* Posts by Dave Parry

6 publicly visible posts • joined 11 May 2009

Naughty sysadmins use dark magic to fix PCs for clueless users

Dave Parry

Re: "Mechanical Sympathy" and magic

I concur with the above. However, for user consumption, I referred to the effect as my 'Guru Field'

National Grid's new designer pylon is 'too white and boring' – Pylon Appreciation Society

Dave Parry

Why stop at 'T'? Surely we need other letters if we're going to scatter the land with rude words - shouldn't we have started with 'E'? So long as it's not in Comic Sans...

Tinder Plus charges oldies MORE to ogle young hotties' pics

Dave Parry

Re: Obvious question

Not true since October 2012 - although the legislation is fairly toothless and the particular instance here is allowable - as long as they phrase it in the form of an age-based concession, rather than a surcharge on the elders. See para 4 of The Equality Act 2010 (Age Exceptions) Order 2012.

Obama to overhaul heinous US patent system

Dave Parry

Crusty Prior Art

Ah; that would be the (now protected) Cornish Pasty handle - the only thing I'd be concerned about is the Buck House caterers being accused of licence evasion by cutting the crusts off before serving the sarnies....

Motorola uncloaks 10.1-inch Xoom fondleslab

Dave Parry


I live on a narrowboat. Having the GPS claim that I'm moving vertically when I'm not makes it much harder to then plot the position of locks on the canal that I'm traversing. So, I'd count this as a definite plus on the sensor front.

Now all I need is a real-time remote beer condition sensor for the pubs en route....

IBM files patent for shorter meetings

Dave Parry

Swap the 'problem' around

Don't allow multiple units of a fixed standard length of time - only allow single units of multiple lengths of time - eg 'this meeting will last for one jiffy, real soon now', 'this review will occur when pigs fly for one moment', 'the project final release pub-crawl will occur when hell freezes over and last the rest of your life'