* Posts by Kevin 6

429 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2009


Apple understates iPad demand

Kevin 6

Well turns

out they already are modding he ipad

only good use so far http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAl28d6tbko

Opera alerts EU to hidden Windows browser-ballot

Kevin 6


I doubt opera will be happy till their Icon is 50X the size of the others and blinking saying PICK ME OR I'LL SUE MICROSOFT AGAIN

Then they would probably still bitch if someone didn't use their crapy software

BTW I have opera installed on my pc and have used it a total of 5 times seeing I don't like it and find it takes longer to start and access pages than mozilla.

I also still have IE 5.0 installed on this PC also seeing I never use the damn thing before anyone calls me a MS fanboy.

And about linux not forcing a browser last 5 installations of various linux distros I was testing out I almost always had konqueror installed by default(one distro had the option of FF or konqueror), shocked opera hasn't sued the linux distros yet over that. Or even Apple for having Safari installed by default with no opera option.

I do agree with one thing Lie said

Lie noted Opera has better things to do with its time than chase Microsoft, but: "I'm a little stubborn on this, I want this thing to work."

One better thing would make a browser people would want to use. (no offense to the 10 people who use opera)

Apple QuickTime update blocks media player bugs

Kevin 6
Jobs Horns

Easier way to fix quick time

Uninstall it and carry on with life

no one needs that buggy memory hog POS on their PC

I find it more of a memory hog and buggy than adobe flash which saint jobs loves to make fun of.

I quit using it over 5 years ago and don't miss it.

Irate Aussies go after US website

Kevin 6


just read the article in question and almost pissed my self it was so funny :D

now on the other hand when does AT&T sue the Australian Human Rights Commission for jacking their logo?

Microsoft cuts out paste

Kevin 6


I think cut/copy and paste is older than the windowed environment seeing I remember one of my old ass word processors that came out before windows had it. Can't remember its name for the life of me though. Hell I think it was on the C-64

Florida woman prangs car while shaving her privates

Kevin 6


I asked myself the same thing

PLEASE tell me she was horribly mutilated in that crash and she didn't look like that normally....

Intel investigates after retailer sold fake CPUs

Kevin 6
Thumb Up


Never had an issue with newegg. I always find them damn reasonably priced and easy to deal with. Had an issue where ram got lost in shipping (they sent it the mail lost it according to the tracking #) they went and over nighted me new ram the day I got in contact with them for no charge.

Agree with Tiger Direct had an issue and they accuse you of lying to them. I bought something that was supposed to be new and got sent a returned item that had a wire missing. I'd never buy from that over-priced shit house again.

Microsoft rejiggers EU browser ballot after complaints

Kevin 6

Stupid question

Why didn't they just go in alphabetical order? Would be alot les confusing to users than random, and make more sence IMO.

Acer predicts end of cheap PC era

Kevin 6
Thumb Up


But we could even keep legacy code just add it into an extra module that people can easily enable if needed, otherwise its left disabled by default..

Strip the browser from the GUI in certain OS's and separate the API's which would cut down on alot of bulk (and a pile of security issues which would mean less need for the insane bulky security scanners)

Note to Captain Kirk: Warp speed will kill you

Kevin 6

It might currently be fiction

But alot of the technology in it is becoming reality (or has became already).

Cell phones look and function oddly similar to the communicators from star trek which was made over 20 years before they were introduced.

Handheld medical devices that look and function similarly to the tricorders from TNG. Hell just give them 20 more years and it wil probably do everything the StarTrek one could do.

Computer interfaces. TNG everything was touch based. Video e-mail etc was all in it. hmm not even 20 years later its reality...

Giant flat wide screen TV's look around the same size as the main viewscreen on the enterprise.

Hell even that stupid game the crew got addicted to in TNG that fired lasers into the eye I remember reading a story on the reg about somethign that looked and functions oddly similar.

And I'm sure I'm missing some obvious stuff.

Honestly if it wasn't for the insanely vague patents big companies hold we'd probably already have most the stuff made that was in the shows that a sci-fi author dreamed up.

Kevin 6

RE:Bussard ramjet [Geek Alert]

Yup hence the term warp speed the ships not moving which is why its not outside the laws of physics. If you went at the speed of light from point A to get to Point C you would have to go through point B, but with warping the space you pretty much bend space and pull point C closer to you and go that way.

