Nicely done
I hate to say it, but ... I really like what I've seen so far ;-)
7 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Apr 2009
"[...] contends that LightSquared's estimate of 5 cents per device for better filtering is entirely untested and no better than a guess"
It is an estimate. Therefore it isn't tested. Also, most people would assume that an estimate ~= a guess anyway.
Where did you drag this author up from? PHP is a rich and powerful language with immense possibilities. Citing its use by the underqualified is like trying to say that vehicles should be banned because some drivers are idiots. PHP has quickly become one of the backbones of the web for very good reasons - and not just because it eases the learning curve for newbies.
I really fail to see any part of this article that makes sense or is based in any kind of reality. IT is a heavily biased article from someone who clearly doesn't know what they're talking about. This is a good example of someone decrying something because they don't understand it. It's synonymous with burning people as witches in the middle ages because they were left handed.