* Posts by Kevin 6

429 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2009


How Intel's faith in x86 cost it the mobile market

Kevin 6
Thumb Down

Re: Gordon 11's Huh?

You REALLY believe that few people choose to run windows?

funny my x86 computers came with nothing for over 18 years, and the one that I did buy with an OS on it only had Dr. D.O.S. and oddly I have windows on mine, and Word not installed. Its the same with everyone I know. I have had Linux on a few PC's over the years, but trashed the partitions seeing honestly mos times it just don't work. Currently I got VM's of every major distro trying to find one that is as easily useable as the Linux community claims, and yet to find one. Lets face it till linux distros get their act together, and standardize things like packages, and a UI its going to stay where it is.

For the record I run Windows 7 for hardware, and game support(I'd prefer win 2k pro though, but my hardware has 0 support in it, and even XP), as the games I play are not available under Linux, and honestly I don't even want to try and use wine again, as the last time I tried I deleted a partition out of sheer frustration (even following word for word the documentation)...

Just because it comes on the PC doesn't mean people don't want it. Look at all the original netbooks that sold with Linux on them that were returned cause it didn't have Windows on them which was what the people wanted.

Word wonks insist GIFs are really JIFs

Kevin 6

Re: another case of revisionist history

chicago here and been on the net (and was a compuserv user) and always pronounced it jiff also went to a tech school with a lot of web programmers(about 40% of the student base) and every one used jiff too

Kevin 6

ditto by me don't think I ever heard anyone say it with a hard g

Apple to settle with Samsung? Korean honcho: 'Fuggedaboutit'

Kevin 6

Re: But...

@Armando 123

From what I read apple said screw you and used them without even asking Samsung.. Then when Samsung told them to pay up Apple went crying that paying a royalty on something that costs millions of dollars to develop was unfair (unlike their charging 20X more for rounded corners).

Samsung only seems to have decided to sue them cause apple decided to sue them 1st over rounded corners cause honestly you never even heard of them getting mad till after that which honestly IMO is fair game.

Blizzard blasts 'frivolous' security lawsuit

Kevin 6

Re: @james 51

Starcraft 1, and broodwars good no net connection to play needed tons of hours (I spent) in replayability.

starcraft 2 25 ppl I knew bought it the day it came out(all were heavy SC1 players). after a month no one played it anymore. IMO its no where near as good as SC1 (and no that wasn't rose colored glasses as we all went and played SC1 for a bit after we got sick of SC2)

Diablo 3 same things Pile of ppl I knew who were hardcore D2 players played it for a month o 2 hoping the patches would make it better now none of the ppl I know touches it.

Kevin 6

Re: Yup

Well nope now if you want to sell gear on Diablo 3's RMAH you NEED it. As I don't have one and tried just to be greeted with a dialog box that sent me to the page to purchase one (As I do not own a cell phone)

China blocks all Google services as new leader anointed

Kevin 6

Re: And does the US impose sanctions?

problem is if they sanction china wallmart will go out of business, and american unemployment will hit 75% overnight seeing those are mostly the only jobs made under the obama campaign

Walmart workers filmed playing iPad frisbee

Kevin 6

only a dent?

I remember one guy years ago that I used to hang out with ordered a motherboard and had it delivered via UPS. The box had 2 tire marks on it and was completely crushed.

Apple-v-Samsung $1bn iPhone fine: 'Jury foreman was biased'

Kevin 6

Re: A technical question occurs...

Not really if you read what he said to places after the trial he told the people what to do basically, how to interpret things, and told them to ignore the judges instructions so pretty much he lead the jury to their decision it wasn't based on what the judge's instructions.

Sock-wielding movie pirates go to prison

Kevin 6

Re: Jason Hindle Couple of $$$?

I can believe it. Last time I went to a matinee alone (and the tickets are half priced at that time) it cost me $8 to get in, and the drink(aka giant cup of ice with a few drops of soda in it) was $3.50 for a medium (large was almost $5) Then popcorn was $4 a bucket. Add in a box of ($1 at the store across the street) candy they charge $4.50 for at the time, and I was at $20 for one person.

