Only solution, or just the easiest?
Well a better, cheaper solution to the above, uncommon problem than being the cause of a wide range of radio interference just for the sake of convenience, would be a phone socket in the office with the router plugged into that. Don't you have a phone in your office already though? If it's cordless, presumably the base unit is plugged into the phone socket downstairs too, in which case, your phone is working on the frequencies used by wifi, suggesting wifi will work fine. If it isn't cordless, then you have a socket with ADSL on it right in your office anyway.
The only arguments ever put forward for using these things rather than all the other, better solutions to home networking seem to be based on "won't". It's never "can't". Can't be arsed, maybe. Not a good enough position to be arguing for allowing widespread interference to radio devices over a massive 250mhz bandwidth. At the end of the ongoing legal tussles surrounding PLT, alternatives will probably have to be found anyway, so best find some other way in the first place and save time and money in the long run.