I didn't know the Reg was sending goons around to people's homes at the weekend to make them read these articles.
64 publicly visible posts • joined 21 Apr 2009
pedant - so an I became an i at some point in the editing process, big deal. And it's not as if the GTI is the subject of the review even.
As for the launch dates of the VW (August 1979 for the RHD Golf GTI in the UK IIRC) and 205 (April 1984), the author said that together they created the idea of the hot hatch in the "imagination" of Joe Public which I think is a fair enough statement. If you'd asked anyone in 1985/6/7 to name two hot hatches I bet you a pound to a penny they'd have said the Golf GTI and the 205GTi before any of the others (GTE, XR3i et al).
Eloquent piece but naive in the broader sense.
The US has been up to its elbows in the blood of the poor, the powerless, the yellow and the brown for the best part of a century (Vietnam, El Salvador, Guatemala, Chile, Iraq etc etc etc) but now that it has become clear that US spooks are looking at our emails journalists are up in arms and howling that the world is about to end.
Has this news seriously come as a surprise to anyone? Oddly enough about a year ago a friend of mine asked me if I though the intelligence services could or were looking at people's digital communications - the answer I gave was yes to both questions. It never occurred to me for a moment that they couldn't/weren't.
Getting misty eyed about the US Constitution is utterly facile. The governing class of the USA has been fucking over "the people" - be they the rank and file US citizenship or the rest of us on the planet - for a hundred years or more. And no, I don't think the governing class of the UK is any better, its just that the USA's power gives it more scope for abuse.
If anyone seriously thinks that the USA is any different from China in it's disregard for liberty, freedom and privacy then you seriously need to wake up.
shouldn't be overlooked.
I may never leave Android simply because I have work in Google Docks, files in Google Drive, I own a few books in Google Play Books, my paid-for apps are all Android, I have my pictures uploaded to Picasa and have my music library copied to Google Play Music. Gmail is my default for mail and contacts. Duplicating or moving all that into iOS or WP8 or BB10 would be a bit of a ball ache and would mean getting used to a new way of doing things. So I'll probably still be using Android in 2017 by dint of simple inertia. I imagine the same is true for many iCloud and SkyDrive users.
It's not that I necessarily think Android is better in terms of hardware or software, but its related cloud services are where I have my stuff and whenever I change devices one sign-in ties it all to the new device.
water powered flour mills and saw mills seemed to be pretty common throughout the Roman Empire. We constantly underestimate the ancients and doubt contemporary authors. Pliny the Younger' s description of the pyroclastic flow at Pompeii in 79AD was thought to be cobblers until quite recently.
I suspect Google is loving this - Facebook Home is arguably the first app to provide a simple and obvious reason for teens and avid Facebook users (and there are a lot of the latter) rather than those of us who like Android for it adaptability to want an Android handset rather than an iOS/WP8/BB10 device. The rest of the phone is still Android complete with Gmail, Maps, Drive, Picasa and such, Facebook has just pinched the lock screen. Even Google Now is still present and correct.
This is the first time Android has had a mass-appeal and highly publicized app that can't be had anywhere else.
I suspect the OP is thinking about the moral and ethical issues of waging war as a video game - where risking a fairly "cheap" drone as opposed to a multi million pound chopper and two crew members is likely to encourage a mindset among politicians and militarily commanders that risk-free "targeted killings" with all the incumbent risks of civilian deaths or just killing the wrong people is the best option in any given scenario.
The use of drones if far more than just a new delivery system for ordnance, it changes the risk calculations of military intervention to the point where killing people at long range becomes the option of first rather than last resort.
I think it fair to say the majority of drone strikes carried out in Afghanistan and Pakistan by the USA would more than likely not have been conducted by jet or helicopter had said drones not been available. That in turn would mean that quite a few local women and children would still be alive today.
"None of the staffers demoing the app were able to tell us if it's possible to put a lock screen in front of this."
hmm....I suspect said staffers where taken aback by the the question - the whole point of Facebook Home is that there isn't a lock screen.
