Passenger Of Shit would have been better...
Ah, this reminds me so much of
How can so many horrible sources sound so good...
6 publicly visible posts • joined 4 May 2007
Bahahahahahaha! What a riot!,614703,614821#msg-614821
> More replicas will help with READ scenarios
One Master and many Slaves helps scale READs.
> but how can we enhance WRITE scenarios with multiple masters?
No, you can't. Period. End of discussion. Here's why: All writes must be performed on all replicas.
So it's freakin' useless for multimaster.
"Hello, I'm interested in sharding our data using mysql fabric. From everything I've read thus far mysql fabric requires that clients hit the shard key when making requests/queries. Is it possible to just use a vanilla SQL client like mysqlworkbench or sequel pro to query our sharded database without hinting?"
"It depends a little on what you want to do. There is no problems using a normal connector to connect to one of the servers in the sharded system, but the trick is figuring out which one. This is the functionality that a Fabric-aware connectors provides."
Rest in piss, libmysqlclient. You will not be missed.
Burn in Oracle, hell.
(Tip, go check out!)
I would figure a bluray burner would have better data retention capability due to the hard coating on the disc, as well as having a longer shelf life, resistance to magnetics (Ever have some jackoff with a bulk tape eraser wipe the wrong tape?) and more compatibility with restoring the backed up data. After all, anyone can pick up a bluray reader for $150 and a burner for $300. Plus with the death of HD-DVD, it's likely going to be integrated into most PCs anyway, as it's currently the only large-capacity optical storage solution left. Plus you can pick up 25GB BD-REs for $15ish and the 50GBs for about $40. But the prices will drop within a year, and the capacity will rise, as Hitachi releases it's 100GB four layer discs, TDK' working experimental discs capable of holding 200 GB using six 33 GB data layers and Ritek already demonstrated up to 10 25GB layers in a disc for 250GB of storage...
Mine's the one with the pockets full of 50GB BD-REs.
I live in California, I use comcast, and I bittorrent linux ISOs constantly (damn ubuntu's Hardy alphas).
As a network admin, I don't mind that they're throttling the bandwidth, as I do the same with Thibor on my WRT54G.
What DOES bother me is that Comcast is throttling traffic and not TELLING ANYONE how, why, or when they're doing this. The silence and lies are what pisses me off about this.
Oh well, one more reason to turn torrent protocol encryption on. I don't have anything to hide, but I prefer to manage my own bandwidth, thankyaverymuch.
Frankly, I'm surprised we're still using nasty bulky power supplies.
I have one of these running my full size ATX nforce2 motherboard. It takes a single 12V line in and generates all the different voltages needed by a motherboard. Why arn't these just built onto a motherboard? Your average PC power supply could be a lot smaller and more efficient if all it had to deliver was 12V and 5V. Plus you could do what I'm doing, and run a PC directly from a solar panel charged battery. I wish I could do the same with my monitor!
This is not new, I've been selling virtual bongs, hookahs and cocaine tables for nearly 2 years in second life.
420 Supplies, the original purveyor of smoking devices in Second Life...
Damnit, El Reg, you're waaay too late to be reporting on this.
And tell Simon to start making fun of SL in BOFH.