* Posts by Napoleon

13 publicly visible posts • joined 15 May 2009

iPhone 6: Most exquisite MOBILE? No. It is the Most Exquisite THING. EVER


I came ...

And i don't have yet lay my unworthy hands on this object of desire ... tomorrow ... yes tomorrow ...

Story gone


Not available on French Itunes ?? WTF ?

Shark versus shark in Barrier Reef DEATH MATCH


Sharks feeding on sharks ? Not really new ...

Just sit at a sales meeting and you will witness this ... (no scuba diving needed ... ).

ESA's first Vega rocket blasts off without a hitch


re: Sure, it's not rocket science...

Actually it was designed upon the ariane 5's solid booster technology. So yes ... flawless was the least to be achieved ...

Sun's surviving staff hit with 'motivation' missive


Re : "Still out of touch"

Re: "still out of touch"

Do you really think Sun's today decisions are made without Overlord approval ? So naive you are ...

ZFS gets inline dedupe

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@AC sweet mother of buddha

Dedup does not mean that you will have ONLY have one copy of your data at storage level but at file level which is quite different. If you have redundancy at storage level (mirror, raidz[123]) you will of course have redundant copies of data.

If you have a mirror configuration (without dedup) storing 2 identical files will lead to 4 copies of each block (2 for each file and 2X due to mirror). If dedup is "on" you will still have 2 copies of each data (due to mirror) but files will share identical mirrored blocks.

So yes it makes sens but you have to understand how it works.

NASA to irradiate monkeys for science


ooook ?

Not sure Unseen University 's librarian would like this ... He would see some unfair competition and may go EEEEEK EEEK EEEEK!

Ford says new Taurus 'is fitted with stealth fighter radar'


what for ?

does it deserve a full article on El Reg ? (ok apart from the cool pic ...)

Niagara Falls to power next Yahoo! data centre


Niagara Falls ?

Yahoo! will use refurbished T1000s / T2000s from SUN ? Mine the one with "SunShinner" on the back.

Paris Airshow kicks off

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Hat down

@Admiral Grace Hoppe

that must be the famous "humour britannique".

My favorite being "Vous ne m'avez jamais vu? Droite" even google translator can't get it right (sorry droite).

Zaphod Beeblebrox home sun 'shrinking', may have blown up


Missing Matter in Orion ?

Tsss. once again Zaphod is obviously the main culprit for such blatantly iresponsible robbery ...

Anyway talking about harm pit with a two headed three arms guy can be tricky ...

mine the one with the little book and the Sub-Etha Sense-O-Matic ...

Fujitsu takes trip to Venus


No venus on Sun HW

Venus is a specific chip intended for Fujitsu HPC business and is not planned to be put on SUN OPL HW .

usual disclaimer ...