Re: Jump to the not to distant future
"Plod drives down the street, 360 roof mounted camera (mainly used for facial recognition of course) doesn't see Ring on the house, immediately adds you to database for further monitoring"
162 publicly visible posts • joined 19 May 2009
But go all the way. Ban everything that uses electricity.
That way everyone who compains about Electronic/wireless related illnesses can go there. Then when all the poor afflicted are in one place we can place hidden cameras and other wireless devices that the public can vote to turn on/up in different areas. Lets see if they really can detect said electronic's.
Now that is one bit of reality tv I would watch.
Maybe even take it one step further by erecting a giant faraday cage around Brighton... then randomly place weapons in it. Last person standing gets to be the king/queen of Brighton!
One building was the head office and the other was a warehouse. After a weekend of torrential rain we got a call to say they had no signal on the warehouse end. Checked the PTP unit on HQ end, seemed fine but no other end showing. As I was realatively new I hadn't a clue where the other side was plugged in other than being told "it's up on that side of the building".
So after much running around and being shouted at by people for the outage (as well as a quick trip around the warehouse on a cherry picker) we finally found the box that the unit connected back to, only to find a rather wet port. Turns out that it was using POE but when it was installed nobody has installed a loop in the cable.. so when the rain came down it ran straight down the cable and into the POE adapter. Took out the unit as well as the adapter.
Fun times.
These so called offensive words used to describe different groupings of people is wrong... just wrong. I have never seen an actual black person just has I have never seen an actual white person.
I have seen pinky/peachy/cream coloured people before. I have seen Mocha/Caramel coloured people before.
Perhaps using the Dulux colour pallet to describe peoples enthnicity would be less offensive?
Worked in a company once where there was no domain policy to force users to change their passwords at all, or password complixity required. Even when we had to reset their password we were told to not force them to change on next logon. On top of that the IT manager kept an Access database with all the users account details, with passwords and they had to inform us when they changed it as well as what they changed it to, though there were a great many of them that were still set to the default password.
Ahh, the old screen flip trick. I still see people facinated to this day when I show them that (after one of their colleagues has flipped it usually, or if they are fat fingered and do it by mistake).
I recall back in Win98 days when the admin at a company I worked was not aware that all C$ shares were open to all authenticated users by default... which allowed for some fun little photoshopping of the company issued wallpapers as all you had to do was replace the file with one of the same name. Que a friend on mine who got it in the neck for "messing about" with his managers wallpaper and me trying hard to contain my laughter.
I had my own tale when I was still in school and helping out at a company that one of my parents worked at. My job was to go delete the thousands and thousands of rubbish or dead entries at the end of a database.
So, after I had found the macro function I thought I would be really clever by just setting it to go into entry, delete, then next entry and delete, recursively until I stopped it. Then running it and sitting back. I then thought I would be even cleverer by going into the middle of the rubbish entries and start a 2nd instance of the macro (so that they didn't overlap and cause a problem). I then went to lunch very proud of myself. Came back to the desk to find that when you get to the end of the entries then it automatically jumped back to the beginning of the database and the good objects... which is what the 2nd macro did. It was halfway through the A records by the time I stopped it.
Que one rather panicked call to IT and a restore later and I was back at square one (with all the deleted entries back) with a promise that I would do it the manual way and no more macro's would be used.
Fun times.
He will be missed. I was lucky to see them live a few times and they definitely knew how to rock.
On a separate note did anyone else see that in the first few hours after the fact, before the cause of death was widely known, if you went to google and typed in "cause of death Keith Flint" it came up as Fire being the cause of death.
While that would have been very ironic I think it was probably some algorithm at play. It does seem to have been corrected since though.
I have also felt the pain of a wet server room.
Went in to help one of the electritians wire in some new telephones. Noticed a pool of water underneath one of the server stacks. The worrying bit was when I mentioned it to said spark he just laughed and said it didn't surprise him with that building.
Though in the end we discovered it was due to a 1st level support chap who couldn't be bothered to take the computers for cleaning away from he building when he air blasted the dust out of them. Which also was where the intake for said air conditioning was. Dust blocked pipe which in turn lead to the overflow water just dripping onto the floor.
Fun times...
As long as something is offered for free then people get blinkered to anything else. Can't tell you the amount of times I have looked at horror at the permissions of apps some people have installed.
But I don't do facebook, twitter, uber or any of that things. Some family members look at me funny because of it. But personally I like the fact I have a very low online presence.
Coming soon.
All websites/blogs/social media accounts with views/comments that specifically challenge or go against what the government is saying are creating a sense of fear within said officials, therefore one might say they are "terrorist content".
When all these "terrorists" are locked up Ruddy-Bottom will finally be able to speak in public once more without being sneered at.
Won't someone think of the poor politicians!
I recall not many years ago seeing an interview of Zuck where he said he invisioned that we would want to share and communicate with our fellow humans more and more as time goes on.... now he is telling us thats the rule for us lowly plebs, but if we want to communicate with him then we need to go through his metal bouncer. Nice.
For the record I am not on farcebook. Left it behind many years ago, and the odd occassion I see friends using it and whats actually on there I am very glad I did!
