, and better for reading books and magazines (perhaps Kindle is better at books, but iPad isn't bad).
It seems so many people are just stuck on their own view. You like Symbian? Fine- I really don't care. You prefer Android? Great!
iPad serves me fine for what I do and how I use it. Oh, and it's a godsend on long, overseas flights. My carry on bag is much lighter for it- no books, magazines, etc... all the time-killers are in one place. And it's great for concepting, which I need to do a lot of for work. I found some great tools for idea capture.
I'm just amazed at how many people project their view onto how everyone else should think. Buy what you like, but be objective.
There was hard-edged gumstick 1st nano, then rounded-edge gumstick 2nd nano, then phat nano, then ovally-rounded gumstick nano #1, then ovally-rounded gumstick nano #2 (can't recall the difference), then this one. I have 2G which I gave to the wife and am still using my 3G one for workouts. iPod Touch for all else.
I too, see the touch-nano as just a bit of overkill. Whilst I like the size and clip on, I just don't see touch as needed there. How's the display going to handle sweaty fingers? It'll be all smudged up to say the least.
@AC- since when is Apple irrelevant? They have a small overall market share, but are a big player in the smartphone market, and, importantly, they out do the other players in profits, with a significant contribution from the iPhone.
You may not wish to have an iPhone- many folks don't, and that is fine as it's a personal choice. But to disparage others because their choice is not yours? I don't have an iPhone either, but keep it in perspective. Apple has a serious handset (if they would just unlock multitasking, it would be better), and other manufacturers have seen their results dented by it. It is a threat, as is Android.
In 2016? They've been building it for more years already than they have left in it, and it's not even quite finished yet. Seems they should at least keep it up another decade past that to really try to get some ROI on it. Hardly seems worth it for just 7 more years. I don't think it's produced that much useful science yet- it is just getting interesting with the latest additions.
Bringing it down that early makes me wonder what it really was about... a lot of robotic missions could have been achieved with that money.
I'm a part time photographer, and I get harassed when I take pictures downtown. Less by the police than building security guards. They tell me I can only take photos (of their building or others) if I step into the street (and get hit by the cars I'm not looking at while trying to take the pictures). Used to be this wasn't a problem until after the Patriot Act.
"it does allow police to look at images on phones or cameras during a search to see if they could be useful to a terrorist." Hmmm, any picture of a public building *could* be useful to a terrorist. Not a very definitive guideline (not that you could easily produce a definitive guideline anyways).
That was my first R-rated movie as I was still in high school. My dad being a religious wonk thought the movie was about a football player (confused with Brian's Song). If he only knew.
I'm not surprised by Ireland, but guess I was surprised about Scotland. Damn religious fanatics (don't watch that movie- it'll turn you into a newt!)
As previously stated, digital zoom does nothing useful, except perhaps act as a cropping tool when you take the picture. Otherwise, just zoom in on the photo (same difference) or increase it off-device with any editing software. I always disable digital zoom- it is utterly useless.
And I doubt 5mp would do much better- there are just physical limitations as to what you get with a pinhole and plastic optics. Even Nokia's Zeiss optics-based 5mp are so-so, especially since they don't let you change the quality setting (Nokia's idea of quality is to change the image size, not the JPEG compression). And Samsung is an absolute joke with its 10mp and 12mp models.