re wireless signal
The "wireless signal" is extremely short-range here and the frame of the weapon/magazine is likely to provide more than adequate shielding from jamming/malicious signals.
Jamming the laser rangefinder is also tad difficult...
2 publicly visible posts • joined 25 May 2009
Ignoring the issue of not leaving much physical marks of the use of force which may lead to issues with less-than-moral people: AFAIUnderstand tasers(tm) (and also others in the same class) are actually remarkably safe: the baton OTOH is dangerous and requires training and consideration (in the situation, no less) to avoid permanent and quite possibly fatal injuries.
Of course since they're so "safe" they probably get used even when there is no proper justification, it's a catch-22 situation: If it's "safe" to use then it will be used even when not actually justified, if it's not safe then when it's used there will be more and worse injuries.
Kicking, especially someone who's down (but not subdued) is dangerous, you might hit the head/neck which almost certain to cause major damage, ribs break easily too and with bad luck puncture the lung for extra bonus (and now we have internal bleeding and collapsed lung, better get to the hospital in a hurry).
If someone has a heat condition just punching their chest could cause an attack (not to mention kicking the bastard in the ground).
At least the current tasers(tm) have audit logs and spray the ID confetti around when they're used.