Would this
be considered.... Fragmentation??
108 publicly visible posts • joined 14 May 2009
Keep smoking that Crack and sipping the Cupertino Kool-Aid.
Do you know what you are talking about? Have you ever owned a high-end Android device? If you did, you would not spout out those lies. Those devices are superior to any iPhone to date. Android is gaining market share at an astounding rate for a reason - Android is good.
>>> iPhone is for people who can't afford an iPhone.
If you get the phone on a two or three year contract, most high-end Androids are the same price if not more than the iPhone 4 so there goes your theory genius.
The iPhone is a nice device but do you ever think that people *may not like the iPhone?*
Move along troll.
supposed to be a joke? No Android user I know of (I know many) has any of these issues. I certainly don't. For what it's worth, I hear of a lot more issues with the iPhone than any Android phone. For a phone that touts itself to "Just Work", it's doesn't always.
I think you would hear more of these "issues" with Android on more tech sites if they were true. But somehow I don't think they are.
>>At this rate, Android will shame Steve Jobs and Apple in much the same way the Cupertino cult was shamed by Microsoft Windows two decades ago.
Yup, that just about sums it up!
The Little Green Robots are coming!
That's a shame. If Stevie-Boy wasn't such a douch-bag, locking the platform down like Fort Knox, the iPhone could have been really magical.
But, like all idiots, they don't learn from their mistakes... Two decades ago.
If the clowns over at Redmond are wondering why IE is losing market share, JUST USE CHROME FOR 5 MINUTES then compare with IE 7/8. See the difference???
Ugh, IE is the absolute worse browser you can use. Each time I see a friend using IE, watching the pointer stall and stall, I ask them if they have ever tried Google's Chrome browser. Usually, they have never heard of it. They usually let me install it on their machines and a few days later, they will get back to me as to how much snappier their browsing experience is.
I'm sure MS has some smart cookies working for them. Why can't they put out some slick software like Google?
sounds like something Apple would do. Offer a function and remove it later at their whim. But like all things Apple, the loyal fanbois would never questions it.
Sony should get their heads out of their a$$es and do the right thing. Restore 'Other OS' capabilities like they originally advertised the PS3 of having.
I can tether my netbook to my phone with a few mouse clicks. I already have a data plan for my phone. Avoids me paying for two data plans.
You CANNOT do this with an iPad. You would have to shell out for a 3G version of the iPad and pay for a data plan for the right to use the internet on the road.
Sounds like a scam to me.
This reminds me of when I was 7, I asked my parents if I could do something. I would ask and wait fearfully as they sat back, crossed their arms, frowned, and replied "NO". I would be devastated.
All the little iTards out there waiting fearfully for Evil Steve's response.... A thundering "NO".
And they all broke down in tears. Devastated.
..The act of breathing. They have a cunning way of receiving a patent for the obvious, then beating someone over the head with it when someone comes remotely close.
They probably have someone that works for the USPTO on the Apple Board of Directors. Granting them patents left and right.
..Would anyone buy a netbook when you can buy a shiny new iPad? Just wait, when the Moses Tablet is finally available to us unworthy mortals, it will signal THE END of those junky netbooks.
Why buy a piece of crap when you can splurge on some shiny superior Apple kit? Yes you can't install the (non-Apple approved) programs(s) of your choice, yes you can't hold it with two hands and thumb type, yes you can't get a good viewing angle when you're seated at a table and it's laying flat, yes Apple has you by the short and curly's when it comes to downloading content without iTunes. But hey, it's still an Apple and it's all about the 'User Experience'. This survey will seem like a joke 6 months from now.
I feel sorry for all you netbook toting fools. Apple is the only way to go. That's what the Church of Jobs keeps telling us.
in Evil Steve's universe... Not in his lifetime.
I'll go with the snowballs chance in hell rather than Evil Steve allowing such mix and match concepts.
Come to think of it, I don't think you can do that with most electronic devices. They're pretty much disposable appliances these days. Break it, if it's not under warranty, turf it, buy new one.
>> I hate them
Fine. Go ahead and hate them. Just think where we would be without Google. Still working with 10mb webmail accounts, search engines that are useless, no real threat to Microsoft, and lots of other things.
If I had a choice of of Microsoft or Google, I know who I'd go to bed with...
>> Googlephone users are wankers
So what of it? What are you trying to say?
Haven't you heard that classical song "The Internet is for Porn"? Youtube it sometime.
I love choice. If I don't like it, I don't buy it. Period. You sure can't get it on St. Stevie's little status symbol - And that irritates you iPhone users because you lot are bigger wankers than us Gphone users.
That study seems to make sense. I was at a Best Buy bringing my wife's HP laptop in for the 3rd frickin time. At the service counter, two people brought in their Mac laptops with issues. They did not seem too enthusiastic about being there.
Looks like the 'superior' Mac hardware doesn't seem so bullet-proof after all as the stats prove. Perhaps Apple should change their slogan to "It just works... Except when it doesn't"
>By Steven Raith "While I agree that Mac OS dropping Atom is a nonews tale as far as official apple users are concerned, this is a tech site, and a certain subsection of users will no doubt be active in the Hackintosh community,..."
So which one are you Simon? A user, a techie or a tosser?
Looks like Apple is trying to suck up to Verizon, begging on their hands and knees to put the iPhone on the Nations Best 3G Coverage Network!
"Oh Mr. Seidenberg, please allow us to place our humble iPhone 3GS World Phone on your kick-ass network" "We've learned our lesson with AT&T and we're willing to loose our massive phone subsidy just so we can sell more iPhones to your loyal customers".
(Seidenberg)"Thanks for the offer Stevie-boy, we'll think about it..." "I'll get back to you."