My take on MoP
As someone that already has 3 level 90's MoP is IMO hands down the worst expansion to wow.
The quests I find it extremely annoying how linear the quest are sure there is not a little more option compared to Cata, but its no where near what it was prior.
Itemization: Quest rewards virtually worthless. I played a Disc priest (healer to non wow players) I'd say 80% of the gear was for DPS with no healer option. Very limited trinket options (all the quest ones were worthless I saw). Same with weapons majority were junk I seen. Luckily my priest was a tailor and I got lucky and made some nice BoE Blues or I probably would have quit as I find shadow now painful to play.
Blizzard said originally way before the beta was released for MoP they wanted to remove the rep grind as they figured out players didn't care for it, so they put all badge gear, tailoring, leather working, and some other plans all at a vendor that requires rep... This was not a huge problem in cataclysm or Wrath seeing you could fling a tabbard on and go run dungeons, even BC dungeons gave rep with certain groups so you could keep running those in the quest for gearing up. No in MoP you NEED to do insanely mind numbingly repetitive quests on a daily basis that make productivity meeting at work seem fun, and productive(I've never been to one that was fun or productive btw). They even lowered the req quests give now from 250 as its been since I think BC(or even vanilla) to 125 (or is it 130). Now I wouldn't be pissed with this if the rep was account wide, and if you hit exalted it would go to all like the achievements, but no you have to do it for each character which for one faction it generally takes 20-60 minutes (depending how many others are on the same thing fighting over spawns) so lets multiply it by several characters...
Skill tree's: I also loved when they said they want to add variety to the game saying it was too cookie cutter... so to do this they removed the extremely customizable skill spec's where we had choices (they already dumbed it down greatly for cata) to where we get to choose 5 skills only. And in most cases only one is viable for a build so there is pretty much 0 choice. Yup they made it not cookie cutter by removing choices so everyone is the same...
Profession's mat cost being unbalanced. Seriously the mats for some are ludicrous (I have every profession maxed) This new mote of harmony crap is insane. Some professions need a lot early on, some need a few later, some don't need a damn single one. Again like I said also earlier some professions also require you to have somewhere from honored to exalted with some faction to get some of their recipes, where others don't need any rep. Its really lopsided. The only thing they did positive with professions was make engineering items not 100% worthless as the trinket can be used by non-engineers(I found this ground breaking by blizzard)
Lack of flying till 90 in new area. OK they want us to see their pretty scenery that is nice. OK fine one play through I can see(even then I got sick of the copy and pasted bridges, and repetitive textures) like in wrath, but come on let us buy a tomb of flying like was available in wrath for every other character after. I want to level another character as I leveled everything on one realm to level 85 in cata, but hell being forced to waste time on a ground mount for a 4th time is killing my ambition to even bother. At least in cata I could fly fast to get the monotonous linear quests over 1,2,3 in MoP we have to suffer, and dismount after a light tap...
The blatant pokemon side game ripoff... I wish I could say something bad about this, but honestly I find this to be the most fun part of the expansion so far (as well as a lot of people in my guild said the same thing) which is not saying much about this expansion...
So that is how I feel about this expansion I honestly don't see myself playing this long term(or even through December) like all the other expansions wow has had in the past that kept me very entertained.