* Posts by Tom Taylor-Duxbury

6 publicly visible posts • joined 14 May 2009

Government promises low carbon future

Tom Taylor-Duxbury


How's about this for a simple idea; I know govt's don't like those as there are no foundations for ivory towers. How's about a rising scale of price for power usage? At present the more you use the less you pay, your first kWh costs plenty, your 100th a bunch less. Big (domestic) users get power at a lower cost than a granny with a fridge & a TV.

Billing is not complex, no need to change a thing. "polluter pays"

As far as electric cars, windmills, biomass, barrages, tidal, solar, carbon taxes - all bollocks I'm afraid unless we live in caves and animal skins. Bad science driven by equally poor data collection and interpretation and not forgetting the lovely grants and irrational fear.

Plod to get computer forensics 'breathalyser' next year

Tom Taylor-Duxbury
Big Brother


the ACPO that's a private Limited Company set up to benefit the shareholders who just happen to be public "servants"?

Enough, of this chicanery.

Microsoft takes hatchet to YouTube clone

Tom Taylor-Duxbury
Gates Horns

Your browser or operating system is

Not Supported

That's as far as I got!

Beeb tech boss seeks to expand TV licence online

Tom Taylor-Duxbury
Thumb Down


Am I supposed to PAY to watch Mr Sugar's awful apprentice and all that other boring crap?

Jeez they should pay me for dulling my day.

iPhone users to walk and read at same time

Tom Taylor-Duxbury


Just simple & cool - can we have it for SMS!

Google suffers international outages, slowdowns

Tom Taylor-Duxbury


Clouds anyone?