Pre ordered on the 28th of June!
Posts by \\\
32 publicly visible posts • joined 15 May 2009
Google Nexus 7 shipping cock-up enrages fandroids

Pre ordered on the 18th of June. The paperweight arrives on the 18th of July. Finally receive return/replacement details today, and now the Play Store is showing the 16GB version as coming soon with now shipping estimate.
I'll probably wait a week for a replacement, then ask for a refund. In a month or two they'll probably be piled high in Tesco, or something better will come along.
Reborn UK internet super-snooper charter to be unveiled today
Crooks sell skint fanbois potatoes instead of iPhones
Greedy dishonest people....
.... the "victims", I'm glad they've lost their money! Trying to get a bargain at the misery of someone else.
I can't believe anyone, in this day and age, doesn't know that if someone approaches you out of the blue, offering to sell electrical goods, it's guaranteed not to be kosher. It was even in a car park ffs.
Kiwi ISP offers geo-block workaround
Mobile banking security bypassed in fiendish malware blag
Re: In what country...
The UK! When my wife's bag was stolen (including mobile phone), all she did was telephone the local police station, tell them her name, where her bag was stolen from, and what was inside the bag, and they gave her a crime reference number there and then, over the phone.
Rang the telco with crime reference number and a new phone was dispatched there and then.
Spotify adds 'temporary' private listening mode after Facebook backlash
But Ek is convinced that Spotify's userbase is "social"
Nonsense. I cancelled my premium subscription and haven't logged in to my free account at all this year, as I was fed up with their constant push towards all the web2.0 bullshit and ignoring some core music player functions.
If they were to release a streaming only client, I might reconsider, but after all this facebook nonsense, it looks like I will continue to enjoy being £10/month better off.
Spotify trumpets move to US (and little else)
Spotify's music manager makeover - does it work?
I wish they'd just release a streaming only version!
I'm a premium user as I like to have it on my Android phone, but I'm fed up of all this facetwit guff integration and the vomit of "Buy it" buttons next to all the tracks (which I count as advertising, which I have paid to remove!). All this local playback support annoys me too, there's no way to remove it on Android, so you get all the silly mp3 notifications from different apps, randomly appearing in playlists.
I've been tempted to cancel for a while now, this might push me over the edge.
HTC Desire S Android smartphone
T-Mobile backtracks on retrospective mobe data caps

Will let my contract run
"Following a further review of our policy" my arse! "After consulting our lawyers" more like.
For a communications company, T-Mobile have an appalling record of communicating changes to their customers.
I was never told of the 83% cut in my allowance, I found out whilst reading El Reg. Even the date-stamped post on their forum says "As of yesterday, we started notifying customers", which is well into the legal 30 day notification period.
I'm out of contract in May, but I'll just leave the contract run and go for sim free phones, to keep the allowance. Just like I did with the old Everyday 50 on Orange. If you moan enough, and are out of contract, T-Mobile will always offer you a no commitment £10/month reduction loyalty bonus.
Facebook introduces one-time passwords
Everything Everywhere consummates merger
Running ok here
I signed up, and am enjoying reception in places which I previously didn't have. Strangely, this seems to be inside buildings, as I thought Orange had the poorest building penetration due to their power and frequencies.
It's slightly annoying on Android. You can't seem to favourite more than one network Instead of just roaming freely, when you loose reception, you get offered a list of all available networks and have to click on the one you want. Once back in T-Mobile reception, you have to do a manual scan and reconnect to T-Mobile to get 3G/H back.
Will be interesting how things pan out, as I left Orange for T-Mobile, due to Orange's appalling data tariffs and the lack of Customer Services. Saying that though, T-Mobile has been steadily getting worse over the last year or so.
Vodafone pulls 360 trick on Froyo hungry users
Have TMobile pulled the update?
I know that updates take time to hit everybody's phone, but yesterday morning I had two alerts offering the update. Due to various reasons, I had to cancel both offers. As of 1100 yesterday, I've had nothing, and a manual check says my 2.1 desire is up to date.
It really annoys me when the operators mess around with the updates. If they insist on forcing bookmarks and apps down our throats, then knock off a nought from the large upfront cost of these handsets.
I nearly went sim free for the first time with the desire, I am regretting it now.
T-Mobile UK pushes German Froyo to Desire users
Facebook Places checks in to UK
In true Facebook style, it's buried deep in the settings
After a quick look, I think it's
- Account > Privacy Settings
- Click customised settings.
- Change "Place I check into" to Custom (only me)
- Untick "Include me in "People here now" after I check in"
- "Friends can check me in to places" > Edit Settings > Disabled
TomTom Start2 satnav
Freebie Spotify is back, also £5 no-ads option
Correct. Also, if you make the second payment, you'll get 2 invites. I too have tons of invites, can't even get rid of them on the works intranet.
Anybody else hate the new client with all it's horrible facebook integration? I haven't got a facebook account, and I open spotify to listen to music, not check up on my friends listening habits!
Heathrow security man cops perv scanner eyeful
BAA poo-poos Bollywood star's pervscan printout put-on
Full-body scanner blind to bomb parts
Naked scans: Net cries nude-o-geddon
Hacker pilfers browser GPS location via router attack
Here's a title
I know this because I have an Android phone, and when using WiFi location before enabling GPS, it used the nearest cell station, now it puts the pinpoint on my house, with roughly a 100m "accuracy".
Exactly the same here. There's also different companies offering location based services using wifi, eg Navizon.
Watchdog files complaint over Facebook 'privacy' settings
The old settings were better
... as you could remove the add as friend button. My account was locked down tightly and only shared my info to about 30 people in a certain circle of friends.
Since the new changes, I've been bombarded with friend requests from people I know and like, but I've ignored as they're not in the correct group of drinking mates.
I just wish the block by email feature excepted wild cards!