@Yes, but...
>> ...will it run vista?
108 publicly visible posts • joined 14 May 2009
>>"All this bleating about its my phone I will do what I want, is crap. You agreed with the terms and conditions when you signed up and bought the phone. live with it.."
>>"I'm right beside you on this one."
Jeez, the almighty Jobs sure has the two of you wrapped around his little finger doesn't he?? Typical Apple response to all their products. "Our way or the Highway." And there is the two of you to lap up all his commands like a trained dog.
It's a good thing Apple doesn't make houses, cars, clothing or anything else we would like to customize to make our own. It would look like the world of 1984 where Big Brother told you what to think, say, do...... WAIT A SECOND. That sounds like the point I'm trying to make!
Ironic that Apple used the theme of 1984 to promote the Mac. Day by day, product by product, THEY are becoming BIG BROTHER.
Now run along and worship your great cult leader and tell everyone how Apple will save the world from becoming '1984'
"Way to come across as level headed. If you can't beat them through superior technology, sue the shit out of them..."
Geez, sounds like something straight out of the Apple playbook.
Don't kid yourself. Apple products are good but they're not perfect. If Apple is found guilty, it should shut up and pay up.
It makes me shudder to think, what if Apple was the Microsoft of today. What kind of bullshit would we have to put up with from Cupertino?? Ok, the "User Experience" would be better but at what cost - monetarily and freedom wise? Apple would have us all by the short and curly's. Choice would be non-existent. Must buy Apple peripheral to work with our shiny Apple machines and paying through the nose for it.
That little megalomaniac Hitler Jobs would have ultimate say in what we can do and what we can run on our machines. We would have to buy all our programs from Apple through the sorry and broken iTunes or some app store and if Apple deems a program that we bought is inappropriate, with a few keystrokes, Apple with swiftly delete the program from our computers. And if anyone dared to make another computer operating system or hardware or peripheral, Apple will thunder down on them a fury of lawsuits because it's remotely resembles the IP of something they made in the past. Now this is a vision of hell if there was one.
I can honestly see this happen with Apple if they were in the drivers seat. THANK GOD THEY'RE NOT and NEVER WILL BE.
Please excuse me while I run off to the store to buy my shiny new copy of Windows 7 ULTIMATE to dual boot with Ubuntu 9.10 which releases in a few hours. Cheers!
I seem to remember a BOATLOAD of bullshit IP and Trademark lawsuits aimed at anyone that dared to get remotely close to what Apple thinks belongs to them. Like that horseshit lawsuit against Woolworths in Australia.
I mean really, WTF? From a bit of research, I see that Apple is a very difficult company to negotiate with when it comes down to THEM paying royalties for someone else's IP. Their arrogant lawyers basically say, "Go ahead, sue us".
It appears Nokia was trying to do just that when they were told by Apple's arrogant lawyers to "Go take a hike". This is consistent with what I have read about Apple's behavior during IP negotiations.
It seems when Apple sues offending companies for IP and trademark violations no matter how ridiculous, the fanboys wholeheartedly agree. But when the tables are turned against Apple, the plaintiff's are labeled as monsters and patent trolls.
Go ahead and keep believing your precious Mac is perfect and invulnerable to all threats.
It's fun to take you sorry bunch down a peg or two now and then.
Remember in the Kübler-Ross model:
1. The first stage of grief is denial. Denial that your precious Mac is indeed flawed.
2. Second stage, anger. Anger that the Prophet Steve Jobs and his holier than thou marketing department lied to you all these years about your Mac being perfect and that it "Just Works".
3. Stage three, bargaining. "I promise not to be such an arrogant douchbag to all those individuals not running OSX or any other fruity labeled consumer electronic device".
4. Stage four, depression. "I am such a sad person thinking I am better than all the PC users out there. I truly made myself look like a fool".
5. Stage five, acceptance. Accepting the fact that your Mac is really no better or worse than a PC.
After that, the healing can begin.
