Bit poor
Also, as he turns the viewport into the hole moves in the wrong direction... poor.
206 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2009
Surely if they tell people to try and hack/DDOS 'em, then they may not be committing a crime... Sorta like when you tell someone to paint your house or get a locksmith to open your door... or ask removal men to take your possessions.
If they're effectively saying "Please attack our websites" then... case closed.
GTA isn't adult only. I think it's rated "Teen" in the US, though they seem to ignore ratings.
I think they're missing an opportunity. They could use it as a sex ed toy to train them up before they're old enough to do the real thing. They have to learn before doing everything else, so it might do them some good.
PS3/XBOX fanboy whining again? Really? Five years on?
I have an xbox myself, it's awesome - but I had the fun of playing on a PS3 again the other day. Also fun. Load time sucked balls but bombing round the race track was awesome.
It's all about the games. That, and we all have about an inch of dust on our Wiis.
Retro_ PC_ games. Lemmings was more of an Amiga / ST (spit) game.
Jet Set Willy was a Speccy game (and 8-bit home computers).
Donkey Kong et al were console games. Myself I'd have added Wolfenstein 3D / Spear of Destiny as ground-breaking to this list. C'est la vie.
Also, the article has the wrong screenshot for Diablo.
...would be if the forum IDs could be clicked on to reveal all characters by a person.
It'd cut down on the bell-ends making lvl 1 alts to bitch at people.
Wow, though - people have really got sand in their vaginas about this whole issue. The idea was decent but not really that great for security for accounts with poor security to start with, but Blizzard don't really deserve the level of bile they're getting from Knee-jerk nublets.
When they first started installing the mega-expensive facial recognition systems in US airports didn't they establish that they don't really work very well to start with? Change your hat, grow a beard, don't sleep for a day or two and boom! Everyone thinks you're Lady Gaga.
...execute all the heads of each party.
Then have the Queen cherry-pick five people from each of the three parties to find people who might actually run the country rather than keep trying to bullshit their way up popularity contests.
Have everyone else in the parties and all other parties executed.
The remaining fifteen are to work together to make one party which will get 10 years to not be cunts. 20 if they're nice. After that, we can return to a voting system with multiple parties - it should give us enough time to have people educated into what the fuck the government is doing and what it should be allowed to do.
If we're lucky it won't be any worse than voting for what cunt we think is the least likely to be a lying fuckwit with no sense whatsoever.
...instead of spending all that time and effort blocking Mexico...
Open the borders. Completely.
Then spend the cash assisting Mehico in various ways until they don't feel the need to go to the US for a better life / money.
Improve their quality of life, set up import/export and then it'll just be like an unofficial state.
Smokers aren't all a minority. Most of the pubs I used to drink in were 70% smokers.
Now two of those pubs are closed and the other is often empty. All because some assholes don't want people to smoke. Fuck this stupid nanny state. If you don't like smoke, go elsewhere. People will run non-smoking pubs to cater to the specialists. Hell, some pubs can have smoking rooms...