And don't see how impulse power would be an issue either seeing there not going near the speed of light. Only time I can remember a ship actually going near the speed of light was StarTrek IV The Voyage home when they did a sling shot around the sun in a Klingon vessel, that almost ripped itself apart, to go through time.

Swedish mother-daughter saint skulls are ringers, say boffins

Kevin 6


"the most celebrated saint of the Northern kingdoms", famous for having visions of Jesus and writing down stuff he had told her."

Seriously where I work (Mental institution) we have MANY people that talk to jesus and are told stuff by him all day long. Seriously if these saints and prophets lived nowadays they would be locked in a rubber room by the government. But then again many people need to be locked in the rubber room (mostly politicians) of an asylum.

Intel finds cure for CPU old age

Kevin 6

Asus figured that out years ago

Me and a 2 people I worked with bought TUV4x's when they came out. 2 months after warranty ended my caps blew, 3 weeks after that my one buddies blew (he got his 2 weeks after I got mine), and around a month later the other guys blew. 3rd guy was lucky he ordered a new motherboard after he saw mine and my one buddies blow withing weeks of each other.

I have yet to buy a Asus product since...

iPad runs Windows, Nokia runs OSX

Kevin 6

RE:You might want to consider just how much fun Windows is to use

Weird my tablet has neither a keyboard nor a mouse and works perfectly fine. Only time it had a keyboard on it was when I was installing win xp pro (came with the home crap) before I hacked it to tablet edition. Since then no keyboard or mouse needed period ;)

India eyes man in space by 2016

Kevin 6


Now there going to outsource space exploration. Poor astronauts who are going to be losing their jobs to some guy in india now they can know what the IT people face.

Steve Jobs uncloaks the 'iPad'

Kevin 6


Isn't it just a jumbo Ipod Touch? The only really revolutionary thing Apple did here was take an existing product and enlarge it, whereas most companies shrink them instead.

And for its price you can buy a tablet pc that runs real computer software not just iphone apps, and has 5 hour battery time.

Teen attacks father in Fifa 2009 fight

Kevin 6


I find most the people I know that play sports games act out physically more than the violent ones. I remember my cousin in particular went through 5 or 6 controllers playing a old madden game (forgot the system) cause he would fling them when he got mad. Now sit him front of something like GTA and if he died stupidly he'd just go get a bazooka and level the area instead.

MS spins IE security disaster into Windows 7 upgrade opportunity

Kevin 6

Make me glad

Glad I use Windows 2000 with IE5 ;) (I've yet to actually launch IE so no need to upgrade)

Most current viruses won't work on it even if you manually try to install them due to needing libraries that don't exist in 2k :D And most the old win 2k viruses won't work on the new OS's so my machines can sit pretty without much worry.

BTW I've actually tried infecting another win 2000 comp a few times with current viruses just to get a DLL not present error ;)

Spider-Man 4 washed down plughole

Kevin 6

you mean Spider-Ham ;)


I actually still have 1 or 2 of the comics laying around somewhere

Kevin 6


Then they will blame piracy for the lack of revenue generated, and start banging the anit-piracy wardrums instead of chalking it up to their bad decisions.

Say hello to Maxell-branded hard drives

Kevin 6


but with their CD's. Worst ones I've used. The sheer amount of coasters that were burnt was ludicrous, I had better results with the 10 cent bulk CD's than maxell's(they were around $1 a disk at the time). Also had to chuck the rest of the Maxells that did burn right after 3 years seeing the data started getting corrupt and put them on new cd's.

Samsung e-book reader range doubles in a day

Kevin 6


"$699 (£437) for the E101. ®"

10 inch Tablet PC's aren't even that much and can do everything that can do and more. I'll admit it probably blows the tablet away in battery life but still that is a lot of cash just so you can carry a few portable books.

Will a service pack for Windows 7 rock up anytime soon?

Kevin 6


I waited till SP2 of win 2k to put that on (still use SP4 on my main PC and server), and SP3 of XP to start using that regularly my other PC's.