Get over it Mac/PC/Linux users. COMPUTERS SUCK. PERIOD. Can't we just all be friends with a common love for technology, regardless of platform??
...can things like this happen. I thought the whole basis of the Apple closed eco-system with hardware and software was to ensure compatibility and stability? If they are having problems with essentially one hardware and software platform, the Apple *magic* has put some doubt on my mind.
Winmo, Symbian, Android OS have to contend with many hardware and software configurations. So for all the minor issues all the *other guys* have with their phones, I think they're doing an ok job.
Just nice to see a little dirt on the angels wings to humble the disciples up a bit. The iPhone is good, really good, but not perfect and not for everyone.
I apologize for my trolling. Whatever was I thinking???
I was considering a Macbook Pro 13" because hardware alone. If I could buy a similarly made notebook without an OS, you can be sure I would buy that instead. But I have no choice in the fact that it comes pre-installed with OSX. I did however consider trying the platform to see what all the fuss is all about and where the animosity towards Windows comes from. Somehow, I get the feeling that I will see improvements in some areas and faults in others. I will admit that I admire the attention to detail and build quality Apple puts into their products. Credit where credit is due. But as far as how Apple acts as a company, I think they are no better, if not worse than Microsoft.
In all honesty, I have no allegiances to either Redmond or Cupertino. I use Linux primarily and on occasion, Windows when I have to run windows only programs that don't work well in WINE. I use whatever works and if that means booting Lin, Win or OSX, so be it.
My comments are not an attempt to 'troll'. I speak my mind and if you construe this as trolling, you know where you can shove it.
So what if Microsoft prevented Windows from installing on a Mac? There would be no point of buying a Mac!
All the Mac guys out there know they need Windows so it is fortunate for you Mac owners that you can install Windows on a Mac *Legally*. Don't forget to send Redmond a letter of your appreciation.
I was really looking to cross over to the dark side with a purchase of a 13" Macbook Pro. But if I got it, I'm afraid my attitude may change and I'll become a smug, arrogant Mac owner like the ones I see on this board.
the iPhone can become a useful device - Editing Microsoft documents. Why not just buy a Win-Mo phone instead of that iCrap?
Kinda like - Why buy a Mac when we all know you're just going to install Windows to make it functional? Just get a PC? Easy as pie.
C'mon Apple fanbois, you know it true.
Apple computers don't catch fire.
It's a fake.
All Apple products are perfect. No one can make products better than Apple. All those who claim their Apple device(s) catch fire or explode are lying.
If it did, it was not Apple's fault. The user is at fault and must have been using illegal software, dropped the device, used an unauthorized charging device or battery.... They are lying to try to make Apple look bad.
I love Apple. The people at Apple are Gods. All hail the Apple people. All hail the Apple people.
I don't have to "update", I'll just download a hacked 10.6 for free and install it. No Apple tax for me thank you!
If it makes you feel any better, I normally boot in to Linux anyway for important things like online banking, web surfing and emails. System security for me is a top priority. Windows and Mac OS just don't cut it. Sorry!
When I want to run some of my business apps that are Windows, boot XP. And when I just want to dick around doing artsy fartsy stuff that is just not that important to most people, boot OSX.
So I am happy with my Dell Mini 10V. It does all I need it to do. As far as it being "crappily-built", for $329, I think I'm getting my money's worth as the build quality, for the price, is excellent. Hold one and try it out and you'll see.
But the most important fact here is, Apple is not getting 1 cent out of me. Have a nice day!
As much as I like the hardware, the iPhone home screen is a bit too 'busy' for me. If there are a lot of apps installed, it's hard on the eyes as you are scrolling page after page of icons. I would prefer if the regular home screen would be clean with only the icons that you want / need on it. I like the Android interface because of this. Have the home screen full or empty. Your choice. All the apps in a sliding drawer that you can scroll through - if you need to.
>> Err, think again. We had to jailbreak our android phone at work to be able to use a tethering app on it.. Nice rant, shame about the facts :)
No you do not have to root your Android to tether. Just install PdaNet for Android and away you go...