If you want a dumb lock screen you don't use an app that punts live data onto a live lock screen (which is essentially what Facebook Home is) to start with.
What you asked was the same as "does the app have the functionality to do something entirely contradictory to the very point of the app?"
I wouldn't want a live social feed showing on my phone all the time. but I know plenty of Facebook users who would.
That's no skin off my nose 'cos I post nothing to my Facebook account that I wouldn't be happy with anyone seeing.
"I would love to hear what you think is a valid reason why a manufacturer, after years of including these ubiquitous memory card slots, suddenly stops the practice."
Because when SD cards were ubiquitous the average Android phone had 512MB of storage, not 32 or 64GB.
The advantages of MTP over USB mounting shouldn't need explaining so I won't bother.
Coincidentally I recall the same reviewer giving a really strong write up to your beloved Note 2 a while back....I dunno, maybe he just manages to see the good in different answers to the question "what's the ideal phone?".
If I think I'll need more power I just carry my 5,000mAh juice pack with me. It's a more flexible answer to the problem than carrying a spare battery and gives me an extra two charges rather than just one. That and USB-host pretty much negates the absence of a removable battery or micro SD card slot.
Sorry Greg but your being an idiot.
The author's opening lines are simply an attention grabber designed to get a rise from the overly opinionated (I'd say it worked) rather than "blasting" anyone. I'm not sure I would categorize all the people who criticize EV's as "libertarian yahoos" as he as done but I can see where he is coming from.
Would you have preferred a review that took half it's space describing the location, number and ease of access of EV charging points in Lisbon and how hard/easy it is to find one from the airport parking lot? Pretty pointless as I doubt anyone reading this lives in Lisbon let alone plans on running an EV in it.
What I got from the article is that the Zoe is in most ways competitive with the best new small hatchbacks, not quite as fast but more refined, and about the same cost to buy and that the electrical power train works well as does the car as a package - assuming you can live with the 70 odd miles between charges range which is highlighted several times.
Yes I get the feeling the author is a bit of a fan of the EV as a concept or at least is prepared to tolerate the inherent range limitations, but that's fair enough. I'm all for a little passion, enthusiasm and advocacy in my tech journalism. It's why I read the Reg.
As for comparing products - did I imagine it, or did the review not make several comparisons to the Leaf and Fluence in terms of range, styling, packaging and price?
about the parachute assault on Dien Bien Phu - Operation Castor. It worked perfectly with the exception of the first bulldozer slipping its parachute harness and free falling most of the way to the ground so delaying the opening of the runway by a few days. It was the rest of the plan - Operation Pollux - that went pear shaped.
Seriously doubt a ludicrous boys toy like this would have made any difference other than giving the Viet Minh AA gunners something else to shoot down.
If you don't like the cinema-going experience just don't go FFS. Nobody is forcing you. As you say, just buy the BD down the road. Take a look at recent box office numbers for Hobbit and Skyfall and you'll see "cinema" is far from dying which is good news for the millions of us who go regularly and enjoy it.
As for the rest of the pissing and moaning, if you do something you know to be illegal you have to live with the consequences even if you think the punishment is excessive. If you disagree, campaign to change the law.
Is the law perfect? No. If sentencing always proportionate? No. Is incarceration productive in the long run from a societal point of view? Probably not. Do we as adults know these things before we step over the line? Yes.
Grow up.
the wife and I have had several Dell and Samsung netbooks but now I have an AMD-driven HP Pavilion dm1 and she a Chromebook 3 as our second/travel machines. Neither is technically a netbook but both have 11.6inch screens, no optical drive and cost £290/£220 respectively so really they occupy the same market nich . The "netbook" is only dead if you are restricting the term to 10.1 inch 1024 x 600 Atom powered mini-laptops.
Oh please, enough of this Microsoft troll bullshit. How can you even begin to compare an OS you've never used with Android? It may well be better, but right now you have no bloody idea if it is or not. Get a life, get a girl, get a job, get something but please f**k off while you are doing it.
