Re: I'm always surprised at the naivity of people
@Christian Berger:
"I mean seriously, what do you expect to happen if you download software the creator refuses to give you the source code? Why would anybody keep the source code from you other than wanting to defraud you?"
What earthly use is the bloody source code to someone who has no clue about programming?
People who can read source code and understand what it does – and who also happens to have lucked-out in becoming expert[1] in the same programming language(s) as the original developer – are unlikely to be ignorant enough to install such malware in the first place!
However, NOBODY can be an expert in every field of human endeavour. IT is just one field among many. How would you like to be told that you got exactly what was coming to you every damned time your ignorance of a particular subject betrayed you? How would you like it if every time you failed to make a multinational corporation compliant with the likes of Sarbanes-Oxley and ISO 20001, you saw someone pointing and laughing at your ignorance and calling you a "n00b"?
So much for your accusation of naïveté: We are ALL ignorant. We're just ignorant about different things.
Most people don't want to build their cars from scratch, nor do they particularly care how they work. They'll happily buy a Ford Fiesta, or a BMW, or whatnot, and simply drive the thing. All cars share one common feature: their core user interface. Some details will change from car to car, but if you've learned to drive in a Vauxhall Astra, it's a fair bet you can work out how to drive a FIAT Punto or any other make and model of car built since the 1950s.
For every James May, who could cite chapter and verse from the relevant Haynes manual for each car, there are a hundred Jeremy Clarksons, who couldn't give a toss how the bloody machine actually works. Yet most developers still believe everyone who has any contact at all with a computer should be like James May.
The IT industry has moved on quite a bit since the 1960s and '70s.
Open Source has become an anachronism. It is very much part of the problem, not the solution. Forget GNU, Stallman and the FOSS movements: they're yesterday's causes. The problem today isn't source code, but interfaces[2].
Not just in the software, but across the entire chain – from box art to silicon chip, from API to documentation – it's all about interfaces, not code.
End users should not be required to read complicated EULAs to determine whether the code they've downloaded actually does what it says on the tin. Why shouldn't they be able to pay for virtual gatekeepers to screen such things on their behalf? This is exactly why companies like Apple and Amazon have opted to provide such "gated communities[3]" for their users.
Developers – and the IT community in general – really have only themselves to blame for this: you'll have massive flamewars over trivialities like tabs vs. spaces, while criticising the poor bloody users who have to put up with the ill-designed, barely usable, and barely-supported tripe you expect them to learn how to use. And then you think nothing of bundling in someone else's crap with your "free" software, because your definition of "free" isn't the same as the one in the dictionary.
The IT industry's problems aren't Apple's, Google's, Microsoft's or anyone else's fault but yours. You've had half a century of power, but you've chosen to ignore all the responsibilities that come with it. It's time that changed.
[1] There is a veritable Babel of programming languages out there, and merely reading some books and tinkering about with each of them does not make you an expert.
[2] This will come as a shock, but some of you clearly haven't understood what the "I" in "API" actually stands for. Or the purpose of good documentation. Similarly, a published data format is also an interface. Interfaces are everywhere.
[3] Google Play is the only "walled garden" out there. It has gardeners who react to problems after they've happened, not gatekeepers who stop the problems getting in in the first place.