I've done it. Works PERFECTLY.
These criminals running Cydia and all those who buy from them should be thrown in jail. We can't have cowboys like this running around, doing as they please, installing whatever they want on Apple Property.
Apple's strict control is there for a reason. System stability and security is paramount on all Apple devices. Jailbreaking and modding all the hard work the fine engineers at Apple have done just undermines society as a whole, allowing all that baked-in Apple goodness to slip away.
The FCC should be investigating iPhone jailbreakers instead of Apple.
Where exactly does it say AT&T was responsible for Apple removing the Google Voice App from the App Store????? This is all speculation. This is just another attempt from the all mighty, all controlling Apple Inc to stifle any truly functional app that could be used to communicate on means other than those they approve of.
Thank God I use an Android phone. I don't have to install apps from one 'approved' location. Anything goes. I am however in Canada so I cannot use Google Voice at the present time. Grrrrr. But the comments I have read about Google Voice on the Android Market are quite positive.
> Quote from Don Mitchell:
> Google seems to take a lot from the open source movement and give very little back.
Uhhhhh. Didn't they just give the world Android and the upcoming Chrome OS and pretty much every service they have to offer? Free?
> and fell back on tired old UNIX technology.
Isn't that the more proven, secure and robust choice available? Creating an OS free from Windows and Unix/ *nix code and would be exceedingly difficult.
Am I missing something here?
Yeah, it's called OSX.
No really, as much as I hate Apple, the iPhone does seem quite responsive but I am particularly fond of the construction quality. Good material solid build. Great smartphone platform, mediocre phone quality. Good device, but not perfect and not for everyone. The Apple lock-in, my way or the highway rules are just too tough for me to swallow.
I currently own a HTC Dream, Android OS. Again, not perfect but pretty good or good enough. Considering the alternatives, Windows, Apple, Symbian, Rim... I'll settle for good enough.
>By Francis Fish Posted Sunday 19th July 2009 19:56 GMT
> Suspect some crufty app is eating the memory and it starts swapping.
I use an Android Phone..... Free to do whatever the hell I want to do.
No one has me by my short and curlies.
It's funny though. Even though Apple had arguably purposely gone and done this, you'll have the Apple faithful that think it's ok for Apple to do this to them and that they "deserve it" for violating the terms of their service agreement.
*Makes me wonder...*
everybody is up in arms with this decision. If Apple made this decision with OSx, all you iSheep will be licking Steve Jobs' balls saying "Oh thank you Steve. Whatever you say Steve. Can I lick your sweaty balls some more Steve?".
Why is it when MicroShaft makes a controversial decisions like this, it's wrong. BAD MS. Let's involve the International Antitrust Legislators. Blah blah blah. If Apple does it, it's ok? WTF.
I'm hearing a lot of crying about how linux is "so hard to use". If you people are so goddamn incompetent that you're having trouble, YOU SHOULD STICK TO OSX.... Because it "Just works" (except when it doesn't). Trained monkey's can be taught to point and click. Now leave me and my superior intellect alone as I recompile my custom Linux kernel to do magical things in the land of Fantasia!
No really, I too have seen things like this where fanaticism will overwhelm someone to say inappropriate things. Newbies feel intimidated by the comments of some ignorant bullies when they pose honest questions on a board. This should not happen regardless of your camp of choice. Win/Lin/Mac. Although it is fun at times to poke fun at other OS's, we must remain professional with our comments and foster goodwill and help to all that need it.
PS: Steve Jobs can suck by balls.
Where do I start??.....
If it doesn't run on Google's Android OS, I DON'T WANT IT.
A contract is a contract guys. You have to finish what you started so in the mean time, SUCK IT UP BUTTERCUP.
The huge discounts / subsidy's apply when said telco locks you in for said period. The same would apply if you were to lose or break your phone. You have to pay full price for a new one if your contract is not up!