* Posts by Rob Welsh

27 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Apr 2009

Apple takes Snow Leopard for walk

Rob Welsh

To all you moaning gits...

...evolve or die. Power PC's can't be supported forever, after all this isn't Windows XP - thank fuck. The 64 bit Snow Leopard will become the professionals choice of OS. It allows backwards compatibility with 32 bit software thus allowing for a gradual third party software upgrade path and allows for more efficient use of GPU capabilities.

Windows is a fucking joke in comparison and don't even mention Blu-Ray, downloadable HD content is the future (just have a look at whats happening with the Xbox and Sky this year) DVD's, like CD's, are almost history.

Oh sorry you can't play games on it, get a console. Mind you SIMS 3 seems to be pretty good on my iMac.

Apple punts batterylicious MacBook Pros

Rob Welsh


Mind you, you could always buy a really reliable Acer 15.4" with top notch customer support and that super duper operating system Windows Vista..... then again, nah I think I'd rather do some fucking work.

Also if you're car is only worth £1500 then perhaps you should consider the government scraping scheme, if you're from the UK of course.

Russians offer hackintosh netbook

Rob Welsh


"We have designed and implemented a special method to make the computers fully compatible with Mac OS X." - special method - LOL!.

"The company guarantees that all the components - Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, video, webcam etc - will work and that the OS will be stable." - guarantees - LOL

The only other line missing from this is "We also guarantee to take your money and never be seen again once we've shifted enough units."

Still MAC OS X running on a netbook - suck on that Microsoft - Windows Vista bahhhhhh!

Vatican declares 'the internet is blessed'

Rob Welsh


...how we've moved on from the times of Galileo. Who gives a crap what these dresswearing freaks say! Try blessing the use of contraception in third world countries and help stop the spread of AIDS you fucking useless bunch of inbreds.

Sims 3 leaked two weeks before release

Rob Welsh

SIMS 3...

...my missus will be made up and I will be moving out.

Billy Bragg: Three-strikes lobbying is 'shameful'

Rob Welsh

Fuck the music industry..

..if these pricks incorrectly have my my internet connection shut off and deny me access to a service I use for a myriad of critical work and home related tasks, I'll sue them for loss of earnings and anything else that causes by family increased stress and trouble. Who the fuck do these wankers think they are!?

Rumor rubberizes iPhone 3.0

Rob Welsh

All speculation...

....personally I hope Apple keep moving forward with this product, as it's second incarnation is clearly no where near perfect. That said it's still one of, if not 'the' most innovative hand held devices around today - onwards!

Downing Street on Phorm: 'Meh'

Rob Welsh
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....these pricks out NOW! Bunch of thieving, corrupt, scum!

Microsoft's answer to MobileMe goes public

Rob Welsh

Why bother....

....Gmail account, Dropbox, free, sorted!

Malware infested MPs' PCs inflate leak risk

Rob Welsh

Can't this be solved...

...with a VPN based thin client solution?

Hubble packing shiny new camera

Rob Welsh
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John Grunsfeld, Drew Feustel, Mike Good and Mike Massimino - you the men. Long live Hubble.

Snow Leopard, Jobs to miss Apple geekfest

Rob Welsh

@AC 09:03

"RIP Steve" - childish.

"and your dull uninspiring company." - eh? explain please or fuck off back to your bridge!

Apple: No Jesus on the Jesus Phone

Rob Welsh

Now ban the Bible and the Quran...

...because religion is fucking bollocks.

Telstra bins UK support staff

Rob Welsh


"Our revenues exceed £9.4 billion and we delivered profits in excess of £1.845 billion last year."

So why the fuck are you outsourcing? Wankers!

Pirate Win 7 ruse used to build botnet

Rob Welsh

Microsoft Windows 7...

...awesome! The O FUCK starts now!

Watchdog bans Natasha Richardson ski helmet ad

Rob Welsh


Yeah and I'm a fucking tree frog!

Virgin Media to add 500k homes to cable network

Rob Welsh

Virgin Media?

How ironic given they're everybody's whore. Phorm, 3strikes rule..... I fired them off and won't be going back.

France says 'Oui!' to three strikes for music pirates

Rob Welsh
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One word..


Microsoft: Windows 7 release in August '09

Rob Welsh

@Marc Spillman

Shut up you tool!

Film industry turns up P2P heat on Carter

Rob Welsh


"John Woodward, head of the UK Film Council, also part of the coalition making today's call, said at the conference that 800,000 jobs in the film, TV and recording industries were threatened by illegal peer to peer."

Fuck off! Just fuck off. The reason why 800,000 jobs in the UK film, TV and recording industries are threatened is because they don't have the financial backing of the kind found in America. Therefore they are constantly living on a knife edge.

You need to start using the Internet as a promotion tool, not banning people from it you thick bastards.

Apple bars 2.0 code from App Store

Rob Welsh

I used to be an Apple fan?

WTF are you talking about? It's not about being a fan, it's about moving standards forward. Agreed it shouldn't be about $'s. Apple should give developers a reasonable amount of time to upgrade their apps. If they don't do it tough shit, evolve or die.

Microsoft: Don't rush to download Windows 7 RC

Rob Welsh

1Gb and 1Ghz?

Smells like bullshit to me. What exactly can you run with that, paint and fucking textpad? For goodness sake surely someone has tested this claim by now....

Ballmer email kicks off second round of Microsoft layoffs

Rob Welsh

Thanks for all your hard work......

.......now fuck off. Of course I'll still be paid my astronomically obscene wages for consistently making a twat out of myself on stage and for being at the helm during the period when Microsoft sold arguably their shittest OS to date, but hey ho that's how it goes....

..... mines the one with the Vista MCP badge.

Apple drives iPhone app developers to the brink

Rob Welsh
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I think Apple should respond with free laptops all round.

Acer nails Windows 7 for October release

Rob Welsh
Gates Horns

Microsoft arse....

Yep, yet again lies and more lies from your friendly neighbourhood software monopoly. I predict a future column will read 'ACER helps nail Windows 7's coffin shut due to users still insisting on XP'.

If anyone buys this crap after what Microsoft has pulled with Vista, they must be thick as shit.

Windows 7 — It’s like Vista, only less annoying

Rob Welsh

Too late

I've already moved to MAC OS X because I want to just work and not fight with my OS everyday. I would have moved to Ubuntu but it's not quite filling all my requirements yet. Also I'm furious at Microsoft for producing Vista and selling it to me for £200, then admitting it was basically a piece of crap, nice one - wankers!

Apple rides fanbois to popularity crown (again)

Rob Welsh

Or maybe it's Vista!?

Fuck Vista, Fuck Microsoft, Fuck Steve Balmer. Users want software that works, not the virus infested shit that the Redmond tossers keep pumping out. Not only that but fair pricing for education, CAL's my arse, £15000 worth of bollock all every fucking year the thieving bastards.

Ok, rant over.... I'll get my coat.