Tried win7 ultimate out on 2 of my other PC's one PC blue screened and rebooted every time during shutdown after a few days tried 32 bit and 64 bit full reinstalls with no 3rd party progs both editions still did it (intel atom 330 with an intel desktop board), and the other PC randomly would reboot I was using it for video rendering kinda can see why random reboots would be an issue... Both run fine and perfectly stable with XP and have yet to crash.

So yea I'll wait till SP1 to try win 7 again.

Italians threaten suit over Windows pre-install

Kevin 6


Wouldn't they have to sue the companies selling the computers with windows pre-installed and not Microsoft? Last I checked Microsoft doesn't make any PC's period and the companies that sell the PC's install the OS. But when would facts ever get in the way of a guilty verdict in Italian court.

If I was in charge of MS I'd strip out the Italian language and make it illegal to sell there to be an ass.

Software fraudster 'fooled CIA' into terror alert

Kevin 6
Big Brother


At least The US is not using 1984 by George Orwell as a guide on how to run a government (yet) like some other country I know of :D

Tiny TV could make billions for FCC

Kevin 6


Personally thinking of that day pisses me off still. My grandma had to get direct TV due to it, and calls up non stop asking how to work it... every day...

Before the switch she got every local station. After the switch she got absolutely nothing(she had the craptastic converter box, along with a $90 antenna that claimed it was specially made to get digital signals...), along with everyone else I know.

So in all truth I doubt its 10% anymore probably closer to the 3% that live right next door to the transmitter towers.

Intel's Atomic 'Pine Trail' arrives early

Kevin 6


The D510 interests me. Wonder how much more heat the processor produces compared to the 330. And how well it can play Higher Def videos, I find the 330 kind of fails big time (with that horrendous gfx chipset on the intel brand board) with any video over 480p.

Sony plots death of Amazon Kindle

Kevin 6

sounds familiar

"Sony - a company that has struggled to establish itself as a dominant player in the world of ebook readers - is anxious to remind you that the ebook market is still in its infancy and that the Amazon Kindle is far from winning the battle."

Didn't they say something similar about Apple and its Ipod few years back?

FTC whacks Intel with anticompetition complaint

Kevin 6


What next sue Microsoft because their programs don't work on Linux?

Intel wrote a compiler optimized for their hardware. Is it Intels job to call up AMD and ask them for a whole list of their instruction calls so they can add it into their program.

Hell while were at it why doesn't Chevy sue Toyota for not making their parts compatible.

Intels done alot of shady things but the fact they spent THEIR money making THEIR own compiler optimised for THEIR hardware is probably the stupidest thing they have been accused of yet.

CrunchPad gets JooJoo eyeballed

Kevin 6

Is this

Is the pic a throwback to those Geico commercials that its so simple a caveman can use it?

For around $500 you can buy various full blown laptops/tablets that run Windows, and Linux not some stripped POS with a proprietary OS.

And did they use a giant indiglo backlight from a timex watch for a backlight? Only ask because that is the same exact color my watch turns when I press the button.

They should save the time and just close up shop now.

Head-cam video used to OK Arkansas cop kill

Kevin 6


Thing was they WERE doing their job. Didn't the report say his wife called the cops for help? They went to protect her, and he pulled out a gun and told them to leave. They told him 3 times to put the gun down.

Now just because he didn't shoot anyone YET doesn't mean he wouldn't, his gun was loaded with his finger on the trigger. Should the cops have waited till after someone was dead? If they did, one or all of them might be dead, the guys wife might be dead, and the survivors would be terminated and sued for wrongful death etc... Its also not like they didn't give him ample time to disarm himself. You got a gun in your hand and a pile of cops pointing theirs at you telling you to drop the gun, it don't take a rocket scientist to figure out if you don't listen you are gonna get shot.

'Alien spies live among us' says Bulgarian gov space boffin

Kevin 6


""Unnatural" acts such as use of cosmetics and "artificial insemination" are also frowned upon by the extraterrestrial visitors."

And here I always thought they started the use of artificial insemination on humans. So this is a do as I say not as I do situation then.

Virgin Media to trial filesharing monitoring system

Kevin 6

I royally want to know

How they can tell what is copyrighted and what is not by DPI? Seriously if I rip a CD or DVD its checksum and bit arrangement will be different than another person's ripping the same item, and unless they take every packet and reassemble it completely (good luck seeing bit torrent doesn't transfer pieces sequentially) and view it I do not see how this is possible.

