* Posts by Scott 19

365 publicly visible posts • joined 10 Jun 2009


Climate denier bloggers sniff out new conspiracy

Scott 19


Looking at a lot of commentators history's a lot of astroturfing going on, guess they've been sent over by the PR site DeSmogBlog.

Voyager's 35th birthday gift: One-way INTERSTELLAR ticket

Scott 19


I'm sure I watched a documentary where the probe returned and nearly destroyed the earth.

Luckily James T Kirk (A descendant of Neil Armstrong I'm lead to believe) was on hand.

Scott 19

Re: "Good afternoon, Mr. Amer. Everything is going extremely well"

As it is the USAs NASA I'd use 'shooting along'.

Patent flame storm: Reg hack biteback in reader-pack sack attack

Scott 19


So how many pantents do you hold Andrew? because your starting to sound like Tim Yeo.

Wireless Power breakthrough: Iron Man can lose the chest reactor

Scott 19


Nanobot me up baby.

DOCTOR WHO world, or Magrathea, SPOTTED* orbiting twin suns

Scott 19

Sorry had to comment.

It's the book sitting in my bog on top of the toliet paper at the moment, Mr Dents just riding round with slartibartfast. Brilliant book.

Although El Reg is becoming more like the Vogons each day. I'll get my coat unless the mods have a poem for me.

Doctor Who to hit small screen on 1 September

Scott 19

Re: its back kids



Boffins zapped '2,000 bugs' from Curiosity's 2 MILLION lines of code

Scott 19

Re: But....

They should have written it in crayon cos I use that and its dead easy.

Airline leaves customer on hold for 15 hours

Scott 19
IT Angle


Shoulda booked on line then or taken your buisness else where.

Why do I get the feeling this guy is loking for some free-bees.

buzz, buzz.

'Ex climate sceptic' Muller's latest BEST stuff is the worst so far

Scott 19


At all the usual sandbagging CAGW cultist on here, you do realise that the BEST paper has been rejected don't you?

Beeb stuffs $21tn into Olympic-sized swimming pools

Scott 19


Hey if the B-BBC want to raise their standard of journalism (tongue firmly in cheeky) to the Reg's standard who can blame them.

CO2 warms Earth FASTER than previously thought

Scott 19

Re: Hang on a second...

@Gerry Doyle 1 - Now that IS good Trolling.

'Things are different now.' - Madonna has been replaced by Lady GaGa that's diffrent.

Scott 19

Re: What the paper in question really says...

'Plenty of people, even industry and MPs, say how wonderful it will be to have the climate of the South of France in Northumberland' - Who says this or are you just blowing hot air?

Scott 19

Re: What the paper in question really says...

Looking at the headline shame the author could not take the time that MondoMan did to actually read what he was suppose to be reporting on....then again with The Reg and the way it's going down hill fast I bet they don't realise people know what Cut-and-Paste is.

Anyone know the web site that will tell me where this author cut and paste from?

Time for Victoria to adapt, says Climate Commission

Scott 19

Use to

I use to come for the funny IT articles, now I stay away because of the cut-and-paste PR journalism.

Web snooping bill an 'odious shopping list of new gov powers'

Scott 19
Big Brother

It'll be law

with the added bonus you'll get to pay for it.

The political class couldn't careless you have your choice, pay income tax till you drop dead or sign on and become an alcoholic/obese and die early, just remember to drop your blue or red token in the box marked democracy and we'll do the rest for you.

'Inexperienced' RBS tech operative's blunder led to banking meltdown

Scott 19

'CA Technologies - the makers of the CA-7 software at the heart of the snarl-up - are helping RBS to fix the disaster that has affected 16.9 million UK bank accounts.

"RBS is a valued CA Technologies customer, we are offering all assistance possible to help them resolve their technical issues," a spokeswoman told The Register.'

ie: RBS are paying the over time, oh wait that's wrong, the tax payers are paying the over time.

Google coughs up what it coughs up to govs - and what it suppresses

Scott 19
Big Brother


<------You have been warned.

