Your Choice
Ignoring the facts as some of the poor misguided above seem to do at every opportunity, is to confirm that Mr G Brown (unelected PM) has done a great job since his (un)election and to indicate your delight that it will take until your grandchildren are close to retirement to meet the debts he has created. As for cyber security, the poor sod is a mono-visionary who can't do binary as he has only one eye -- the result of an earlier carelessness!
There is another way and it is not making the poor pay, no matter how often you ply your stupid little ideas. I favour recording the vote of each voter (and making it compulsory to vote) so that we can see who has to pay for the mess made by those they voted for. That would be the fair way!
Put the average idiot in front of a computer screen and you have a problem in the making. Leave the connection live, stay logged on, stay logged in and don't forget to store your passwords and bank details on the machine --- credit card info too please. Don't you just love it? Want security? Then grow up and use the OFF button where your broadband pulgs in. Turn it on to collect email, surf the net, check stockmarket prices, whatever, THEN DISCONNECT !!
You don't need to be online to use Word or Photoshop or to play the illegal MP3s you D/Ld earlier, so why leave it connected when you aren't paying attention?
As for the Great Leader and his failed Labour Government running cyber security, well, they couldn't catch a banker bonus, never mind a cyber criminal or terrorist.
Trust me, we need a change and we need it now!