Only things I can come up with is that they are using piratebay(and popular trackers) to download the torrents and using those files as a basis to search for. Or just basing if somethings pirated or not on the file name that is transferred.

NASA plans robot rocket aeroplane to fly above Mars

Kevin 6


Why don't they just mass produce the rover and send like 100-200 of em up there at once. Add on a optional parts module if they want some with different instruments. Probably would cost less than 1 airplane that might fail big time. Also would probably give way more info too.

UK jails schizophrenic for refusal to decrypt files

Kevin 6

@AC 13:52

As someone who works at a mental health facility we have a ton of people with schizophrenia. They have varying degrees of it. Some think everyone is out to get them and will not talk to ANYONE, they also try and carry anything they own with them all day, and they try not to sleep because they are scared that someone might steal their "treasures" (generally a cheap $2 AM/FM radio).

This guy from the way I read has schizophrenia to a slight degree. And seeing he has a small software company he might truly think they are out to steal his ideas and sell them to competitors. Also trying to flee the country would be a standard reaction to someone suffering from it seeing he thinks the whole government is after him. So in all truth it doesn't sound like its this guys fault more like your governments failure to help its citizens with mental issues.

Opera plugs hole in Great Firewall of China

Kevin 6


"Opera says Mini has 35 million users worldwide but it's unclear how many of those users are in China."

In the news next week Opera mini loses 34 million users worldwide in one week.

PS3 to go 3D in 2010, says Sony

Kevin 6

@sT0rNG b4R3 duRiD

"We are glad you haven't written off the hypervisor allowing us to run linux on older models, but this new development about not supporting linux in newer models is worrying. Think of who buys PS3s. Quite a few are nerdy. Some of us didn't buy the PS3 to play games and that's a fact."

I'm guessing the people who bought PS3's just to run linux and not buy a single game was a good chunk of the reason they removed the ability on the newer systems. Lets face it 99.9% of their profit comes from selling games not the systems themselves which they either sell for a loss or a teeny tiny profit margin. So in all truth supporting linux probably lost them money in the long run.

Ballmer waxes lyrical about Windows 7 double bubble sales

Kevin 6


I wish it was possible to find out how many of those Win 7 users go back to XP (like I did on 2 PC's) after they try it and find the much hyped OS isn't that good and not as stable as they claimed.

And before anyone flames me saying the stability is in the programs I ran or my computers hardware config or dodgy drivers the test computer is an Intel atom 330 board (actual intel brand not jetway or the other 3rd party) the Drivers were ALL supplied by MS and built into win 7 I installed nothing. I installed no 3rd party programs on the computer just installed the OS set network settings to let it validate and do any updates. Than let it idle for 8 hours a day for 3 days. On the 3rd (or 4th) day the PC started blue screening on shutdown and rebooting. Win 7 would reboot claiming to fix the error just to BSOD again on shutdown. I installed Ultimate X86 and 64 bit 2 times each and repeated (64 bit did it 1st day) with the same results.

Put XP back on no crashing in 2 weeks runs stable.

Another PC I tried win 7 on would reboot randomly anywhere from 30 mins to around 4 hours. Which again runs stable in XP. I'm waiting for SP1 before I try win 7 again.

But again this is just what I ran into your experience may vary. (side note I did not have any of these issues when I ran the Beta's on the same exact hardware)

Will Ferrell is Hollywood's most over-rated overpaid star

Kevin 6

Will Ferrell...

I'll be honest I I would never pay 1 penny to see anything he is in, watch it for free, or even if someone paid me for that matter I wouldn't watch the drivel he puts out. I find his "jokes" (if you can call them that) to be so stupid and have never laughed once when he was on Saturday Night Live (I actually stopped watching the show due to him alone and never watched it since). And most of the people I know feel the same way about him.

Hacktivists ransack Hitler defender's email

Kevin 6

Gotta love idiots

Honestly they think there going to shut him up? If anything they just made him more known all around the globe and promoted his book for free. I've never heard of the guy till today and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Why can't idiots learn when they pull stunts like this conspiracy theorist/nuts just use it to justify their view because they feel people are trying to silence the truth from them. The easiest way to get rid of people like this is to ignore them completely not go publish all his info online...

Windows XP on netbooks to lose life support?

