- the Scots will never be allowed independence now,
Sigh. Is that a Scots Nationalist talking or just someone taken in by their self-serving propaganda?
The (financially) best thing that could happen for England outside the EU is if Scotland was offered another independence referendum with the choice of leaving the UK and remaining in the EU or staying in the UK, and voted to leave. This would save the English Treasury about fifteen billion pounds per annum. That's the taxes raised in England and spent in Scotland that keeps this Kingdom United (or has done so far).
The next best thing would be if the Scots voted to stay in the UK and leave the EU with us. It would bury the nationalists for a good few decades, and I don't actually grudge the South of the country properly subsidizing the poorer North. One of the myriad problems of the EU is that Germany *does* grudge subsidizing ... well, everyone else. To be fair to Germany, the rest is 80+% of the whole, whereas in the UK it is 10% (more if you include Wales, Northern Ireland, and the far north of England, but under 50%).
I'm quite certain that once the Article 50 proceedings are completed, Scotland will be offered the above choice. England can't lose whatever the Scots decide. I'd be really sad for them if they chose the EU, but that would be another tube of toothpaste that could not be refilled.