Flash is mentioned in the Monte Carlo review because it's an Android phone that doesn't play Flash video and the comparison is just to point out that the absence of Flash is not necessarily a reason to discount it. At least that's how I read it.
The Lumia doesn't have a "problem" with Flash, it's just not part of the OS spec. for good or ill. Ditto the iPhone.
As for SGSII not getting a look in, why should it? The Razr is thinner, lighter, tougher and the Galaxy Nexus has a bigger screen and shiny new version of Android. Yes it's a fine handset but the Android competition is now a little better.
When Bill Gates' turn comes I don't doubt the B&M Gates Foundation will figure prominently in the man's legacy. In all the copy I've read about Steve Jobs and Apple under his leadership I've read not one word about any part of either's vast fortune being put to charitable use in any way. Is this because they didn't or they did/do but keep it under wraps?
When a man is worth that much money and this much coverage surely attention must and should be paid to what he did outside the narrow confines of the business he worked in?
"The fundamental issue here is Lion's assumption that you don't know what you're doing, and it's going to ensure you're protected from cock-ups"
Change the word Lion for Apple and that line sums up my issue with most things fruity in a nutshell.
I grant you Ubuntu and Windows 7 (or Android for that matter) are not as graceful as their Apple equivalents, but they generally let me do the things I want to do in the way I want to do them and as the person who has paid for the bloody thing (well, the hardware in the case of Ubuntu) that's what I look for.
Not because I think the plane will fall out of the sky, but because I've been asked to by the flight attendant and it's the polite thing to do. Nothing worse than sitting by some know-all tw*t who insists on keeping his phone on and has to be asked three times to turn the thing off.
Last time I was next an idiot like I quietly told him to turn it off or I would turn it into a suppository. Bingo, phone off.
The Toyota iQ is in a completely different size class to the Jazz. Agreed it's cheaper and more economical but it's smaller and slower, has two less doors and if you move the rear seats back so that anyone other than a dwarf or under-8 can get in the boot vanishes. Makes as much sense as a comparison as saying a Fiesta is cheaper and more frugal than a Mondeo - of course it bloody is.
As for Jazz drivers, well my experience is that if I am stuck behind some twerp driving at 35mph in a 50 zone for no good reason said twerp is usually behind the wheel of a Nissan Micra or something with a Rover badge on it.
"Google’s cloudy calendar was the main reason I adopted Android as my mobile OS of choice" which I think implies you cannot use it elsewhere but it's not worth arguing about.
The reviewer's opening comment suggests it was Google's calender that drew him to Android because, I assume, Android offered him the convenience of one-sign-in sync. That's how I read it anyway.
Can't imagine any WinPhone 7 and Palm WebOS users feeling the need to clarify that Google calender can synch to their handsets. Must just be an Apple (user) thing.
As with an iPad, a BMW 3-Series or a bottle of Calvin Klein CK1 the price is what the market will support and has sod all to do with the genuine product cost-to-market.
Right now the Kindle, both as hardware and content, is a blazing success for Amazon, and until such time as that changes prices won't drop or until Amazon thinks that that a price drop will massively increase demand and consumption and thus overall profit.
And at the end of the day, like iPads, BMW's and CK1, eBooks are not essential purchases. If the price pisses you off so much, don't buy them.
I can't foresee any mechanic on the horizon that will force a drop in new published eBook prices so I suspect we will see some degree of parity between eBook and paper edition prices for some time to come.
PicSay - a photo editor unique to Android. The free version supports most basic editing needs while the €3.29 (£3.00) Pro version lets you go truly berserk with more effects than you can shake a stick at including colour popping, cutout insertion, cropping and straightening. Come the day an Android phone arrives with an 8MP snapper, Xenon flash and decent optics PicSay will be even more worthwhile, as things stand it's ideal for adding a little pep to your Facebook uploads.