Really a surprise?
When you run a store with staff who know nothing selling overpriced goods?
We were replacing our fridge last year and looked at one with an inbuilt water dispenser and a big label on the front that says "pure filtered water" (or words to that effect) so we ask a chirpy store droid whether that includes limescale removal.
Cue a 5 minute trip to ask someone.
"No it doesn't just impurities"
"Oh like what?"
Cue an expression on her face that suggested we should know that our water is horribly impure and should always be drunk filtered.
"So do the filters need changing"
"Oh yes" she beamed "we have a subscription plan to sell you a years supply of filters so you don't need to worry about running out for £x" a horribly inflated price.
To top it all online they had the same fridge as a "special online only offer" with a slightly different product code for about £200 less. Are you surprised you're out of business when you treat customers like mugs?