This was quite a few years ago too as I've not seen one movie advertised since that has made me want to go to a theater (let alone pirate it)

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria review

Kevin 6

My take on MoP

As someone that already has 3 level 90's MoP is IMO hands down the worst expansion to wow.

The quests I find it extremely annoying how linear the quest are sure there is not a little more option compared to Cata, but its no where near what it was prior.

Itemization: Quest rewards virtually worthless. I played a Disc priest (healer to non wow players) I'd say 80% of the gear was for DPS with no healer option. Very limited trinket options (all the quest ones were worthless I saw). Same with weapons majority were junk I seen. Luckily my priest was a tailor and I got lucky and made some nice BoE Blues or I probably would have quit as I find shadow now painful to play.

Blizzard said originally way before the beta was released for MoP they wanted to remove the rep grind as they figured out players didn't care for it, so they put all badge gear, tailoring, leather working, and some other plans all at a vendor that requires rep... This was not a huge problem in cataclysm or Wrath seeing you could fling a tabbard on and go run dungeons, even BC dungeons gave rep with certain groups so you could keep running those in the quest for gearing up. No in MoP you NEED to do insanely mind numbingly repetitive quests on a daily basis that make productivity meeting at work seem fun, and productive(I've never been to one that was fun or productive btw). They even lowered the req quests give now from 250 as its been since I think BC(or even vanilla) to 125 (or is it 130). Now I wouldn't be pissed with this if the rep was account wide, and if you hit exalted it would go to all like the achievements, but no you have to do it for each character which for one faction it generally takes 20-60 minutes (depending how many others are on the same thing fighting over spawns) so lets multiply it by several characters...

Skill tree's: I also loved when they said they want to add variety to the game saying it was too cookie cutter... so to do this they removed the extremely customizable skill spec's where we had choices (they already dumbed it down greatly for cata) to where we get to choose 5 skills only. And in most cases only one is viable for a build so there is pretty much 0 choice. Yup they made it not cookie cutter by removing choices so everyone is the same...

Profession's mat cost being unbalanced. Seriously the mats for some are ludicrous (I have every profession maxed) This new mote of harmony crap is insane. Some professions need a lot early on, some need a few later, some don't need a damn single one. Again like I said also earlier some professions also require you to have somewhere from honored to exalted with some faction to get some of their recipes, where others don't need any rep. Its really lopsided. The only thing they did positive with professions was make engineering items not 100% worthless as the trinket can be used by non-engineers(I found this ground breaking by blizzard)

Lack of flying till 90 in new area. OK they want us to see their pretty scenery that is nice. OK fine one play through I can see(even then I got sick of the copy and pasted bridges, and repetitive textures) like in wrath, but come on let us buy a tomb of flying like was available in wrath for every other character after. I want to level another character as I leveled everything on one realm to level 85 in cata, but hell being forced to waste time on a ground mount for a 4th time is killing my ambition to even bother. At least in cata I could fly fast to get the monotonous linear quests over 1,2,3 in MoP we have to suffer, and dismount after a light tap...

The blatant pokemon side game ripoff... I wish I could say something bad about this, but honestly I find this to be the most fun part of the expansion so far (as well as a lot of people in my guild said the same thing) which is not saying much about this expansion...

So that is how I feel about this expansion I honestly don't see myself playing this long term(or even through December) like all the other expansions wow has had in the past that kept me very entertained.

Kevin 6

Re: Valhrafn

GW2 I've seen more game breaking bugs in it than any other game I've played period. It took me 3 days to complete 5 maps just because 1 NPC on each weren't spawning. I had to swap servers each day, and luckily the last server I hit the NPC was up in the overflow server, but was down on the normal. This is just one I've seen events that never ended so you couldn't warp to the points, but instead were forced to walk long distances. A few of those stuck events were the main event in the zone that gave the treasure chest so yea thats fun...

