* Posts by Robin

1 publicly visible post • joined 29 May 2009

Shifty study proclaims Brits a nation of freetards



You have got to love how these studies assume that the millions of people downloading this music would actualy pay for it if they had no other choice.

The fact of the matter is that if you can download for free (or nearly free) then you will listen to everything even the stuff you dont really like or jst random music. If you have to pay for it then you download specific individual songs/movies.

Personaly I liked the idea of paying what you think something is worth. If artist put whole albums up for sale on their sites then I would purchase those albums (admitably not for much) but I am sure so would humdreds of thousands of those illegal downloaders. The fact of the matter is that they only look at the small numbers. Make it so cheep people dont mind spending money on it and you will make millions.