@ sabroni
And to do that we would need to increase our crop manufacturing. Granted the land used by breeding livestock could in some cases be used to grow crops, but when you use the land for crops then you are killing off the little animals that live in those lands happily co-existing with the livestock. Mice, moles, insects, birds etc.... not to mention the fact that use of pesticides would have to increase( and who knows what sort of impact that could have on the environment), and as much as you may not like it, gmo's would likely also be on the rise to meet the growing demands (or just to increase yields and make it worth it for the farmers).
Next, onto the human factor. Think of all the industries that would go out of business overnight if you stopped using animal products. We would have to increase the use of plastic to fill the gap. Our oil use goes up, the price of oil becomes more expensive. Not to mention the fact that we increase the amount of plastic waste we generate.
Way to save the world!
However, having been gifted playmobile sets in the past for my spawn I can say one thing... I hope they don't lose any of the building pieces (the plastic bits in between the buildings that stick them together)
And... that must have cost a small fortune for all those separate kits ... no wonder Spain is not in good shape financially!
While I will grant you that there is still an ongoing debate about this, you will find that the reasons they tend to use Gassers are either because they are conscious of bush fires (their parks tend to have these instead of the charcoal kinds), or from a time aspect (ie, just want a quick meal, not having to go through the whole ceremony of the other kind of BBQ). Dan1980 is entitled to his opinion, however as a South African I can tell you that the gas BBQ is heresy in all the circles I run in and every Saffer I have ever met would never use a gas BBQ unless there was absolutely no other option available to them. Even an oven is preferable (a gas bbq is just an outside oven after all)
The only people I generally have met who use Gas systems are people who A. can't start a "proper" fire. (They are out there. Once watched someone try to start a fire for about an hour, and even tried cooking over the fire lighter itself, before eventually giving up and wheeling out the gas BBQ).
B. English people and Americans
C. People who have many kids and need a quick option for cooking or want something that even the wife could do
For me though, if you are going to do it, then do it right!
My son can have a computer when he can build his own one. He can have his own gaming console when he can beat both me and mum at oldschool bomberman, or Mariokart ( which a track of my choice).
I have had to more than once stop the in law from buying him a Crapple device even though I hear the same protests every time "Oh, but it helped his cousin with their studies".
But even more than that, tablet/phablet skills are not what is used in proper business! Unless he is going to go straight in at management level of course. But I would call that a personal defeat if he did and didn't know at least how to handle a BOFH.
Can we please stop wasting time discussing how the dinosaurs died out already and focus on the real matter of bringing them back to life already! I want my real Jurassic park!
Just think of the television show opportunities. Big BC brother where we see if the t-rex or the z list celebrities win the challenge and get to eat (the loser).
Or My big fat Cretaceous Wedding!
The line that made me chuckle was this
"But is it fair to selfishly deny a person sex? No. It is not, people have a right to have sex and if their spouses totally or somewhat-totally deny them that, they have every right to sleep with other people. "
So if I or my wife denied the other some nookie, if I or she felt that I was "selfishly denying" them sex, then that gave the other carte blanche to go play away?
Isn't times like those exactly what porn was made for anyway? Are these people saying that they are too good for porn?
All I took from this article really was that if you wanted to read the AM data then go find a torrent of it and download the whole thing yourself. Instead of being lazy and relying on someone else, out of the goodness of their own hearts and not for any malicious reasons honest guv, to put the data into a new UI for them.
Well it was paid for account. And the address on the card was one owned by his family, which they regularly showed on that poor excuse for a tv show. Ok, perhaps not a smoking gun... but enough to say that it was little more than likely that this was him... plus, given his track record...
I just find the whole thing rather amusing. And yes, I agree that if you signed up to this site then you had already commited the crime. B*tching about getting caught is just being childish. I realize however that without e-mail authentication it does make accurately pointing the finger at someone a bit tenuous at best.
However, it did make me laugh out loud to hear that Josh Duggar (of 19 and counting ... and other more scandalous fame) had a paid for account for Ashley Madison during the time of his marriage. So not only is he a hypocrite, anti-gay and a child molester but now he is potentially guilty of Adultery too.
This just gets better and better.
Arghhh.. we are too late.. they have already infiltrated our Android and Mac products! Damn you rooting/jailbreaking!!
Our only hope now is to use Ubuntu phones and Linux rigs to start the campaign..... wait a sec.... does that linux rig have a pre-2011 Intel chip?!?! WE ARE DOOMED I TELL YOU, DOOOOOOOMMED!!
And I am sure the husbands excuse for not going out and doing something in the "real" world would be the same as any Mmorpg/Xbox/Online gamer. "But honey, I don't need to go out, I am actually playing/talking/interacting with REAL people all around the world!"
Sounds like the perfect food for Vegans/veggies. They can eat nothing but this stuff, which will then allow us to reduce the amount of vegetables we grow, thereby reducing carbon emissions from growing/transporting the stuff, also think of the water it would save, perfect for drought stricken areas.
Which would also give us meat eaters more room to be able to raise more piggies for bacon... sweet sweet bacon.