I've also seen insane amounts of bots running around. In the snow level 70-80 area I've seen well over 50 bots at a time, and in the WvWvW I've seen tons of bots too doing figure 8's

Will say the graphics blow the living shit out of wow's extremely dated graphics the game looked stunning at full res, and ran at 60 FPS(lowest was 33 FPS when I was fighting a dragon wit like 60 other people) unlike wow which I've almost had crash when I was in a raid with 30 people it got so choppy on medium settings... I also liked the layout of the land in GW2, and thought it flowed quite nicely. Now if they could clear up the bugs, add in something like the wow dungeon finder I might go back, and remove that annoying anti farm code (not fun getting stuff you need).

Kevin 6

Re: Kung Fu Panda

So were the Zerg, orc space marines, and a few other things but you don't see them in the game.

GooPad's eight-incher gives Apple fans cheap relief

Kevin 6

Re: There is a cost though...

Well part of the cost cut I'm sure is they don't pay any patent royalties to the holders of patents (like apple ;)) so that allows them to cut costs way lower than google who has to pay for the licensing of technology

Study finds file sharers buy more music

Kevin 6

Sounds about right from my experiences

Most the people I know that download movies, spend a good chunk of money at the actual movie theater, have netflix subs, and huge legit DVD/BD libraries

Same with the people I knew who download music. I knew one guy who had hundreds of CD's, he would download the tracks so he could listen to his favorite songs off them on mp3 players when not at home(he wasn't adept enough to rip em or was prevented doing so b the protection).

Then there's people like me who don't download movies because they feel like most are shit not worth wasting the time looking for to download for free let alone spend money to see, same with music most current music I (usually am forced to) hear I feel I should be able to sue the producers for raping my eardrums.

Ballmer aims chair at Apple after Windows package miss

Kevin 6

Re: Linux et al :Dave 126

There is that ,and the sheer difficulty it is to install stuff.

Tried using (Desbian) Linux 2 months ago as people are saying it got easier, and more user friendly...

After 1-2 hours of typing in commands to install ONE program(I even had a step by step guide) I gave up, and not started the box up since... I got sick of swapping repositories rebuilding lists back and forth.

Until they make it as easy to just DL, and install a program as windows (or even DOS) I hate to say Linux will not make it big.

Is lightspeed really a limit?

Kevin 6

wow that graph

That graph looks like some neo-nerd art. I dub it Graphism. Just print it up, and post it in an art museum probably would fetch more money than he gets paid as a physicist ;)

Microsoft: Pirates at high risk of malware infection

Kevin 6
Thumb Down


What about the people who pay for legit programs from the store, and have the CD riddled with malware?

I've had it in the past a stamped CD infected with a virus before. That's not counting Symantec or McAfee software which have done more damage than most malware strains I've seen to the computers.

Democrat candidate attacked by GOP for being stabby assassin ORC

Kevin 6

Well at least US politics are WAY more entertaining than when they report on UK politics ;).

Guild Wars 2 game review

Kevin 6

well as someone that has both... IMO GW2 is way superior.

I hit 90 last night in the MoP, and the rep grind is insane... Seriously to get anj VP gear you need different factions as only the new faction vendors sell it at revered. Also guess what no more tabards to gain rep with. I found the leveling to 90 very tedious (which is amazing seeing I got every class to 85 on both factions in cata). The crafting mote farming...

I've got 65 of the new crafting motes that are BoP(yup not even BoA) in the 5 levels I did, and I heard that is exceptionally high from people in my guild who only has 2-3 by the time they were 90... Doesn't help how engineering uses them en mass. Also the new ore in the game is virtually worthless as seems you cant walk 100 meters without hitting a rich node(I've had WELL over 200 stacks in 5 levels not going out of my way)... But the rare ore you need a ton of is so rare in comparison it almost might as well be an epic.

