Good at business != good decision making
Being good at business says very little about decision making and critical thinking. Because business is run by the same gut feelings and persuasion that scam victims are likely to fall for.
5 publicly visible posts • joined 5 May 2007
So, Wolfram Alpha obviously isn't useful to everybody. In the same way as a thesaurus isn't the most useful thing in the world to a plumber.
You show ignorance by dismissing it as being useful only to a few professors and cheating college students. You show contempt for intelligent people in mathematical and scientific disciplines who (with a tiny amount of persistence until Alpha improves a bit) will be able to find great uses for this tool, instead of typing in the first words that come to mind, screengrabbing the results and posting them on the web as evidence of "fail".
You, sir, are the fail.
If you hated your employer and had any trace of ability and self-respect you would find yourself a better job.
If you're too mediocre to do that, then I guess bearing counter-productive grudges is your last pointless resort, the adult's version of throwing your toys out of the pram.
Reg hacks continually slate "Sadlife" and its players, which leads me to the assumption that nobody who reads the Reg plays this game. So why are you writing articles about boring statistics relating to a game that none of your readers play?
I think the reason is (not so) hidden in the last paragraph - you're the one that plays it, saddo. Why not post this sort of "news" on a blog, so that nobody else wastes time reading it?