Sounds like the whole system was designed to defraud people entitled to unemployment benefits. Presumably the rules will be applied both ways, so anyone who has been falsely accused of fraud will be entitled to receive five times their losses?
Posts by Ian Thomas
21 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Apr 2006
Fraud detection system with 93% failure rate gets IT companies sued
AMD does an Italian job on Intel, unveils 32-core, 64-thread 'Naples' CPU
Splunk: Why we dumped Perforce for Atlassian's Bitbucket of Gits
Mozilla wants woeful WoSign certs off the list
Re: How decides, whom I trust ?
Someone has to decide for everyone, because site owners need to know that you'll trust their certificate.
If you don't trust a CA then what are you personally going to do about it? All you can do is not use sites that use their certificate (which could be a big pain). If Mozilla don't trust a CA, then they basically put them out of business. That threat alone should encourage CA to be reputable. dumps Oracle and Microsoft, gulps AWS Kool-Aid
Hacked in a public space? Thanks, HTTPS
Console makers game the EU Commission to avoid energy-use law
"the Sony PS4 and Microsoft Xbox One consume two to three times more annual energy than the most recent models of their predecessors"
That's hardly a fair comparison, chip technology has moved on but the games they are required to play haven't. For a meaningful comparison you need to look at each console at the same stage in its lifecycle.
Redmond slow to fix IE 8 zero day, says 'harden up' while U wait
Re: ZERO unpatched vulnerabilities.
According to an answer from Microsoft, IE8 on Vista SP2 is supported until April 2017, so they really should be fixing this, at least on Vista.
On the other hand, Vista users do have the option of upgrading to IE9. If I were Microsoft I'd be telling people to upgrade to newer versions of IE, rather than turning off important features.
Half of youngsters would swap PRIVACY for... cheaper insurance
Re: Pah!
You joke, but you (and 95% of other drivers) probably are, at least in terms of financial cost to insurance companies.
Some of the worst drivers will cause huge claims against them, so a large percentage of drivers will have lower claims than the average (i.e. mean). It might not be quite 95%, but I doubt it will be much less.
Re: Understandable
Nice idea, but you need the safe 19yos to subsidise the dangerous ones.
For example, 1000 teenagers insure their cars for a total revenue of £2m. 10% of those make a claim with an average cost of £20k, meaning the insurer breaks even.
If they only charged the accident-free drivers £400 then the total revenue would be £560k and the insurer would be making a huge loss. To break even, they would need to charge the dangerous drivers £16,400. Basically if you had an accident you wouldn't be able to drive again until you were 25 unless you had loads of money.
Even with the current system this is a problem. I know a female driver under 25 who had a slow speed collision with a push chair. The police put the blame firmly with the mother (checking that the road was clear for herself and forgetting that she had a push chair sticking out in front of her), but the mother is seeking compensation for the child's injuries. As such my friend is not currently driving, and has had to turn down jobs because they required you to operate your own car.
Customers dumping Samsung phones in wake of Apple suit
Odd logic
Assuming the stats are accurate, I can't see any reason why people would be trading in their old samsung phones for a new iPhone, which is what the article implies.
I suspect what is happening is that loyal Samsung customers are trading up from an old Samsung model to a new one in case the new one gets banned (or because they think all Samsung phones are being banned).
Advertisers slam Microsoft over 'Do not track' decision
2011's Best... Games
Mozilla strokes coders with Firefox 6
Microsoft: IE9 not yet 'broadly' available
Give it a chance
Most of the people who are likely to download a browser without prompting won't be using IE as their main browser, so it's not surprising that marketshare hasn't rocketed.
Give the corporations a chance to roll it out to their desktops and let Microsoft push out an update for non-technical folks and it'll start seeing some more significant gains.
Oh, by the way, there was a blog post on complaining about exactly this sort of article written about Firefox. His complaint was that they were comparing direct downloads of Firefox 4 with auto-updates of Firefox 3.6.
How I went from punting PCs to betting a quarter billion on Betfair
Google illegally divulges user searches, suit claims
Blame HTTP and your browser, not Google
Anyone want to point out that it's not google that sends the search terms to the site you visit, but your browser (assuming it's not Chrome of course). Sure, Google could prevent the information from being shared, but the same issue would still exist for every other website out there.
If they are really worried, I'm sure it wouldn't be to hard to extend/modify a browser to never send referrer headers.
PS4 and Xbox 720 due by 2012, says Crysis firm
What conditions disqualify you from donating blood?
HIV paranoid
If you thing Q12 is bad (and it doesn't just apply to gay men, it covers any man who has ever had sex with another man - even if it was just receiving one blow job years ago), then look at Q16. A woman who has had sex with the said one-blow-job-man must wait 12 month before giving blood.
Firefox under fire from multiple security bugs
Cannot be directly compared with IE
Remember that Mozilla's bug finding & fixing process is much more open than those of Microsoft and other companies, therefore bugs which might have been quietly fixed in a private organisation become public knowledge with Mozilla.
The good news is that Firefox has no known vulnerabilities rated higher than 'Less Critical' (2/5)