It's all pointless
Discussing the need and 'correct' level of taxation is pointless.
If England truly was an island (in financial terms) with absolutley zero effect being exerted by external forces then the calculation would be simple.
There is absolutely no way the population of the country can both spend enough money on goods and services + tax to pay for both our salaries as well as all those other pesky things we need like roads and health care etc.
It therefore becomes obvious that the only thing that can possibly drive us forward is an external force of which there are limited options:
1. Foreigners buying our goods thereby pumping cash into our economy.
2. Somone else living way below what we define as the poverty line in order to carry out the tasks needed to move us forward.... like manufacturing.
This simple truth is quite a scary one because it inevitably leads to the conclusion that on a global scale the current way of doing things can never lead to a great life for all.
So, quit whining about tax and start building that fallout shelter cos when a billion Chinese wise up and start looking for our standard of living and the oil runs out what do you think is going to happen?