Good publicity?
@Peter Milne:
You have to love Telecom's optimism. Vodafone caught them not playing by the rules, they admitted it (just not in so many words, but the fact they're spending money to fix the problem really does suggest), yet somehow they think this is a win for them?
Telecom here is forever going to be plagued by one problem though. Like the myriad of apple/iphone haters out there (myself included), there are scores of people (again, myself included) who - for various reasons usually relating to Telecom's screwing up of our telecommunications industry from the multi-decade stranglehold they held on it - hate Telecom so vehemently that even despite the small current technological advantage (Vodafone last I knew had not deployed HSUPA alongside their HSDPA network), the desire to not pay money to Telecom will win over.