EU's 2020 CO2 target 'will add a year to economic slump'

Scott 19

Re: Stupid Sheeple

You have 3 friends, they earn a pound a day, they spend 2 pounds a day and owe each other a tenner. Now to make up the sort fall they keep borrow a pound off each other. (This is so simple it doesn't work but it gives you a very basic idea to go and learn more I would hope.)

Scott 19

Re: Stupid Sheeple

PS Itzman what does TCP in TCP/IP stand for?

Scott 19

Stupid Sheeple

With the world economy collapsing around our ears, the sheeple blissfully unaware and the rich just trying to work out how to keep there profits so inflation doesn't affect them so much, do not be suprised when your electric bill is on par with your mortgage repayments/rent.

But don't worry the bread and circuses will continue so your x-Factor/Star Trek reruns will keep you happy.

The real question is who will blink first the USA, EU or China. At this rate my same wage for the past 3 years would go on the morons in the EU.

Global warming helps Arctic algae suck CO2

Scott 19

Re: LOL!

Hey Matt leave them alone they work in IT so know they are far superior to the average cubical monkey, either that or they just want to feel superior because they’re saving the World and your just taking the p*ss out of it.

Although it is easy p*ss.

(So far this Monday morning, I re-plugged a keyboard back in, may the BOFH smile on me like this for the rest of the week and my PFY not forget the T-bags, I here the less spotted Greenpecker likes T-bags).

Universe has more hydrogen than we thought

Scott 19

Re: @sarev

Penguin, 'cos everyone knows what they're like.

There called Tim-Tams (Well they where '99-'00) ar*e end of the world. Nice when used as a straw with a nice cuppa.

Olympic Wenlock plod cops condemnation from Amazon wags

Scott 19


Can't be authentic, where’s the over time forms?

Study: The more science you know, the less worried you are about climate

Scott 19

Hey Lewis

Do you notice that alot of people that comment on your articles have no idea about IT and just seem to come here and rant about consensus?

I'd ask my usual TCP/IP question but they never seem to know the answer.

I'm collecting red arrows this week please oblige Soros lovers.

Top Facebook exec begs students: 'Click on an ad or two'

Scott 19

Re: Now it's all about the share price

They'll just IGN it and make you watch an advert before you can access the s*it(e).

Advert closing in 3, 2, 1....FaceBook!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Facebook IPO plunge sparks tidal wave of lawsuits

Scott 19

Re: So nobody suing Elevation Partners? AKA Bono (Tax Avoider)


Facebook underwriters accused of hiding forecast

Scott 19

I did

And it seems you still need money to short sell so my $310 still don't go far.

Scott 19
Paris Hilton

Re: If you're all so clever...

'My point is that there are many who like to say "yeah yeah saw that coming, how stupid everybody else is..." yet not many willing to put their money where their mouths are.'

Not everyone is as clever as you commonsense http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/facebook/9284832/Facebook-founder-Mark-Zuckerberg-sued-by-shareholders-over-IPO.html

Paris because I'd buy shares in her.

Scott 19

Re: If you're all so clever...

At $31 a share I can probably buy about 10 shares so whats my profit commonsense? what you think everyone on here is a hedge fund manager and not some geek in an office where all the A/C is in the server room next door earning just enough to pay for the wind mills to make hedge fund mangers fell better about themselves.

Scott 19


Lets be honest Wall St are desperate at the moment for new multi billion dollar companies like FB as the only other new companies appearing in the good old US of A are of the green type ones and they are dying quicker than you can say what happened to all that tax payer money, just Google Solyndra.

Moron Stagnate and the rest of them know full well that China and India will be taking all their money real soon, well unless they can inflate the stock prices of say companies like FB.

IP law probe MPs hunt for smoking gun, find plenty of smoke

Scott 19

Free lunch

Commenters around here always make me laugh when artciles like this appear, they all want a free lunch but don't want to cook or wash up.

Facebook jumps then slumps in first few minutes day's trade

Scott 19

@Big Dumb Guy

Check the share price now Dumb.


LMAO at you.

Scott 19

New Share Deal

I heard on the grape tree that next week the Nasdaq will be selling shares in Pudsey the dog at $1000 a share, after which they will work out how to make money from this one trick dog.

Only global poverty can save the planet, insists WWF - and the ESA!

Scott 19


How much does Soro's pay you to puch his agenda NomNomNom?

