Oregon proves the quality of Oracle
http://www.oregonlive.com/health/index.ssf/2013/12/oregon_health_exchange_technol.html shows how teriffic a job Oracle does for its clients. How could anyone trust them now?
9 publicly visible posts • joined 4 May 2007
The multilingual site https://safeandwell.communityos.org/cms/index.php was created in 2006. Why reinvent the wheel four years later and create a divisive reporting mechanism? Why make loved ones search in two different places, why expect disaster survivors to sign up at Google's site as well as the Red Cross site?
The survey, I will wager, is disproportionately weighted to men and underrepresents women who carry weapons, for, by definition, it only counts people dumb/arrogant enough to get shot.
A proper survey takes people with weapons and determines how many were shot.
A proper survey also doesn't focus on one urban area, but looks at the entire population.
This is bad science.
A gun is a tool; no more, no less.
It's an equalizer; it removes the advantage of strength that large men have.
Go read SOLUTION UNSATISFACTORY for a description of 'dust,' i.e., artificially-created lethal radioisotopes optimized for dispersal, by means so simple as dropping paper bags of the stuff out of airplanes.
Robert A. Heinlein described this in 1940. Yeah, 1940, right after that narsty Mister Hilter had Hermann visit Coventry.
A review of Yahoo's site found no Symbian Series 80 phone, so I had Yahoo text me with the web link... no joy. "No plans to support" sayeth their web page.
However, the MSN Mobile page loaded OK, and navigates OK. So, I guess I have to jump from Y-messenger to MSN-Messenger. Oh, bother.
Ziggurat Con has been suffering due to this "Don't Tell" policy, and I'm glad the Big Green Machine came to their senses. For more details on the first gaming con in a combat zone, visit http://operationdicedrop.blogspot.com which is 100% commercial free, BTW.
Ziggurat Con: Where RPG isn't just a Rocket Propelled Grenade!