Actually we are using IE10 and IE11 in house with the old 2324's we still have in our lab. You do need to add the MSA to the list of sites with 'compatibility view'. In fact, even the user guides state that IE7 or higher is preferred above IE6.
I really doubt HP will make a new user interface for the MSA2324 that product is now 4 1/2 years obsolete. The MSA1040/2040 are totally different beasts..spanking new user interface (yes designed for IE11, firefox, chrome etc); MSA is now a full blown virtualized array with thin provisioning, automatic tiering, SSD caching, etc. Oh yes, and the article is not quite correct : the performance is now up to 122000 iops using 8KB for read workloads on SSD, the 37000 iops is for writes..(to put that in perspective, with 192 x 15K SAS drives, the MSA gets to write 32000 iops..the 37000 is done with 'only' 24 SSD drives..)