* Posts by guy eastwood

7 publicly visible posts • joined 19 May 2009

BBC devs Doctor Who movie script

guy eastwood

I've with Dave

Emma for the part!!! She can probably act (at all), too :oD

Dutch cat skinner publishes critics' personal details

guy eastwood


Much as wringing your own poor moggy's neck barehanded is unpleasant, the 'haters' are usually a pretty special breed of psych subprofile themselves, often leaning toward the sociopathic I suspect.

My cats are so damned big I think they'd skin my arms before I got a decent neck-wringing purchase on them, as soon as they suspected foul play, plus the other two would gang up on me as I could only do one at a time...

Streaming rates cut to lure back YouTube, Pandora

guy eastwood

Ah bless the children

Because presumably someone's five year old explained to them that any revenue is more than none whatsoever.

Fucktards. I hope YT and Pandora tell them to stuff it, albeit unlikely.

Vodafone does close-up magic on roaming charges

guy eastwood

Dont care!

I just got the HTC Magic turn up with free data & texts, loving the phone lots :oD

IR35 tax is a huge failure

guy eastwood

If I may...

... quote future prime minister Clarkson, it would seem that in addition to being both blind & Scots the Brown One is, actually, stupid.

Now who can debate the Great Man's wisdom on this ;o)

Europe, Russia discuss 'orbital shipyard' plans

guy eastwood

Even so, it's not immediately clear...

... exactly how a permanent Earth-orbit facility would help in the process of plugging together largely prefabricated modules or components.

Wouldn't there be a structural advantage to bve gained from craft that never saw gravity and hence the rigours of takeoff and landing? If all it has to do is accelerate and decelerate gently from A to B then tolerances could be lower for joints and load-bearing fixings ?

Vodafone Magics up a little Google glitter

guy eastwood

Magic time

I'm getting a Magic upgrade on Thursday so if it goes titsup or falls apart like a clown car I'll be sure to report it.

Likewise if it rocks hugely.