Scott 19

Re: @whoever (was: Whatever.)

To quote you Jake 'I've personally subsistence-level farmed my 53-ish acres in Mendocino County, for over three years. Just to prove to myself that I could do it'

Reading your second comment you seemed to be changing your tune. If I had to guess you'll be a part of these guys http://www.capacity.org.uk/index.html along with NomNomNom who have a mandate to lurck around the Interweb and flood forums and comments with your eco-babble using twitter to call in the trolls when an article like this appears.

Scott 19
Thumb Down

Re: Hurrah for Lewis Page

OK Lyod and A/C name one resource in the world that has run out?

Scott 19
Thumb Down


Another non IT troll come over to The Reg to tell us how to live.

Hay dkjd whats TCP in TCP/IP stand for?

And photos of your new installed window in the top of your house or it didn't happen.

Is there life after ads for St Zuck?

Scott 19


FB worth a 100 Billion, I'd like to see a break down of how that figures worked out, Assets?, property rights? produced goods? or is it because they have access to 1 billion users for adverts only?

If lady Gaga wanted to could she sell advert space on yer wacky outfits for 100 billion and they would probably get more coverage than FB.

Although I do like the modern day economics of producing nothing and getting paid Billions, genius.

China considers energy cap

Scott 19

Re: Signed

Sorry link to doc http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/2011/awglca14/eng/crp38.pdf

Scott 19


So they signed one of the documents demanding justice for Gaia then? the one they put foward in Durban that stated:

*"Rights of Mother Earth”: The draft talks of “The recognition and defence of the rights of Mother Earth to ensure harmony between humanity and nature”. Also, “there will be no commodification [whatever that may be: it is not in the dictionary and does not deserve to be] of the functions of nature, therefore no carbon market will be developed with that purpose”.

*War and the maintenance of defence forces and equipment are to cease.

*The new CO2 emissions target, for Western countries only, will be a reduction of up to 50% in emissions over the next eight years and of “more than 100%” [these words actually appear in the text] by 2050. So, no motor cars, no coal-fired or gas-fired power stations, no aircraft, no trains. Back to the Stone Age

Black Ops II to take gamers to open worlds... and destroy them

Scott 19

Yer Right

Pull the other one it's just advertising hype, 'non-linear storyline' or mission selects as I still call them. Could be confused is it going to be like GTA sand box enviroment where you can cap a cabbie and nick his wheels?

The only reason I will buy this is because most of my clan that was on MW3 on-line went back to Black-Ops because the on-line game was far superiour.

Fail at the PR hype not the game.

'Geek' image scares women away from tech industry

Scott 19
Thumb Down


This article is so 19-90's.

Fifa fans kick up fuss over Euro 2012 team substitutions

Scott 19

Devils Advocate

The welsh FA could of ask for a million quid.

Billionaire astro mining venture long on hype and timescale

Scott 19
Thumb Up

Re: Nothing new here

Links to an emulator if you gotit.

Love that game.

Scott 19
Thumb Down


Why not start with something easy like the moon, at least it's been going the same way for a few billion years.

Let's be honest these guys just need there egos stroking,m again. (anyone for a deep sea trench?).

Six of the best ways to mess up IT change management

Scott 19


Hey I'm ITIL qualified, it has added extra grease to my sloppy shoulders but other than that it's just more management cr*p.

Educating Rory: Are BBC reporters unteachable?

Scott 19


Well I've tried C, Pascal, Machine hexy, Object Orientated design and goto cmds and I still find it boring.

Think I'll stick with my IP for dummies book, I do have a HTML for dummies book but it's just one page that says any dummy can program HTML.

Battlefield Earth ruled worst film EVER

Scott 19

Re: A lot of people have short memories

I liked Jonny in 'Ed Wood' though.

Techie stages 'strip down' protest at TSA 'harassment'

Scott 19


All this guy has to do is go though the courts in the US and wait.

It's the old chicken and egg defence, what will come first his court case or the TSA demanding all passengers stripe naked to be searched.

My moneys on the TSA.

Oh and if you wondering I have no interest in going to America while they have one of the biggest terror organisations in the world the TSA. Simple test what terrorise you more Al-Queda or the TSA?
