Missing the point
Everyone blowing off the removal of firewire is missing the point. There are at least 3 reasons why this is a horrible move on Apple's part:
1) When floppy drives were phased out, there were low cost usb drives you could attach in order to still access your old disks. While there are a few USB to firewire dongles, they are windows only, and the performance is inherently crap, defeating much of the point of firewire.
2) When floppy drives were phased out, the 3.5" floppy was clearly antiquated. Not so firewire, which is still THE interface of choice for a lot of new equipment.
3) Apple users tend to have a large investment in firewire devices, which perform very nicely. Apple is basically using those devices as hostages to force their longer term customers to buy their more expensive kit.
However, what Apple seems to have forgotten is that their recent success comes in large part from people (like myself) who have made the switch in the last 3 years. Aside from my keyboard and mouse, everything I currently use is firewire. What's more, I'm not going to spend over $2,000 on a laptop; the macbook line is in my price range, but the macbook pro is not. So my options are: Replace all of my Firewire equipment, or buy something other than a mac. Guess which one I'll be doing?