BTW most fun part of the WHOLE EXP I am finding is what was dubbed by the player base the "Pokewow" pet battling system. Yes an aped pokemon ripoff is more fun than the content they force you to walk through...

Not to say I got 2 80s on GW2, but honestly it looks way more impressive, and uses less CPU/GPU resources while looking stunning at max settings than WOW. One major plus is no longer are you forced into a faction to play a class(something I NEVER understood on wow) every race, can be every profession(class).

As for the end game grind IMO its not as bad as wows sure you need to trash rares to make better gear, but you don't need to farm the same things over and over. There are 3 dragon world boss's you can kil, and a pile of other world bosses that grant good gear. Also the gear you loot from the big boss event chests scale to your level like if I go join the group to kill the boss in the starter human zone I will get level 80 gear instead of level 14(which is about the min level to survive him) even though I was retro leveled to 16 while near him.

As for the anti-farm thing yes that is annoying as hell. Won't argue that at all it IMO just hurts players, as well as most people finding Magic Find being a useless stat due to diminishing returns seeing it just makes the anti farm code go into effect faster..

Only wish arena net would fix some of the glitches that make the game impossible(like skill points being bugged for weeks, and unable to be done)

Verizon CFO: 'Unlimited' data is just a word

Kevin 6

Re: Re: Well, this is the type of idiotic, incompetent, parasitic scumbag we have in executive

so true its worked great for the Movie, and recording industry so far.

NASA funds sexy, stealthy, sideways supersonic flying wing

Kevin 6

Wow a person whose name sounds like its of Chinese decent designed a jet powered Chinese throwing star.

'This lawsuit is not about patents or money, it's about values'

Kevin 6

"The head jurist was also pretty stupid in how he interpreted prior art "it's not prior art, it's just an older implementation of the same stuff". "

look at the patent he owns that statement describes it in a nutshell.

His patent was filed 3 years after TiVo came out which describes a DVR in very vague terms....

So he basically patented a DVR after a DVR was out already, and got it granted.

Why the Apple-Samsung verdict is good for you, your kids and tech

Kevin 6

Re: Oh noes...

Actually IMO I think the jury foreman was a cunning person

If you read the patent he owns it's basically is the patent for a DVR that was filed a few years after things like TIVO started coming out.

So he probably figured he can't bash apple for what he did himself, and probably figured the verdict can help him out in the future if he sues a company.

Hell he said himself "If this were my patent," "could I defend it?" in theory if this judgement stands he possibly could.

Apple, Samsung whip out mobe sales in patent trial showdown

Kevin 6

Re: 25% of your income

Here is the thing how is it 25% of their income?

Can they prove for 100% certainty that people bought the galaxy by accident instead of the iphone cause of its looks?

I know MANY people who bought the galaxy cause they honestly hated the iphone. They owned one and dumped it cause call quality was complete shit. So there was no mistake cause of rounded corners.

Both my sister, and father(he was forced to get one by work) have an iPhone 4, they both hate it for calls. Call them 70% of the time the call is dropped, and 10% of the time its not dropped you can hardly understand them. My sister on the other hand don't care about call quality seeing she uses it 99.99% of the time for texting which she says works great on it...

Hate to tell apple not every cellphone buyer is a complete idiot that can't tell the difference in brand names on the box, and only shop on rounded corners.

Why women won't apply for IT jobs

Kevin 6

Re: seen job adds lately ?

not only a UK issue over in the states I love the entry level adds(the greater majority where I live) that require 5 years exp and over $1000 in certs...

Will Samsung's patent court doc leak backfire spectacularly?

Kevin 6

@Mike Moyle

Well I don't know about by you, but where I live Jurors only get paid $8(or was it $11) or so by the state...

PARKING (yes they charge for it) is $10...

Food last time I went 10 years ago was $2 for what was then a 50 cent candy bar in any other vending machine(hell I should know I used to OWN a vending machine)...

