Social Networking, Social Censorship
It seems to me that some people object and some people don't, some people think they are idiots and uneducated and some thing they should be allowed to discuss the evidence and find out the facts and draw their own conclussions (these might be right or wrong but we are all allowed our opinion).
I haven't read or joined the group and don't know if the "hatred of jews" comment is correct either but encouraging hatred of any group, race, etc is not what any reasonable person wants. But banning a group on the opinions of a few people is also not correct, you could equally argue Fake Moon Landing groups should be banned because they are spreading lies but this is ridiculious.
Facebook can work around the issues by allowing users to vote for closing a group, if enough users (not sure how you would work that out e.g. objections are larger than member) then the group is closed by the Network as the "public" has dememed it to be "antisocial".
That way the majority is allowed to say if something is "ok" and in general small groups which don't offend anyone will remain, this is ofcourse open for abuse as larger groups could shut smaller groups by getting their member to vote but I',m sure some manual checking of the groups being banned could eliminate this.
Just my thoughts and would appreciate any comments.