* Posts by Ragsnot

4 publicly visible posts • joined 3 Jun 2009

MokaFive does VDI for Windows 7


...round and round and round...

..It development...Surely this is that novel idea that people have been spouting recently?

...cloud computing....

...and again...

Round and round!

Yorks cops charge Segway rider under 1835 road law



Now when I were a lad....it was illegal to ride a bike on the pavement and we had our collars felt by coppers if we did!

Is that still the case?

I do wonder because this morning I saw a bike mounted PC riding on the pavement and I nearly stopped to chastise him!!!

Anyway...haven't they got anything better to do? *long suffering sigh*

Jobs tells iPhone users to get a grip



How can it NOT be a design fault? I haven't heard about any other major mobile models having this issue! Maybe I'm just uninformed!!

Just another reason NOT to buy the Apple mini tablet!

Blears is latest to scurry away from Brown's Cabinet



Abso-bloody-lutely fantastic idea...having spend hours trying to work out the best way to replace the Gov't, you have answered the puzzler with a peach!!

Facebook FTW....I think thats what you're supposed to say in circumstances like this! I'm too busy being lEEt to know for sure!

/coatdoorroutine on