Re: Enterprise computing monocultures
I tend to agree about IT resiliency insurance, but this is only looking at it from the perspective of the business and not its clients and customers.
Lets say Easyjet goes down and all of its customers cant fly on that day. that's customers, their travel insurance (if they have it), hotels, car hires, excursions, and all manner of downstream impacts. In an ideal world money changes hands and people are 'kept happy'. But that resilience insurance does not factor in any of that stuff.
We're already in a world where 'paying off' someone is supposed to be some compensation for failure to deliver a service - to the point that some businesses base their entire proposition on knowing they will not deliver a service and factoring the risk of paying refunds. if the risk calculation is in their favour, they have no issues with that as a viable commercial offering, knowing that they'll be screwing a certain percentage of their customers (parking companies come to mind).
there needs to be a higher standard. one where the company prioritises service delivery rather than risk mitigation. Otherwise, we'll have a world filled with Boengs.