So can you see why people ditch jury duty?

last time my old man was sequestered for a week he got a whole $50, and the hotel they threw em in was so poor he got louses from the mattress which took a crap ton of work to get rid of after...

So now if they at least give you minimum wage as pay, free parking, and reasonably priced food, or even free (seeing you are being forced to sit there), and a decent hotel room(not some crap that makes truck stop motels look high class) people might not ditch out on it as much as possible.

Kevin 6

Re: 404 :Part of a larger problem.

Honestly seeing how society has changed with how stupid people have become, also how dependent on the things like facebook, and twitter I can't really argue with his point of view...

Now if you would have asked me 10 years ago I would have said he was insane.

Raspberry Pi served with Ice Cream Sandwich

Kevin 6


too bad according to allied it will probably be damn near the end of September before it gets shipped...

Slim debut sales for fatter Nintendo 3DS

Kevin 6

My god can you people stop complaining they didn't add an extra stick already, or increased its power

There is a simple reason they didn't. THEY DIDN'T WANT TO BREAK COMPATIBILITY

Seriously if they made the XL more powerful, and an extra stick, and companies only made games that use the extra power, and made use of an extra pad they would alienate all the original 3ds buyers(even more than they did when they did the price drop).

And if they did that guess what when they would release the next system NO ONE WOULD BUY IT cause they would be scared of the new one getting replaced in a year or so with a slightly improved one where new games would be completely incompatible.

As for people still saying 3d's a fad or a gimmick EVERYTHING IS A FAD your 2nd analog pad you cry it not having is a fad IMO. Its not needed. Playing games online is a gimmick, 1084p on consoles are gimmicks. I will be honest some gimmicks are better than others motion gaming is one I wish would die (only reason I dislike most wii games ones that give the option to use the GC controller I love)

Also remember you might not like the 3d, but guess what there are plenty of people who like it, and use it all the time (me for one).

Out of the 14 3ds games I own there is only two I will not play on 3d.

One is due to the lag from poor coding in it (DoA) which honestly for a 3rd party launch game on new hardware isn't terrible. Games after it I've not seen any lag what so ever. The other is Tales of the Abyss, but honestly that isn't due to nintendo either its due to a 3rd party doing the 3d half assed to where its not even noticeable(except in the battery life dept).

Nintendo 3DS XL review

Kevin 6

Re: Don't understand the logic?

agree 100% on the no 2nd analog pad reason.

Game wise it had some great games to start then they just stopped flowing sure one comes out here and there, but for the most part is calmed down. Doubt Nintendo can be blamed though seeing from what I seen its happening on every system across the board just nothing really interesting is coming out

And before people jump on me stuff like NBA 2013 which just had a roster update, and CoD's 10 billionth sequel that just has a few new textures, and maps don't count as interesting IMO

Side note I personally like that the 3ds doesn't have 2 analog pads as I've never liked controllers that have had them.

Raspberry Pi rolls out speed surge Raspbian OS

Kevin 6

Re: Argh!

Feel the same way ordered mine the second it allowed me too.

Still dunno what I'm going to use it for though :D

Streetfighter 2: The World Warrior

Kevin 6

Re: Of course, today...

And make it 2 buttons light attack, and hard attack cause 3 kicks, and 3 punches are just too hard for the current gen of gamers to comprehend.

Cockfighting Reg hack cursed with cancer

Kevin 6

Wow just slap the word MEGA in front of the animal names and you have a made for TV movie on the syfy network...

Hitchhiker shot while researching 'Kindness of America'

Kevin 6

Re: Gun ownership.

Agree chicago does have a LOT of gun related crime(and every other form), hell its so bad people getting shot don't even make the news anymore unless it was a white guy shooting a black teen(cause that's racism opposite isn't true)

Guess what those crimes are committed with unregistered guns illegally acquired(trust me I hear automatics being fired quite a bit at work). Getting guns illegally is not hard at all, and even if guns were flat out banned the illegal guns used in crimes would still be there solving nothing at all, and might actually make things worst seeing then they KNOW no one can defend themselves.