Kevin 6

I've had win 7 running on a Atom

330 dual core with 2 gigs of RAM and it runs pretty crappy. Its performance is a little bit under XP's and when shutting down it gave a BSOD and rebooted instead of powering off. I've installed X86 and 64 bit (330 supports 64 bit) both crash same way.

Reinstalled BOTH with absolutely no software outside what MS installs and let it idle for a few days 64 bit still does the crash 1st day, and x86 started BSODing after 3 days. BTW THIS IS IDLING with NOTHING installed just turned on let it for 8 hours and shut down. Put XP back on works flawlessly. No crashing after 8 hours of CPU intensive work (re-encoding videos) when turning off.

Waiting for SP1 before I'm going to re-try Win 7.

BTW I used the Betas on the same PC and both betas did not have this issue. It seems it is something MS added into win 7 after the final beta thats causing it.

Parking spot flies to International Space Station

Kevin 6


So it will be like most government construction projects then. I've had my city completely repave my street just to completely rip it up 2 days later to install sewer pipes. Which they threw gravel on and then left it unpaved for 2 months...

I'm guessing it will be more like OK WE FINALLY COMPLETED THE ISS...five minutes later its being knocked down into earth orbit.

US Navy 'PANDA' tech to sniff out 'deviant' sailors

Kevin 6

@AC 19:44

that is probably hidden in revision 2's improvement list

World's first iPhone worm Rickrolls angry fanbois

Kevin 6


he should have had it also change the ringtone to Never gonna give you up

Intel lampooned by Nvidia toons

Kevin 6

Wow Its so funny...

I forgot to laugh...

Ohh wait.. wait... nope still no laugh, hell it didn't even make me smile. These make those crappy comic political satires in the daily paper seem brilliantly witty.

Windows 7 sales leave Microsoft coffers unstuffed

Kevin 6

Replace XP?

yea right. I have windows 7 x64 installed on 2 PC's so far and truthfully I'm thinking of going back to XP on both. One pc BSOD's whenever it tries to do a shutdown, than reboots instead of turning off, and the other one restarts at random. Along with the pain in the ass start menu(without a option to go back, and no CSmenu refuses to work on 64bit for me) XP is looking mighty nice.

BTW XP never BSOD'd on the one PC, and never randomly rebooted the other. I've also had linux installed on both with no issues so its a windows 7 x64 issue. BTW had x86 installed at 1st on the shutdown BSOD pc and it didn't have any shut down issues.

Only thing I do not hate about windows 7 is my bluetooth headset finally works (could never get it working on XP)... that is the only reason I haven't removed win7 yet.

EU block to Mandelson's filesharing laws removed

Kevin 6
Big Brother

Next up

is the addition of cameras in every house that will deduce if the citizen is partaking/thinking of something illegal based on their facial gestures, which will be called a thought crime.

Mozilla plots Firefox interface overhaul

Kevin 6

my god

are they getting the same peer group for ideas that MS used for windows7?

Seriously it looks god awful. If they want to copy a UI go copy netscape 4 at least it was functional and easy to use. And while there at it add a option to completely disable the damn awful bar and make it act like it used to. the damn bar even after hacks to disable it still occasionally will completely freeze my system when I type in a addy in the bar. Still can't figure out why when I type ebay google.com pops up as the url auto completed...

Hack slots hotspots into Windows 7

Kevin 6


Wait wait wait you mean to tel me MS left in potentially exploitable code from something they tried years ago but removed every piece of code for classic start menu (or so they claim)... They royally got their priorities screwed up with this OS.

World Wii sales slump by 43%

Kevin 6


I agree the Wii hit saturation point we all knew it was coming sooner or later with the Wii's insanely high monthly sale rate.

But the software sales I do agree for once with some of the posters most of the games released are pretty crappy currently. Japan gets a ton of variety in games vs the rest of the world waiting months, to years (if it ever gets translated) for the same game. Till the 1st of January I see a total of 4 games scheduled to be released in America that look like they don't suck, and honestly only 1 I think I might purchase. Compared to the Japanese release schedule there is 4 I would definitely buy coming out in the same time frame, and will buy if they ever make it to America.

But lets face it Nintendo is not at fault for game makers being too lazy and not caring enough to translate a game and bring it out to other markets.
