That's mental!
In 2000 a GFlop cost $1000 its now under $3.
47 publicly visible posts • joined 4 May 2007
I was just a boy when the infidels came into my village in their Black Hawk helicopters. The infidels fired at the oil fields and they lit up like the eyes of Allah. Burning oil rained down from the sky and cooked everything it touched. I could only hide myself and cry as my goats were consumed by the fire of black liquid death. In the midst of the chaos, I could swear that I heard my goats... screaming for help. As quickly as they'd come the infidels were gone. It was on that day... I put a jihad on them. And if you don't believe it, then you'd better kill me now, because I'll put a jihad on you too.
Or the prices will go up. The government loves taxing stuff that gets you wasted. Wobbilies were one squid last time i checked, down from a fiver. That's consumer power for you, a night of dancing and no need to buy a drink for a quid!
Must dash now, off to murder some grannies and steal their pension to pay for my drug addiction. Being the head of a global bank during in these hard times means expenses won't cover my habit.
Having FAST technology nailed onto Sharepoint is counterintuitive. There are many reasons why FAST is under investigation, the main reason is because its technology wasn't good enough for high end enterprise and no-one bought the stuff, so they has to lied about their sales figures.
Still, blow 1.3bn! on a company you can't just screw up the software and throw it in the trash along with the CEO. Or could you?
I like guns because when the bullet flies out at hypersonic speed with loads of fire and noise and collides with a bad guys head and the brains and bloood splurt everywhere and they get picked off their feet and thrown against a in the air screaming "yeaaarkgeeerrrr" then lie there twiching with massive internal injuries and blud everywhere and somebody nearby screams "Medic!" and more people grab guns.
Like that JFK guy. OMG, that's an awesome film like his brain explodes all over his new cadillac!
Your's sincerely,
A. Mary Canne.
A Toyota Prius takes around 115 mmBTU (million BTU) to manufacture and uses 330 mmBTU in its lifetime. Thats the equivalent a third of its lifetime fuel usage in the few days of its construction not counting the waste of good space on our roads the loss of non recycled materials and disposal of dangerous chemicals.
The ratio becomes worse as cars get more efficient to the point at which the manufacture is more wasteful than the car over its life. Its a truth that will spell the demise of the big car companies unless they change. Most of them are on the brink already.
As the cars become more efficient the cost of manufacture and fuel will rise accordingly. The only people that are left with the bill are you and I the consumers. The only thing is it wont save our environment, GM or Merseyside's economy for that matter.
Has anybody actually worked out efficiency levels for electric vehicles, use of raw materials, toxins + heavy metals in the batteries. I'm sure building anything like this will only be good for those learjet owning car bosses.
A better idea would be a single seater electric vehicle on a basic recyclable frame with interchangable power packs, like a 21st century Sinclare C5 that you can drive onto trains for long distance.
Meanwhile I'll continue to overtake my driving workmates to the office on my bicycle.
Mike you shouldn't need 2-4Gb of ram to run an operating system at a decent speed, I don't care how times have moved on and technology has changed, that just takes the piss. I've go a dencent pc, built with 2007 components but when i started using vista it dragged itself around like a 2 legged dog. It never crashed but it took months to finally work out that I had to turn off all Vista's new functions to get it up to speed. That's the problem, you need a level of technical know-how to turn off all these features to get the thing running, and most users don't have that. It was built by geeks for geeks.
Hasn't this guy got anything better to do, if he doesn't like the job, leave, forget about it and get on with stuff. He must have had a massive complex about this position in the company and needed to feel powerful. That's what being a network administrator does to you... No life and his only friend the computer, looser.
Most families I know can't afford waste and recycle as much as they can in the current overpriced sloppy council collection system. As for wastage the government actively support supermarkets business models which is a combination of cheap and cheerful plastic wrapped crap and if not bought its then thrown out. If the government wan't to change things tax the supermarkets for every ton wasted or not recycled or not given to homeless who need the food. Then we might be able to start recycling properly. Its so completely half assed at the moment.
I'm going back to my tesco's dumpster now.
Disturbing as it may be, Dream Pinball 3D isn’t even worth a rental unless you’re some sort of diehard pinball fan. Even if you are, why the hell would you pay for this? There are better free pinball games out there. Even at a budget price, Dream Pinball feels like a ripoff. The interface is amatuer-ish. There are only six tables, and they’re basically identical (and identically bad). The themes are wacky, but they don’t justify the $20 price tag. I can’t even recommend it to those desperate for a pinball game. The Williams Collection that was recently released seems far better than this piece of shovelware.
The defence team should have let the jury play it.
of aliens zooming around our galaxy, or even humans evolving on a rock floating in space. Probably about the same.
It seems impossible to most people with our current understanding, but even now the possibilities of what is capable in science and the physical universe is only just opening up to us. We're still a fossil fuel buring neanderthal species that had its industial revolution 200 years back and electronic revolution last generation.
Why is it so unbelievable, and if these ufo's are around there's nothing you can do about it, the worst that can happen is you'll probably get probed where the sun don't shine.
Jeez, this would have never happened if there had been CCTV installed in every house in the country to watch over these vicious bastards. By having cameras in every room we'd ensure that nothing bad was happening and this evil genius couldn't carry out his horrific hacking skills.
Ship him off to some sweat box in a Texas Jailhouse and let the Pentagon get on with dealing with those radical Iraqi militant muslim crazies and the new Iranian enemy. We've got a war on terror guys, our governments have to do everything in their new powers to protect us.
End of discussion,they know it we know it. Computing is changing, get ubuntu or just stay on xp.
I think Vista was a big mistake for Microsoft, and it will cost them a lot or possibly all of their market share eventually. They seem to be failing in every area of the market at the moment.
and we seem to becoming more insignificant by the minute. The church better get a grip or we'll all start rioting, creating anarchy and worshiping false prophets. How can we ever cope without the Churches moral guidance and the deep ingrained belief that we are the pinnacle of God's creative wonderment.
I wonder what the alien pope looks like.
Sounds amazing I gotta get some of this shit. It sounds like many people died in putting together this report on lethal skunk, I'll read up to see who their supplier was.
The government have go a habit of making stuff leathal like war, depleted uranium munitions, pesticides, nerve gas, landmines. I think I'll just settle for lethal skunk.
It seems that most large sports are governed by old cronies that have there own personal vendettas, bias opinions or Napoleon complexes. The FIA seem hell bent on destroying the reputation of the sport they are there to protect.
This latest decision has made me give up on Formula one altogether. I hope it dies now and something fairer and more entertaining comes along.
So the answer to all our problems is electric cars?? The fact that more resources and energy is wasted in building and scrapping a car than is ever used in driving the thing during its lifetime seems to be lost on people.
Maybe stop buying cars completely and use a bicycle, train, pedalo etc...
An ecofriendly car is an oxymoron.
But what you going to do about it. Were watching them, they're watching us watching them, its all like one big lab experiment. They were probably watching the dinosaurs and look what happened to them.
Hopefully if there really are visitors they'll do something practical for us one day. Like intervene when humankind crash and burn.