For the tree hugging hippies if you somehow magically remove every gun from the country the criminals will then go to tasers, knifes, etc... If you magically remove those,and ban them you all ways have broken glass, 2X4's with nails, lead pipes, baseball bats, ice picks, anything else you can pick up, bare hands, etc... So if someone REALLY REALLY wants to kill someone there is no way in hell to prevent it.

IMO Guns are not contributing at all to the crime problem its the idiotic politicians that have screwed the country, city, and state up to the point more, and more people are turning to a life of crime to survive.

Diablo III

Kevin 6

Re: Yes the game is good but .......

battle tag rubbish?

I prefer it over the real ID crap they had so we could talk to ppl cross game, and think this is what should have been put in initially.

I'll be honest I did feel the game was kind of short, and lacking in challenge in the normal mode. When I played Diablo 2 it took me well over a week of almost nonstop playing to beat the game. This I flipped in under 3 days moderate playing. Also the itemization is extremely SHITTY. Seriously last boss in the game dropped fuckin level 20 gear... where some random mob I killed in act 3 dropped gear better than him.

Now nightmare the difficulty is ludicrous. Seriously generic rare mobs are harder than the bosses are in normal.

Kevin 6
Thumb Up


Personally I'm more shocked people are going this bat shit insane over it seeing it was made to be a multiplayer game, and nothing else.

Unlike when SC2 had always on battle.net even for its true single player mode(this really pissed me off)... SC2 if you do anything all you can do is affect a online statistic it has 0 recourse on other players. Diablo 3 you can really ruin the game for others.

The people whining about Diablo 3 online only are probably the same ones that cried to blizzard due to all the cheating in Diablo 1 and 2 due to the offline single player mode.

For the record I'm no fanboy honestly I see MANY problems with blizzard (specially since activision got them), and I wil not be buying StarCraft 2's "expansions" which are exactly the same as DLC seeing it had an unfinished campaign mode (as compared to every other RTS blizz has done in the past) that they are trying to pass off as an expansion.

Also I got it free for playing wow for a year. I do regret signing up for the year pass though this at least makes the pain a little less.

Kevin 6

I'll play devils advocate

There is NO single player mode period. Even when you are in "single player"mode people you know can jump in at ANY point unless you block all players, or have no friends at all.

Diablo 2 was like this in a lot of ways if you wanted to play multilayer you had to have a separate characters which had absolute 0 interaction with each other. You couldn't just go level up in single player, and go HEY I WANNA GO ONLINE and take the same character online. If I remember right there was a lot of bitching at blizzard over that cause people leveled up offline and expected to be able to use it online like in the original diablo. In Diablo 2 I had to sit on battle.net in games alone leveling to catch my buddies (I started a month after them) so I could play with them so in honestly its the same thing.

Now as to why you can't use a offline char online its simple. In the original diablo it was so friggin easy to hack your character it wasn't funny. Example I got bored of the game uninstalled it then my buddies started playing and got me to play with them I went installed it made a character quit, and hacked the save file to put me up where they were so I didn't have to replay it.

then there were the people who royally hacked their chars into gods seriously this game was not fun when you would get someone jumping in your game and use the hack so they could kill you in town, and camp you. I'll be honest due to this alone I'm happy they went this route with this game.

Only game I do not agree at all with requiring online all the time is Starcraft 2 that one I can see bitching that game was just a royal fuck up IMO. What I do in single player campain has absolutely 0 effect to what happens online why in the fuck am I forced to be on b.net is beyond my comprehension, and I will not be getting any of the "expansion packs" (I rank it with DLC seeing the game was unfinished compared to the 1st, and the exp)

Kevin 6

Re: "... it was only on Tuesday that I had issues"

Only error I got was 316921 which basically said I didn't have a valid character (went away when I let it sit 2 mins). I only remember the error cause my buddy was reading something where people were talking how error 3000 was high and they bet there was over 9000, and I said yup there are. I took a screen shot cause he didn't believe me ;)

Outside that no problems

Microsoft ejects DVD playback from Windows 8

Kevin 6

Re: Any reason for the downvote?

Dunno about you but VLC(for windows can't comment on the linux one) half the time for me gets a ton of artifacts and broken audio I've tried it for the last 5 years and always experience the same exact thing. I've tried it on literally 30 different PC's with specs all over the place with AVI's OGM's,.MP3s, MKV's, and DVD's. The same exact files played flawlessly on MPC, winamp, and hell even windows media player on the same systems. So no the down vote isn't because of people being WMP junkies its because some of us don't have good experience with it.

For the record I use MPC on my systems. It uses less CPU time, and plays files perfectly for me.

Nintendo: PS3 rules Europe, Xbox tops US

Kevin 6


The chart is kinda stupid along with saying the PS3 is outselling the 3ds

That would be like Nokia saying Dell is selling more computers than they are cellphones...

Now the proper comparison would be the 3ds outselling the each of the sony handhelds around the globe. Or the PS3 outselling the Wii.

Lets face it the Wii is at end of cycle, and most people that want one have one unlike the PS3 or xbox 360 which most people I know are on their 2nd or 3rd due to them dying on them(and these people aren't hard core gamers either, maybe 10 hours a week at max)... Everyone I know is still on their 1st wii though.

I'm more curious about the huge drop in sales across the board in the 1st 2 weeks in Europe, and Japan though where in the US it went up.

'Geek' image scares women away from tech industry

Kevin 6

Re: Re: Cool?

forgot (wish there was an edit button) most job posts say: must be able to lift 75-100lbs...

Kevin 6

Re: Re: Cool?

Level II my ass that's the entry level requirements for $13 an hour by me

You also forgot the must speak Swahili requirement (seriously I saw a few odd languages in posts for requirements)

Biologists create synthetic DNA capable of EVOLUTION

Kevin 6

Wonder when

I wonder when they will make this into a kit for kids like A.C. Gilbert did with the U-238 Atomic Energy Lab they sold in the 50's. I can see it now "Kids make your own life that evolves!". Or is the time of fun science toy kits over now?

MPAA boss: 'SOPA isn’t dead yet'

Kevin 6

Re: Reworking?

would rework one thing on your reworking the part that reads "protecting an industry that is only in decline because they will not adapt to a new environment""

I'd rework it to :

protecting an industry that is in decline because they keep pumping out complete shit no one wants to see, let alone pay them to see because they will not bother making anything worthwhile.

Google shows off Project Glass augmented reality specs

Kevin 6

Screw glasses I want a piece that looks like a DragonBall Z scouter that can hook into my tablet/netbook so I can use it while its tucked away (don't care if its wired)

Use the holy word of God to stay secure online, says bishop

Kevin 6

personally I used to use chip #'s off old motherboards,and addon cards. People often wondered why I had old MB's on the desk as decor not knowing my passwords were in plain sight :D

Climate-change scepticism must be 'treated', says enviro-sociologist

Kevin 6

Re: @AC 09:56

"For climate change, while there is strong evidence of warming, the 'human-caused' element still hasn't been properly calculated, let alone the 'what do we do about it?' part"

Pretty much I will not argue that the climate is changing, like you said my argument is the human caused element.

If they look at core samples (yes the creationist will scoff at me) there has been shown cycles where the earth heated up way before humans existed like it is now then the temps plummet drastically (ice age type plummet). From what I remember reading(been quite a while it was before the human done global warming trend started) based on the core samples it seems we are currently in an excessively long cycle of warmth, and the heat up prior to the drop is pretty much over due. If anything IMO we might be accelerating it by a handful of years, but never the less it's something that was coming anyways.

For the record my sister who is working on a B.S. in bio sounds just like this one in ranting and raving about how climate change is completely human caused without ever taking a class, or reading one book on earth science.
